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Dead Rising

Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements for Dead Rising on Xbox 360

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Dead Rising Cheats

Accomplish the indicated achievement to get Gamerscore points:

Zombie Hunter (20 points): Defeat at least 1,000 zombies.
Zombie Killer (20 points): Defeat at least 10,000 zombies.
Zombie Genocider (20 points): Defeat at least 53,594 zombies.
Self Defense (20 points): Defeat at least 1 psychopath.
Peace Keeper (20 points): Defeat at least 5 psychopaths.
Punisher (20 points): Defeat at least 10 psychopaths.
Legendary Soldier (20 points): Defeat a least 15 psychopaths.
Hella Copter (20 points): Repel a helicopter.
Tour Guide (20 points): Escort 8 survivors at once.
Frank the Pimp (20 points): Simultaneously escort 8 female survivors.
Full Set (20 points): Collect all portraits in the notebook.
Humanist (20 points): Get at least 10 survivors out of the mall.
Life Saver (20 points): Get at least 20 survivors out of the mall.
Saint (20 points): Get at least 50 survivors out of the mall.
Strike! (20 points): Send at least 10 zombies flying with bowling balls.
Costume Party (20 points): Place novelty masks on at least 10 zombies.
Raining Zombies (20 points): Knock at least 30 zombies aside with a parasol.
Gourmet (20 points): Eat all types of food available in the mall.
Item Smasher (20 points): Break at least 100 items.
Bullet Point (20 points): Fire at least 1,000 bullets.
Perfect Gunner (20 points): Don't miss with a machine gun.
Photojournalist (20 points): Score at least 1,500 PP from a single photo.
The Artiste (20 points): Score at least 3,000 PP from a single photo.
Group Photo (20 points): Get 50 Target Markers with the camera.
Portraiture (20 points): Photograph at least 10 survivors.
Census Taker (20 points): Photograph at least 50 survivors.
Psycho Photo (20 points): Photograph at least 4 psychopaths.
Psycho Collector (20 points): Photograph at least 10 psychopaths.
PP Collector (20 points): Photograph all PP Stickers.
Snuff Shot B: Photograph zombie Brad.
Snuff Shot J: Photograph zombie Jessie.
Transmissionary (20 points): Answer all calls from Otis.
Indoorsman (20 points): Spend at least 24 hours indoors.
Outdoorsman (20 points): Spend at least 24 hours outdoors.
Freefall (20 points): Drop from a height of at least 16 feet (5 meters).
Marathon Runner (20 points): Cover a distance of 26.2 miles (42.195 km).
Carjacker (20 points): Steal the convicts' vehicle.
Stunt Driver (20 points): Jump a car at least 33 feet (10 meters).
Stunt Rider (20 points): Jump a motorcycle at least 33 feet (10 meters).
Zombie Road (20 points): Walk over 33 feet (10 meters) on the backs of zombies using the Zombie Ride.
Karate Champ (20 points): Defeat at least 1,000 zombies barehanded.
Sharp Dresser (20 points): Change into at least 20 different costumes.
Clothes Horse (20 points): Change into all costumes available in the mall.
Level Max (20 points): Reach level 50.
Unbreakable (20 points): Get the true ending without being knocked out.
Overtime Mode (20 points): Unveil all cases and be at the heliport at noon.
8 Mode (20 points): Get the true ending.
3 Day Survivor (20 points): Survive for at least 72 hours.
5 Day Survivor (20 points): Survive for at least 5 days.
7 Day Survivor (20 points): Survive for at least 7 days.

