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Ambassador Dennis Crocker: In NCR Embassy, play or take. Blake: In Crimson Caravan Company, purchase cards from Blake. Chet: In Goodsprings, purchase cards from Chet. Cliff Briscoe: In Novac, inside the Dino Dee-lite Gift Shop or inside Dinky. Play or take. Dale Barton: In The Fort, near the Legate’s Gate. Play or take. Isaac: In Gun Runners, play Isaac, or get his cards from him using any desired method. Johnson Nash: In Primm, inside the Vikki and Vance Casino. Play or take. Jules: In North Vegas Square, near the Squatters. Play or take. Keith: In Aerotech Office Park, inside Suite 200. Play or take. Lacey: In Mojave Outpost, propping up the barracks bar. Play or take. No-bark Noonan: In Novac, in his shack, or around town. Play or take. Little Buster: In Camp McCarran, near the First Recon tents. Play Little Buster, or take his cards. Old Lady Gibson: In Gibson Scrap Yard, purchase cards from Old Lady Gibson. Poindexter: In Camp Golf, take them. Private Jake Erwin: In NCR Embassy, play or take. Prospector Corpse: In Central Sewers, at Prospector's Rest, inside the sewer. Loot the corpse. Prospector Corpse: In Deathclaw Promontory, on a corpse, surrounded by deathclaws. Prospector Corpse: In Nevada Highway Patrol Station, on a corpse, in the cells. Prospector Corpse: In Prospector's Den, on a corpse, inside the dorm room. Prospector Corpse: In Prospector's Den, on a corpse, just outside the cave entrance. Prospector Corpse: In Prospector's Den, on a corpse, placed randomly inside the cave. Prospector Corpse: In Prospector's Den, on a corpse, placed randomly inside the cave. Prospector Corpse: In Prospector's Den, on a corpse, placed randomly inside the cave. Prospector Corpse: In Scorpion Gulch, on a corpse, near the ramp, in the ravine. Quartermaster Mayes: In Camp Forlorn Hope, inside his tent. Play or take. Ringo: In Goodsprings, inside the Gas Station. Play or take. He also gives you your first deck.
Arcade Israel Gannon Location: Arcade Gannon is a member of the Followers Of The Apocalypse with a mysterious past, and can be found in the Old Mormon Fort. Perk: Better Healing allows you to regain 20% more health from all sources such as Stimpaks, Doctor's Bags, food, etc. Upgrade: Hoover Dam help or Tesla Armor as a gift when you complete the quest. Cass Location: Cass (a.k.a. Rose of Sharon Cassidy) is a caravan merchant and the daughter of John Cassidy, and can be found at the Mojava Outpost inside the Mojava Outpost Barracks sitting at the bar drinking. You must complete the "Heartache By The Number" quest to start the process of being able to recruit her. You must then complete the "You Can Depend On Me" quest from Alice McLafferty. Note: Additional quests may come up during these quests depending on the choices you make and how you are playing the game. Perk: Whiskey Rose gives you and Cass a higher damage level when you both drink whiskey. You will also not suffer intelligence loss from consuming alcohol and ignoring the effects of alcohol addiction. Upgrade: Hand Of Vengeance or Calm Heart. The Hand Of Vengeance allows Cass to do 15% additional damage with all guns, and to have better skills with guns. The Calm Heart gives Cass +50 HP, and makes her survive longer during combat. Craig Boone Location: Craig Boone is a very talented ex-NCR sniper with a grudge against Caesar's Legion, and can be found inside the Dino's mouth guarding the town of Novac after 9 p.m. You must complete the "One For My Baby" quest that he gives you when you talk to him in order to be able to recruit him as a companion. He offers a lot of help if you play on the Hardcore difficulty. He pairs really well with either ED-E or Rex. Perk: Spotter automatically marks hostile targets in the area, which can help at night in case you do not spot an enemy or to differentiate between a friend or an enemy. Upgrade 1: 1st Recon Beret, which gives you +1 Perception and +5% Critical Chance. You will get this after completing the first quest with Craig Boone. Upgrade 2: 1st Recon Survival Armor or 1st Recon Assault Armor. The only difference between both armors is cosmetic. You will get this after completing the second quest with Craig Boone. ED-E Location: ED-E is a prototype eyebot designed for combat and reconnaissance operations, and can be found in Primm. Perk: Enhanced Sensors allow you to detect enemies at an increased range, and enemies will appear on the compass and can be targeted in VATS even while cloaked. This works even better if you use this in conjunction with the Spotter perk from Craig Boone. Upgrade: Enhanced armor or weapons when you complete the quest. Lily Bowen Location: Lily Bowen is a friendly nightkin and former member of the Master's army, and can be found in Jacobstown. Perk: Stealth Girl improves the duration of Stealth Boys by 200%, and all Sneak Attack Critical Hits do an additional 10% damage. Upgrade: Dialogue about medicine after psychotic breaks or administer medicine in varying amounts to affect the frequency of psychotic breaks and combat damage. Raul Tejada Location: Raul Tejada is a ghoul mechanic and former gunslinger held hostage by Tabitha, the mad leader of the State of Utobitha, and can be found in Black Mountain. Perk: Regular Maintenance slows down the decreasing condition of weapons and armor. It basically lengthens the amount of time you have with a weapon or armor. This can also counteract the negative effects of the Build to Destroy trait. Upgrade: Vaquero or Full Maintenance. Vaquero gives an increased combat ability. Full Maintenance slows down the decreasing condition of weapons and armor by 75%. Rex Location: Rex is a cyberdog belonging to The King, and can be found inside The King's School Of Impersonation in Freeside. You will either need to pay 500 caps or have a 60 Speech skill level to get past Pacer who is guarding the door. You will get the 500 caps back when you talk to The King inside. You must complete the "G.I. Blues" quest given from The King before you get the "Nothin' But A Hound Dog" quest from him, which is how you will be able to recruit Rex. It takes approximately 40 minutes to complete both of these quests. Perk: Search and Mark allows you to find unequipped chems, firearms, and ammunition within a short distance as well as other items such as hidden safes and hollow rocks while you are using the binoculars. Veronica Santangelo Location: Veronica Santangelo is a disillusioned Brotherhood Scribe, and can be found in the 188 Trading Post. Perk: Scribe Assistant allows you to craft workbench items through Veronica's dialogue. She is basically a portable workbench. She also benefits in close combat skills when you complete the quest.
This glitch requires a 30 Speech skill level and neutral or friendly with NCR. Go to Camp McCarran, and talk to Sergeant Bitter-Root. You should be able to find him in one of the tents. Ask him about his name, and then there will be an option for a 30 Speech skill level attempt. You can keep saying "Bitter-Root. You have an unusual name.", and each time you say it, you can do the Speech attempt again. Simply say "Bitter-Root. You have an unusual name.", do the Speech attempt, ask to talk about something else, and then repeat the process as many times as desired. This glitch requires a 30 Speech skill level or the "Confirmed Bachelor" perk and friendly with NCR. Go to HELIOS One, and the woman should automatically talk to you. Once she allows you access to HELIOS One, you should be able to start the "That Lucky Old Sun" mission. Proceed with the mission, and talk to Fantastic and Ignacio Rivas. While talking to Rivas, make sure you get him to reveal that he is a Follower of the Apocalypse by using Speech or Confirmed Bachelor, and agree with his ideals about peace or say you are neutral. Do the mission regularly until you get to the point where you activate the Mainframe