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Betrayal (25) - Defeat the traitor in the abandoned mineshaft. Bizzare (25) - Defeat Tokimune's bodyguards at Kyoto Palace. Close (75) - Defeat the Queen of Ice at the Ice Palace. Conclusion (25) - Defeat Ouka at London Castle. Deep in the Ruins (25) - Defeat Fire Golem in the sealed off area. Defender (25) - Defeat Poseidon at Entei's Temple. Deja Vu (25) - Defeat the Sphinx at the white flower field. Destiny (25) - Defeat Ouka in the abandoned mineshaft. Fanaticism (75) - Defeat Professor Kou at the magic research facility. First Meeting (25) - Fight with Yuuki in a gambling match. Gaudian (25) - Defeat Odin in the Sage's Tower. Grand Finale (150) - Happy Ending Immobile (75) - Defeat Saisho at the Temple of Trials. Mysterious Enemy (25) - Defeat Minotaurus in the abandoned mineshaft. Ocean (25) - Defeat Aquagel at the wharf. Purgatory (75) - Defeat Entei at Entei's Temple. Raid (25) - Defeat Oboro at Iwato village. Reform (25) - Defeat Sayaka at Iwato village. Rescue (25) - Defeat Oboro at the Ninja mansion. Resolve (25) - Defeat Touya at the Ice Palace. Riddle (25) - Defeat the mysterious man in the Graveyard Town. Running Wild (75) - Defeat the Queen of Ice in the sealed off area. Sea of Trees (25) - Defeat Amazonia in the underground military path. Subordinates of Ice (25) - Beat Siren in the Sage's Tower. Tragedy (25) - Defeat Cerberus at the magic research facility.
The conversion of casino chips to TB (through buying and selling the two infinite items is somewhere around 16TB/casino chip.
After you have around 2,000 chips, head outside of the Casino and save your game. Then, reenter and go to the roulette table. Put 100 chips on as many numbers as you can, covering enough to give you a 50% chance of winning more chips than you sacrificed. If you win, take your earnings, go back outside, save, and keep going if you want more money. If not, load your previous save and try again. I made more than 100,000 chips with this method, so it works.
The first you have to get is Atsuma's. Get this when you visit the sge. A part of the story of the game after that there are three more you need to find scattered throughout the game. One sage is right outside the sages' area you just go down the stair case and look around the entire tower -- there will be a golem there. When you kill him you will get its core and a god orb. Another one is in the desert out side the Junk City in one of the ruins but the doors to it are locked. On the middle right side of the area between the 2 ruined buildings is a sink hole. Go to it and you will fall through there is another golem there who will give you a god orb after you defeat it. Then there is the area where the Yokahama bridge was blown up. Go down to the river like you did when you swam across the first time, only this time don't go across. Go down to the part of the river where you see pieces of a statue blown off. There will be a sandy part on the shore where you can get out. Walk around that area until you find the last golem in a kinda corner and you can get the last god orb from it God orbs make the Iris wepons, which are the second strongest in the game (the strongest are the crystal weapons which can be found in the holy beast area outside of junk city; you can also find omega golem, one of the strongest golems you can obtain).
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