∞ Mode (20) - Get the true ending.
3 Day Survivor (20) - Survive for 3 days.
5 Day Survivor (20) - Survive for 5 days.
7 Day Survivor (20) - Survive for 7 days.
Bullet Point (20) - Fire 1,000 bullets.
Carjacker (20) - Steal the convicts' vehicle.
Census Taker (20) - Photograph 50 survivors.
Clothes Horse (20) - Change into all costumes available in the mall.
Costume Party (20) - Place novelty masks on at least 10 zombies.
Frank the Pimp (20) - Simultaneously escort 8 female survivors.
Freefall (20) - Drop from a height of at least 16 feet.
Full Set (20) - Collect all portraits in the Notebook.
Gourmet (20) - Eat all types of food available in the mall.
Group Photo (20) - Get 50 Target Markers with the camera.
Humanist (20) - Get 10 survivors out of the mall.
Indoorsman (20) - Spend at least 24 hours indoors.
Item Smasher (20) - Break 100 items.
Karate Champ (20) - Defeat at least 1,000 zombies barehanded.
Level Max (20) - Reach Level 50.
Life Saver (20) - Get 20 survivors out of the mall.
Marathon Runner (20) - Cover a distance of 26.2 miles.
Outdoorsman (20) - Spend at least 24 hours outdoors.
Overtime Mode (20) - Unveil all Cases and be at the heliport at noon.
Peace Keeper (20) - Defeat 5 psychopaths.
Perfect Gunner (20) - Don't miss with a machine gun.
Photojournalist (20) - Score at least 1,500 PP from a single photo.
Portraiture (20) - Photograph 10 survivors.
PP Collector (20) - Photograph all PP Stickers.
Psycho Collector (20) - Photograph 10 psychopaths.
Psycho Photo (20) - Photograph 4 psychopaths.
Punisher (20) - Defeat 10 psychopaths.
Raining Zombies (20) - Knock at least 30 zombies aside with a parasol.
Saint (20) - Get 50 survivors out of the mall.
Self Defense (20) - Defeat 1 psychopath.
Sharp Dresser (20) - Change into at least 20 different costumes.
Strike! (20) - Send at least 10 zombies flying with bowling balls.
Stunt Driver (20) - Jump a car at least 33 feet.
Stunt Rider (20) - Jump a motorcycle at least 33 feet.
The Artiste (20) - Score at least 3,000 PP from a single photo.
Tour Guide (20) - Escort 8 survivors at once.
Transmissionary (20) - Answer all calls from Otis.
Unbreakable (20) - Get the Ture ending without being knocked out.
Zombie Genocider (20) - Defeat 53,594 zombies.
Zombie Hunter (20) - Defeat 1,000 zombies.
Zombie Killer (20) - Defeat 10,000 zombies.
Zombie Road (20) - Walk over 33 feet on the backs of zombies using the Zombie Ride. | Submitted by Kal

When you first fight adam the clown i suggest you have a lot of guns or else you won't be able to defeat him. whenever he blows fire, throws knives, or blows up ballons that is you chance to shoot him. If you shoot him when he isn't doing those things he will just block with his chainsaws. you can just shoot him when he blows fire. When he throws knives try to shoot faster than he can throw or else you'll fall to the ground and he'll come slash you. When he blows up ballons shoot the balloon which will make him cough for awhile. then start shootong him. Repeat until he is succesfully defeated. | Submitted by Narutofanatic

At the start where the zombies break through the barricades, just simply die. You will end up in the security room with full health. Walk to the door which Otis welds shut and you will get the same cutscene where brad goes through the air ducts.

Perform the indicated task(s) in 72 Hour mode to get the corresponding ending (from best to worst):

Ending A: Solve all cases and return to the heliport at 12:00 a.m. on the 22nd.
Ending B: Solve all cases and rescue a certain number of survivors (unknown number).
Ending C: Do not get to the heliport on time and do not solve all cases.
Ending D: Be a prisoner of the Special Forces at 12:00 a.m. on the 22nd.
Ending E: Do not go to the heliport and do not solve all cases.
Ending F: Fail to collect all of Carlito's bombs in Act 7-2.

First, what you have to do is to hijack a car (from the garage), or a truck from the maintenance tunnel. What ever you do, DO NOT get a motercycle. It just hurts you. Run the car (or the truck) into the jeep multiple times.Most times you just ram into it once and they die. It easier to use the truck. It is bigger and more powerful. Now, this should kill the passenger and the driver easily. Oh and by the way, this manuver does not hurt you. The guy on the gun is a bit more difficult. You can use the truck (if it didnt get destroyed yet, or you can take out a pistol or katana. Five shots for the pistol and five swipes for the katana. When he dies(if the jeep isnt destroyed yet), you can hijack and you will get an achievment. If not, you can take the turret. It is very powerful. | Submitted by BrainAccardi


1.the fountain near the gym. i forgot the name of the district. paradise plaza go up the stairs,there are these blue things that stick out of the wall. jump on them and walk all the way down. the food court, the place where you and brad are when you fight carlito. jump on the railing where brad is ducking and there is another uzi if you jump on the statue of the guy with the mustache.