Terminal. Configure the Power Grid to "5. Full Region (Emergency Output Level)". Finish the mission by hitting the Reflector Control Panel outside on top of the tower. Go back to Ignacio Rivas, and choose the "I overloaded the plant. No one....." option. That option will never disappear. Keep selecting that option to get 350 XP, 3 Stimpacks, and 2 Doctor's Bags. If your Speech skill level is 50 or higher, you can persuade Old Ben to offer his escort services to the local bar. You will get 61 XP each time you complete this Speech Challenge. If you follow him back to the bar afterwards and wait until he sits down, you can speak to him again and repeat the same Speech Challenge as many times as desired. You can find Old Ben sitting by a fire close to The King headquarters in Freeside. This glitch requires a high Speech skill level and 8 Intelligence skill level. Go to the Camp McCarran Terminal building inside Camp McCarran. Talk to the guy at the far end of the building, in the left corner. He is the leader and gives you multiple quests. Accept the interrogation quest, then go meet the woman upstairs to start the quest. When you get in the room to talk to Sirus, pick the "Intelligence" option first, the "Speech" option next, and then the "Intelligence" option. Any of the three "Intelligence" options work. Then, select the "Speech" option (which should now be grayed out), and cycle through the "Intelligence" options. You will get 50 XP every time you cycle through the options. Go to Vault 11, and you will get a quest to find out what happened there. Once you get the overseer's passcode and enter it into her computer, you will be led to the "sacrificial chamber". Use a Stealthboy to get past everyone, and when the walls on the left open (as you walk in), go into the door and access the computer mainframe. You will be given three options, "Override" and "Download" for two conversations. Select the second download to get 500 XP. Do not exit the mainframe. Just keep selecting that option to get 500 XP each time. Repeat this as many times as desired. This glitch requires a 35 Barter skill level. Go to Cottonwood Cove (in the southeast corner of the map alongside the river). You will meet a man named Aurelius of Phoenix (he sometimes wanders out of the camp). Speak to him, and choose to barter with his camp for ammunition and supplies. Select this option will get you 35 XP. Keep selecting that option to get 35 XP each time. Repeat this as many times as desired. This glitch requires a 35 Medicine skill level. Once you gain access to the main strip, find Victor outside the Lucky 38 Casino. He will tell you that Mr. House wants to meet you. Follow him inside, and go up the elevator. Speak with Mr. House (the giant television face that looks like Howard Hughes). Find the dialogue choice pertaining to needing to ask him a few questions. Then, ask "Who exactly are you, Mr. House?", and choose "You appear to be a computer, not a man". Next, select the Medicine skill check response, "The lifespan you're claiming is impossible, except for ghouls and super mutants." You will then get 35 XP (or 39 XP if you have the Swift Learner perk). You can repeat this as many times as desired.
Goodsprings: In Goodsprings Cemetery, at the foot of the small rectangular gravestone, near where the earth has been dug up, close to the water tower. Mormon Fort: In Old Mormon Fort, inside the same tower as Julie Farkas' office, on top of a wooden bookcase. Test Site: In Lucky 38 Casino, in the cocktail lounge, on the curved sideboard across from the entrance, behind the till. The Strip: In Vault 21, inside Sarah's locked bedroom, between the two beds, on a small table. Nellis AFB: In Nellis Air Force Base, inside Pete's museum, on the corner table by the mural. Hoover Dam: In Hoover Dam, on a desk in the visitor's center, by a terminal. Mt. Charleston: In Jacobstown, on the large curved desk in the reception area of the lodge, near the terminals.
