Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock
- Blanctown liberated ( 20 points )
| - "Blanctown" level completed.
- Blob survivor ( 5 points )
| - Completed a level in a single playthrough without dying.
- Downtown liberated ( 20 points )
| - "Downtown" level completed.
- House of Fun liberated ( 40 points )
| - "Blanc TV Factory" level completed.
- Hydro Station liberated ( 40 points )
| - "Inktron Collider" level completed.
- Hypno Ray destroyed ( 100 points )
| - "Hypno Ray" level completed.
- Orbital Habitats liberated ( 50 points )
| - "Prison Zoo" level completed.
- Piston partisan ( 10 points )
| - Completed 10 continuous piston jumps.
- Railyards liberated ( 40 points )
| - "Inky Fabricator" level completed.
- Rocket Range liberated ( 75 points )
| - "Rocket Range" level completed.
- Soda Falls liberated ( 30 points )
| - "Blanc Cola Cannery" level completed.
- State College liberated ( 30 points )
| - "Comrade Black U." level completed.
- The Senate liberated ( 30 points )
| - "The Senate" level completed.