1.there is a sword shop in the north plaza named rpiiper's blades. there you can get a katana and a giant sword and throwing knives.
2. in the entrance plaza upstairs there is a shop called neds knicakery. inside is the giant battle axe and katana the pardise plaza you can get a katana if you go upstairs where the orange juice supply is. (on the left) jump out the window and land on the awning. viola katana.

1.just go to the gunshop in north plaza. there may or may not be a guy in there with a shotgun. dependin on wat tim in the game in come. the store has rifles,shotgund, and hand guns. | Submitted by zombieslayer

Successfully complete one of the following tasks to unlock the corresponding item inside a shopping bag behind the air duct in the Security Room:

Ammo Belt: Do not miss with a machine gun.
Arthur's Boxers: Survive for at least 7 days.
Hockey Mask: Photograph all PP Stickers.
Laser Sword: Survive for at least 5 days.
Mall Employee Uniform: Answer all calls from Otis.
Mega Man Boots: Get the true ending without being knocked out.
Mega Man Tights: Defeat at least 10 psychopaths.
Prisoner Garb: Steal the convicts' vehicle.
Pro Wrestling Boots: Break at least 100 items.
Pro Wrestling Briefs: Defeat at least 1,000 zombies barehanded.
Real Mega Buster: Defeat at least 53,594 zombies.
Special Forces Boots: Defeat a least 15 psychopaths.
Special Forces Uniform: Repel a helicopter.
White Hat: Photograph at least 50 survivors.
Unknown: Get at least 50 survivors out of the mall.

Certain books will give a specific effect:

Weekly Photo Magazine: Skill+ (get a visual cue to indicate prime photo timing)
Sports: Item+ (hold onto sporting goods three times as long as usual)
Camera 1: PP+ (get a 25% boost to PP resulting from photos)
Hobby: Item+ (hold onto toys three times as long as usual)
Engineering: Item+ (hold onto tools and construction related items three times as long as usual)
Horror Novel 2: PP+ (get a 25% boost to PP resulting from defeating zombies)
Entertainment: Item+ (hold onto entertainment related goods three times as long as usual)
Interior Designing: Item+ (hold onto interior designing goods three times as long as usual)

Having trouble taking aim at the chopper while zombies are constantly harrassing you? Try doing the Zombie Ride to jump on top of the shelter in the park. That way, the zombies can't bite you. When you are up there, there is also some glitch where the helicopter is unable to shoot you very well. I think it's because the chopper aims at Frank as if he was standing on the ground.

I was only shot maybe twice while on top of the shelter. Take your machinegun or the Real Mega Buster and aim toward the helicopter when it is about to come straight at you. Once it starts its approach, turn around 180 degrees, aim straight up toward the sky and start shooting your weapon. You should be able to hit the rotor within a couple tries. You really only need to land one good shot, so if you use this technique, all you have to do is line your shots up right and you will hit the chopper as it passes over you. Just aim straight for the center when it starts coming towards you, then quickly turn around 180 degrees, (hold down to turn around completely) then aim for the sky and start shooting.

Forget to destroy the military helicopter and now all the zombies are dead (Day 3)? There is still a way to get on the shelter without using the Zombie Walk! Go to the parking lot located far west on your Mall Map. Get in the red car and drive to the shelter.

Once the car is near the shelter, a glitch will happen where if you position Frank under the edge of the shelter roof and jump, he will grab on to the ledge and pull himself up. It has worked every time I've tried.

I was shot about five times on top, but it was worth it because the helicopter misses most of the time. Everything else about destroying the helicopter is pretty much covered in the hint above this one, and it works very well.

Spin all of the racks in the Entrance Plaza and you will get 2.000 points for each and a 10,000 bonus for all racks spun.