1. Northern Passage: On the eastern rock wall, near the grave and "The Sun Is Killing Me" graffiti. 2. Ruby Hill Mine: Part of the rock wall, just to the right of the door. 3. Charleston Cave: Part of the rock wall, just to the right of the door, by the heart graffiti. 4. Silver Peak Mine: Part of the wall, just to the right of the shack through which you enter. 5. Vault 22: On the north bank, across from the "Keep Out" sign, by the entrance. 6. Jacobstown: Just outside the perimeter, to the right of the main entrance, where the Super Mutants stand guard. 7. Remnants Bunker: About 10 feet north of the entrance, part of the rock wall. 8. Chance's Map: Adjacent to the dirt map, with "The Sun Is Killing Me" graffiti on it. 9. Bloodborne Cave: Just to the right of the cave entrance. 10. Cannibal Johnson’s Cave: Just to the right of the cave entrance. 11. Fisherman’s Pride Shack: By the campfire, north-west of the shack. 12. Camp Guardian: Next to the Camp Guardian population sign, at the base of the path up to Guardian Peak. 13. Follower’s Outpost: Built into the steps of the signal box structure. 14. Boulder Beach Campground: By the side of the road, north-west of the jetties, with "The Sun Is Killing Me" graffiti. 15. Cazador Nest: Part of the rock wall, on the east side of the nest alcove, facing back towards the alcove. 16. Tribal Village: At the start of the Ravine Path, close to the corpses and tents. 17. Makeshift Great Kahn Camp: On the west side of camp, near the desert plants. 18. Yangtze Memorial: At the base of the south steps, with the peace symbol graffiti. 19. Goodsprings Cave: Just to the right of the cave entrance. 20. Primm: Attached to a large rock, near the scattered chems and the rock perimeter, above the concrete support wall. 21. Jack Rabbit Springs: South of the pools of radiation, on the shore of the Dry Lake. 22. Morning Star Cavern: By the entrance to the cavern, by the bones and the explosive crate. 23. Crescent Canyon West: In the canyon, on the west exit slope, adjacent to a rusting car husk. 24. Crescent Canyon East: On the east exist slope, just after the rail bridge. 25. Vault 11: Just to the right of the entrance. 26. Black Rock Cave: Just to the north of the fallen radar dish. 27. El Dorado Dry Lake: West of the Savaged Brahmin, in the sands of the Dry Lake. 28. Hidden Valley: West of the eastern bunker, with the "no missile" and heart graffiti. 29. Powder Ganger Camp East: Next to a Honey Mesquite Tree, around 20 to 30 feet south of the camp. 30. Primm Pass: Close to the Brahmin bones, on the western end of the pass. 31. Dead Wind Cavern: On the south rock wall slope, around 20 to 30 feet from the entrance. 32. Hidden Supply Cave: To the left of the cave entrance, with the "no missile" graffiti. 33. Walking Box Cavern: Around 20 to 30 feet east of the cavern entrance. 34. Broc Flower Cave: At the foot of the entrance slope, with "The Sun Is Killing Me" graffiti. 35. Abandoned BoS Bunker: With the small cluster of rocks and shale on the slope leading up to the bunker grating. 36. Techatticup Mine: To the right of the entrance, with the white blocks graffiti. 37. Lucky Jim Mine: Slightly beyond the shack, near the wooden cart. 38. Searchlight North Gold Mine: On the flat rock bank to the south of the entrance hole. 39. Searchlight East Gold Mine: Southeast of the entrance; climb on the pile of rock and shale to reach it. 40. Cottonwood Cave: On the road between the two sets of crucifixion poles, with "The Sun Is Killing Me" graffiti. 41. Bradley's Shack: On the west side of the entrance, by the small valley landslide. 42. Fire Root Cavern: At the foot of the entrance slope, on the left.
Go to a weapons and/or armor merchant, and see if he has two of the same weapon or armor for sale. If you can afford it, get the overall most expensive item at the lowest condition. For instance, if he has two Raider Sadist Armors at 45% and 76$, but also has two Flamers at 20% and 8%, then choose the Flamers. Purchase the cheapest of the two items, and then immediately sell it back to the merchant. Buy it again, and sell it back to them again. Usually the second, but sometimes the third time, you buy the same item from them, and it will appear in your inventory at 100% condition. Sell it back to them, and it will reappear in their inventory at the original low % condition. Buy it again, and it will appear at 100% condition. Repeat this until they have no more caps. If you wait three days after they run out of caps, they will have new stock and approximately 650 caps. The longer you wait, the more robust their inventory will be and the more caps they will have. Note: This glitch can cause the game to freeze. It is recommended you save your game often when doing this just in case the game freezes. Successfully complete the "Wang Dang Automatic Tango" quest to find Fisto, a Sexbot. Then, go to Silver Rush Casino, and talk with Fisto next to the roulette table. He will offer his services. Choose the "No thanks" response to get 10 caps. You can keep selecting this answer as many times as desired to get 10 caps each time.
