Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock
| - You have won every match in the Champion Series.
- A Step Forward (15 points)
| - You have won every match in the Tutorial Series.
- Body Building (10 points)
| - You have won the Gym Stage Boss match in the Champion Series.
| - You have played online multiplayer matches 20 times.
| - You have won every match in the Casual Series.
| - You have won the first match in Champion Series.
| - You have obtained every Move.
- Down and Dirty (15 points)
| - You have won the first match in Underground Series.
- Fashion Conscious (5 points)
| - You have obtained at least 10 new Costume pieces.
| - You have played an online multiplayer match for the first time.
- It’s a Picnic (15 points)
| - You have won the first match in Casual Series.
- Promising Star (5 points)
| - You have created your first wrestler.
- Pulling the Weeds (10 points)
| - You have won the Garden Stage Boss match in the Casual Series.
| - You have played all of the Bonus Stages.
- Taking out the Trash (10 points)
| - You have won the Street Stage Boss match in the Underground Series.
- Tricks of the Trade (5 points)
| - You have obtained at least 10 new Moves.
| - You have defeated a Friend during an online multiplayer match.
- Underground Champ (15 points)
| - You have won every match in the Underground Series.
- Wardrobe Master (5 points)
| - You have obtained every Costume piece.
- World Champion (15 points)
| - You have defeated the World Champion! Now you're at the Top!