Juices are created by mixing two of any food items in the blender upstairs at Columbian Roastmaster. All juices restore full health, but their effect only last a short amount of time. There are multiple ways to make juices:

Energizer (unknown effect) = Randomizer + Zombait
Nectar (unknown effect) = Orange Juice + Snacks
Quickness (move 5x faster) = Wine + Yogurt
Randomizer (random effect or stomachache) = Cooking Oil + Snacks
Spitfire (spit becomes deadly) = Baguette + Snacks
Untouchable (invincible to any attack) = Baguette + Pie
Zombait (zombies more attracted to you) = Pie + Snacks

Find a Queen Wasp. Look for the zombies that are either holding their head or looking at there arms slightly above their heads. Then, get the katana from outside the first window on the back wall of the Colombian Roastmasters. Use the Wasp to kill most of the zombies. The best place to get them is to run for the middle. You might get shot once or twice, but if you have the queen ready this is less likely. He will hit you with a shot from the rifle. Run as fast as possible upstairs. Brad will get hurt a few times; just make sure he does not die. Run to Carlito and slice him with the katana. Be careful -- he tosses grenades as he is running and will hit you with the rifle after you hit him once. This also works with the hammer, but it is slow and he will hit you before you can hit him.

When fighting Carlito the second time with Brad in Entrance Plaza, it can be quite difficult. The best sniping position to kill him from is in the pink shop directly above the escalators where you first come in. There is a table with some signs on it. Position yourself between the little signs and shoot him with the rifle. Carlito may also turn his back to see where you are shooting him from.

To easily defeat Carlito the second time when he has a sniper rifle, begin by running up the stairs. As soon as you get up, turn left. Keep moving to avoid his shots. Try to stay out of his sight. At the "corner" on the second level near Carlito is a sporting goods store. Go inside and grab a hockey stick or two. Leave the store and quickly run across to the pillar. Stand almost even with the pillar so that Carlito cannot see you at all, but will keep shooting at you, only to hit the pillar. Hold RT to aim with the hockey stick. The end of the stick (and therefore the puck) should be sticking out past the pillar while your body is still fully protected behind the pillar. If not, reposition yourself until you can shoot pucks at him. Once set, start slapping away until he "dies" and the intermission sequence starts. Be careful not to also hit Brad.

The third time you fight Carlito is when collecting the bombs in Case 7-2. To kill him easily, unlock the Real Mega Buster and shoot him about three times when he appears. Additionally, if you want to have a safer trip during the mission, instead of entering the tunnels through the parking lot with the motorcycle, get the maintenance key before the case and enter through Paradise Plaza. There will be a white sedan that will not break down as easily as the motorcycle.

In The Store Where You Fight Against Cliff - Crisplins - Get A Propane Cyclinder And Throw A Few All Over The Place. Make Sure You Take A Gun Preferably A Pistol Or Shotgun. When Cliff Gets Near To The Propane Tank(s) Shoot Them This Will Significantly Damage Him If Not Kill Him. Also Another Rather Easy Way To Defeat Him Is By Using The Shears. Get Close To Him And Keep Attacking Him With It, He Dies Really Easy That Way But Be Careful Because He Hits You Quite A Bit During This One. | Submitted by Mark

Theres two ways short and fast way. If your doing the short way bring about 3 bottles of o.j depending on your level and bring melee weapon and slash him hit him or whatever til he's dead. Long way is to go on top of one of the shelves wait til he's near you and then shoot him with a gun til he's dead. | Submitted by Narutofanatic

Get a sniper rifle from the gun shop before the owner appears and you must fight him. If you do not make it and you must fight him, the easiest way to take him out is to run back out of his store, kill the zombies outside, then shoot him with the handgun or Uzi. When you get the rifle, go to the park where the three prison convicts are found. There is a picnic area with benches just outside and to the right of Paradise Plaza. You can jump on top of this structure. This will keep you from having to worry about zombies jumping on your back while you scope the jeep from far away. The jeep usually seems to get stuck near the food court with its back to you. While on top of this structure, you can actually kill all three convicts with the rifle if you are positioned correctly. Once they are dead, just jump down to get access the .50 cal.


Quickstep - Run faster.
Nectar - Heals all healt.
Spitfire - Deadly spit (Put away your waepon, go into aiming mode and press X to spit).
Zombait - Attracks zombies.
Untouchable - Zombies can't grab you.
Random - Makes you sick.