.357 Magnum Revolver - Lucky: In Primm at The Bison Steve Hotel, in a floor safe (requires 75 Lockpick skill level) behind the cash register of the Gift Shop (northeast room). .44 Magnum Revolver - Mysterious Magnum: Owned by the Lonesome Drifter, by the Sunset Sasparilla Billboard, close to El Dorado Dry Lake. 9 Iron - Nephi's Golf Driver: Carried by a Fiend named Driver Nephi, in his territory. 9mm Pistol - Maria: On Benny, when you kill him. 9mm Submachine Gun - Vance's Submachine Gun: In Win's Hideout, inside the safe. Alien Blaster: At the Hovering Anomaly. BB Gun - Abilene Kid LE BB Gun: Inside the Fiend's Shack, lying on a shelf. Bladed Gauntlet - Cram Opener: In Camp McCarran, owned by Little Buster. Boxing Gloves - Golden Gloves: Inside Lucky 38 Casino, on the upper bar of the casino floor. Bumper Sword - Blade Of The East: In Legate's Camp, carried by Legate Lanius. Cleaver - Chopper: On the stove of Wolfhorn Ranch. Combat Knife - Chance’s Knife: In Chance's Grave. Cowboy Repeater - La Longue Carabine: In Camp McCarran, carried by Corporal Sterling, whom you must kill to get it. Displacer Glove - Pushy: Inside the Ruby Hill Mine, on the body of a Jackal Gang member. DogTag Fist - Recompense Of The Fallen: In Aurelius' desk, on the upper floor of the main building in Cottonwood Cove. Euclid's C-Finder: On the Freeside Streets, carried by Max, in and around Nick and Ralph's. Fat Man: In Quarry Junction, near the skeleton by the southern silt pool. It is also occasionally found on prospector corpses. Fire Axe - Knock Knock: In the Camp Searchlight Fire Station, in the restrooms. Frag Grenade - Holy Frag Grenade: In Camp Searchlight, in the basement of the eastern church. Note: Wild Wastleland trait is required. Gauss Rifle - YCS/186: At the Mercenary Camp; Wild Wasteland trait must not be taken. Grenade Machine-gun - Mercy: On the floor of Dead Wind Cavern, near a dead BoS Paladin. Grenade Rifle - Thump-Thump: At the Nellis Array, lying on the floor near the Ant mound. Hunting Shotgun - Dinner Bell: At The Thorn, in the sewers in front of Westside. You must complete the "Bleed Me Dry" quest given by Red Lucy. Laser Pistol - Pew Pew: After completing "The Legend Of The Star" quest, it will be on the body of Allen Marks. Laser Rifle - AER14 Prototype: Inside the Vault 22 Common Area, on the blocked stairwell only accessible from the fifth level (Pest Control). Lead Pipe - The Humble Cudgel: Inside the Sealed Sewers, near the Prospector Corpse. Machete - Liberator: In Nelson, carried by Dead Sea. Minigun - CZ57 Avenger: In the Devil's Throat, inside, at the back of the container trailer, by the dead body. Missile Launcher - Annabelle: In Black Rock Mountain, carried by the Nightkin Sniper on Black Rock Summit, whom you must kill to get it. Marksman Carbine - All-American: In the Armory Cache, Vault 34, on the floor, on an upturned table. Oh, Baby!: In the deepest part of Charleston Cave, near a Chewed Stealth Boy. Plasma Rifle - Q-35 Matter Modulator: In the locked shipping room of REPCONN HQ, in a pod casement. Pulse Gun: In the Armory Cache, Vault 34. Sawed-Off Shotgun - Big Boomer: In Gibson Scrap Yard, carried by Old Lady Gibson, whom you must kill to get it. Sniper Rifle - Gobi Campaign Scout Rifle: In the footlocker of the Sniper's Nest, overlooking the Cottonwood Cove. Spiked Knuckles - Love and Hate: In Bonnie Springs, on the Viper Gang Leader. Straight Razor - Figaro: In the back of King's School Of Impersonation, owned by Sergio, whom you must kill to get it. Tesla Cannon - Tesla-Beaton Prototype: On the ground near the crashed Vertibird. That Gun: In Novac, on a shelf in the locked storage room inside the Dino Bite Gift Shop. This Machine: At the end of the "Dealing With Contreras" quest, it will be a reward from Contreras for not turning him in. Varmint Rifle - Ratslayer: Inside the Broc Flower Cave, propped up against the desk. Zap Glove - Paladin Toaster: In Black Rock Cave, near the body of the dead prospector.