Combine the following items:

baking ingredients + baggette =spitfire.
baking ingredients + baking ingredients =spitfire.
baking ingredients + condiment =spitfire.
baking ingredients + cooking oil =spitfire.
baking ingredients + orange juice =nectar.
baking ingredients + pie =spitfire.
baking ingredients + snack =spitfire.
baggette + baggette =untouchable.
baggette + baking ingredients =spitfire.
baggette + condiment =spitfire.
baggette + cooking oil =random.
baggette + orange juice =untouchable.
baggette + pie =untouchable.
baggette + snack =spitfire.
cooking oil + baggette =random.
cooking oil + baking ingredients = spitfire.
cooking oil + condiment =spitfire.
cooking oil + cooking oil =spitfire.
cooking oil + orange juice =random.
cooking oil + pie =random.
cooking oil + snack =random.
condiment + baggette =spitfire.
condiment + condiment =spitfire.
condiment + cooking oil =spitfire.
condiment + orange juice =nectar.
condiment + pie =spitfire.
condiment + snack =spitfire.
orange juice + baggette =untouchable.
orange juice + baking ingredients =nectar.
orange juice + condiment =nectar.
orange juice + cooking oil =random.
orange juice + orange juice =nectar.
orange juice + pie =untouchable.
orange juice + snack =nectar.
pie + baggette =untouchable.
pie + baking ingredients =spitfire.
pie + condiment =spitfire.
pie + cooking oil =random.
pie + orange juice =untouchable.
pie + pie =untouchable.
pie + snack =zombait.
snack + baggette =spitfire.
snack + baking ingredients =spitfire.
snack + condiment =spitfire.
snack + cooking oil =random.
snack + orange juice =nectar.
snack + pie =zombait.
snack + snack =spitfire.
random + random =quickstep. | Submitted by bjorn

Here's a good technique for acquiring some easy PP. When the Special Forces are in the mall, run to the grocery store, bringing along some guns. When you enter the store, immediately head towards the pharmacy. Open the door to the pharmacy, head on inside, and shut the door behind you. Shoot out all of the windows in the pharmacy and wait. Eventually, the Special Forces soldiers will come looking for you, but they will all gather around the door. They are sitting ducks for you here. They won't fire back or run away. Clear this group, leave the pharmacy, then walk back in to repeat.

Kill Spec Ops and empty enough of their machine guns to get the achievement. You could also go to Al Fresca Plaza via the Entrance Plaza, get the submachine gun in the fountain, empty it, then go back to the Entrance Plaza and repeat until you get it.

Unlock the Real Mega Buster, then shoot all three convicts once in this order: gunner, driver, passenger. Get in the car and you will get the achievement. Alternately, get the submachine gun in the Al Fresca Plaza Fountain and wait until the convicts crash into a tree. Shoot the gunner with the submachine gun until he dies. Take the gun he was using from the back of the car and use it to kill the driver and passenger. You may want to do all this during daytime and/or after you escorted Sophie or any survivors with you.

If you do not have ten or more item slots yet, go to Ye Olde Toybox in Paradise Plaza and grab a few novelty masks. Take them to Child's Play and drop them on the floor next to the Servbot Masks there until you have ten. Then, just put them on zombies until you get the achievement.

Go up the stairs in any two floor plaza and jump down to the first floor.

Go to the maintenance tunnels and take a picture of the huge crowds of zombies. You can also try this in Al Fresca Plaza, Wonderland Plaza when the two survivors are dangling from the huge toy object, or in the cave near the end of the game.

Unlock the Real Mega Buster and use Zombie Ride to get on a zombie's shoulders. Jump on top of one of those cement shack objects over the benches. Time your shots so that they hit. They slightly slow. Try to wait until it stops. It should break down and leave in just a few hits.

Find a store where you can close the doors, such as Ripper's Blades in the Entrance Plaza or an empty store in North Plaza. Stand there until you get the achievement. Bathrooms are also good, especially the one in Paradise Plaza. The Security Room may also work.

Get to Level 50 and have all slots full of wine or orange juice except two. Kill zombies with skills such as Double Lariat or Giant Swing. Also, when you can fight Cliff, kill him and get the Wrestling Book from the empty store next to Crislip's Home Saloon.

After getting the "Zombie Ride" skill, go out to Leisure Park and go to the area near North Plaza. Get on top of a zombie and jump off it to get on top of the cement cabin structures on top of the benches. Just stand there until you get the achievement. Standing on the helipad may also work.

While on the helicopter at the beginning, take a picture of the gas station as it explodes to get more PP. Also, take a picture of the women being tackled off the roof as she is in the air to get more PP points.

When you first come out of the vents to the rooftop at the beginning, turn left and go to the far end of the roof. A woman named Natalie will be standing there. Talk to her and make her follow you (kicking the soccer ball at her is also something you can try). Take her to the other side of the roof where the elevator is located, then go to the far end there. You will see a man named Jeff creeping around the dumpster. Immediately take out your camera. Quickly take a picture of the two of them hugging and kissing for 10,000 PP.

In any food area in the mall (for example, Jill's Sandwiches and the Colombian Roastmaster), pick up a frying pan and examine the stove. You will get 2,000 PP for using the stove. When the frying pan is red hot, you can use it to get another 100 PP for every zombie you kill by holding X and burning their face.

The microwaves can cook frozen and uncooked food products with a 2,000 PP bonus (similar to the frying pan). You only get the bonus once for each of the microwaves (six or seven in all), including a 10,000 PP bonus for getting them all. In addition, cooked foods provide more health, but eat it right away or it will spoil.

Enter the Chris' Fine Foods restaurant in the Food Court. Break the large dishes sitting on stands on the east wall for 1,000 PP each and a 10,000 PP bonus for destroying all of them.

In the toy shop, hit the giant servbot until the swirly eyes are lined up with the sad face for 10,000 pp.

Go into the gym across from the hardware store. Knock down the punching bags to get 2,000 PP per bag, and 10,000 PP after you knock down all the bags.

In the gym, run on the treadmills for 2,000 PP each. You will receive a speed boost and a 10,000 PP bonus for running on all the treadmills. The Gym is also a Safe room. Zombies cannot enter it unless you break the glass.

Repeatedly hit a clothes rack so that it spins to get a 2,000 PP bonus.

Get in the rollercoaster in Wonderland when it is not out of control. Ride on the roller coaster until it stops to get 10,000 PP.

Go to the plaza outside of the warehouse some time on the second day. You will see an intermission sequence showing someone about to murder a trapped girl in a box. After the scene the man is nowhere to be found, but there will be strange people in masks and yellow raincoats that will attack you if you get too close to them. They all have good knives. For every one of these psychopaths you kill, you will get 500 PP. If you see one of them throw up his arms and shout, he will have just lit a stick of dynamite. If you are low on health, run toward him. When he grabs you, shake him off then run. The blast should take out his friends. The best weapon to use against them is a handgun; try to aim for the head. Be careful when fighting them with a melee weapon. They will sometimes try to gas you for capture. If this happens, you are not dead but will lose all your weapons and must escape. After you are out of the box, go directly ahead. Grab the folding chair and walk slowly to the large group of worshippers to attract some of them. Try not to alert all of them at once, just about two or three. When that weapon breaks, start to use the jump kick on them. When you have cleared out a good number of them and you have an open path, run towards the carpet they are praying to. On the red carpet is a sword. It should take them out fairly quickly, allowing you to escape.

Kill a Spec Ops to get his machine gun. Go to Seon's Supermarket in Overtime mode. There should be over eight Spec Ops there. Enter the pharmacy and close the double doors leading to the corridor to the pharmacy. They will all stand in front of the door if they see you and not do anything. Go to the window in the front of the pharmacy and shoot them down with the machine gun. To repeat this, get new machine guns from the bodies and exit via the maintenance door in the corridor. Shoot any Spec Op from the front window to make them all crowd in front of the door again. You will get 1,500 PP per Spec Op. You must successfully complete Overtime mode though to keep the PP. Do this after giving Isabella nine Queens and having one in hand for when you decide to finish.