Note: This requires the unpatched version of the game. Begin going through the storyline, once you get to Prim and complete the quest there, leave for awhile and return. You will be able to gamble. In order to gamble you must purchase chips. Go to the cashier at the Vikki & Vance Casino. Purchase as many chips as possible with any of the three types of money (Caps, NCR, and Legionaries). Once you have the chips, save the game normally (not by auto-save). Note: Each chip is worth one cap, so you can trade all the chips back for a full refund if needed. Once your game is saved, talk to the cashier again and select the fourth option (something similar to "Cash in my chips"). She will ask what form of payment you want. Pick any option desired, then quickly exit the conversation. This should have given you as much of the form of money you requested that equals to chips. Caps are 1 chip to 1 cap. NCR are 8 chips to $20 and 40 chips to $100, and Legionaries are 4 chips to one Denarius, 20 chips for a Dalhali, and 100 chips for a Aureus. Once you have exited the conversation, check your inventory. You should have the money and the chips still in your possession. Talk to the cashier and repeat the trick. If you want to get higher amounts at a time, do the trick with caps a few times, then buy 1,000 chips for 1,000 caps about five or six times. After completing the Sexbot quest, go to the atomic wrangler and talk to Fisto. Choose the "Maybe later" response to get 10 caps. You can continue to do this as many times as desired. With enough time and patience you can accumulate a large amount of caps. Go to any salesman and press Select. Wait one hour to force an auto save. Go the "Memory" option in the system menu, then select "Hard Drive" and find the auto save file. Copy it to a memory card. Go to your memory card and copy it back to the hard drive. Load the game and start. You should be at the salesman. Do not buy or sell anything yet. Wait one hour to force another auto save. Quit and start the game again. Sell or buy anything. Wait one hour, quit, and start over. The salesman's inventory and money will have reset. Repeat the process as many times as desired.
This trick yields unlimited experience, Stimpacks and doctor's bags. Get access to Helios One Power Station and have the quest "That Lucky Old Sun". When you have the option to choose how to reroute the power, select to do full region (emergency output level). Go out and re-aim the solar array panels, then return to Ignacio. Tell him you overpowered the station. He will reward you with 350 experience points, three Stimpacks, and two doctor's bags. The option will remain in place allowing you to do this repeatedly as many times as desired. Upon meeting Mr. House the first time, in "The House Always Wins, I" mission, he will ask you to get his chip. If you have 50 Barter when he tells you the deal is 1,000 caps, refuse it. Keep refusing his offers after bartering until he tells you to come back. After you talk to him again, select the following choices: "Tell me your terms again?", then the Barter 50 choice "The chip is worth far more than that", then "Still not interested", and repeat.
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