Go to the entrance plaza then go upstairs. Go to the end with the bee then go to the door marked "Exit". This hallway is the one from the very beginning that Otis sealed off. It is a dead end but has a lot of zombies that will continuously respawn. This allows you to get a lot of kills quickly,or go to the uderground tunnels with plenty of queens (if you use up all your queens get load of necture smoothies and goback to where you killed all the zombies then drink the smoothie and kill loads more zombies with a katana/mini chainsaw then you will have more queens to use. | Submitted by decoyinthecity

Unlock the Real Mega Buster, then use the Buster on all the psychos. They should be dead from one to five shots. If not, use the mini-chainsaws Adam the Clown drops.

Get a parasol and go to Al Fresca Plaza. Use it and you should get it easily.

Grab a bowling ball and go to the Maintenance Tunnels. Throw the ball and you will likely hit ten or more zombies. This may also work in Al Fresca Plaza.

When you reunite the first couple of survivors in the rooftop, snap a picture as they hug for a large amount of PP. They should have a golden PP marker over their heads when the time is correct. Many other survivors and psychos have other golden marker poses that give large amounts of PP. Two easy ones are taking a picture of the two people hanging from a huge toy or something in Wonderplaza during Day 2.

Unlock the Real Mega Buster, two bottles of wine, have at least one mini-chainsaw, the Criminal Biology, Engineering, and Entertainment books, and reach Level 50. You will be able to kill anything with one or two hits. Note: To get the Unbreakable achievement you only need to play Overtime mode and not get caught by the Spec Ops (i.e. do not lose all your health). If you started playing from 72 Hours mode, being captured by the Cult Members also affects this achievement.

Go to the parking lot in Leisure Park and get in the convertible. Drive into the maintenance tunnels and grab the maintenance key in the "T" shaped dead end just ahead of where you went in. Get back in the car and drive over to the exit under Paradise Plaza. Switch to a white sedan there then drive all the way over to the exit under Seon's Supermarket. Kill as many zombies in that location as desired. Then, switch to the delivery truck there and drive once more around the maintenance tunnels until you reach the exit to the parking lot. Drive out and switch to the convertible and repeat everything except the maintenance key part. Try to choose an efficient route and stick to it. It will take a while but you will be able to get it if you begin doing it at the start of 72 Hours mode. It would be a good idea to stock up on wine or orange juice, have at least one nice melee weapon and the two Horror Novels to get the most out of the PP you earn from killing the zombies.

Go to the parking garage in Leisure Park. Get in the car parked outside. Drive down into the parking garage and run over zombies by going left and following the tunnel until you get to another vehicle. When you reach it, switch vehicles and drive back out. The car will have respawned. Repeat this process until you have killed as many zombies as desired.

When you get the skill "Zombie Ride", go down to the maintenance tunnels. Go to one of the huge crowds of zombies and use the skill to get on top of one. Make sure to release A when you get on top. Walk on them in a circle and you will get it easily. Try practicing the skill first and have some wine or other food with you just in case. A Queen might also be useful for an emergency.

These are the requirments needed in 72 hour mode to unlock different endings. The farther down the alphabet an ending is, the worst ending you have (i.e., 'F' would be the worst and 'A' would be the best).

Ending A ... Solve all cases. Talk to Isabella at 10 AM and return to the heliport at 12 noon on Sept. 22nd.

Ending B ... Don't solve all cases but be at the heliport on time.

Ending C ... Solve all cases but do not talk to Isabella at 10 AM on the last day.

Ending D ... Remain a prisoner of the Special Forces by 12 noon on Sept. 22nd.

Ending E ... Don't be at the heliport and don't solve all cases.

Ending F ... Do not collect all of Carlito's bombs during case 7-2. You do have to successfully complete all the cases up to this point.

When giving survivors weapons, try to give them blades such as katanas or cleavers. The mini-chainsaws Adam uses are also good, but remember to switch them for something else before going into the security room. Also, if you prefer guns, shotguns and a submachine gun are good except for the stray bullets that hit you. If you give them a gun, try to give survivors shotguns. They will kill the zombies around them and you. They help each other out and very little damage is done if they hit you or each other.

When escorting survivors, use waypoints (go into aim mode and press Y) instead of having them follow you. This makes them go directly to the waypoint instead of walking around trying to get to you. This also gives you time to help any stragglers. Make sure to set the waypoint in a safe area and do not stray too far from it unless you absolutely have to.

Use the following trick to fight the convicts in the park area again for more PP and a fully loaded machine gun. After killing the convicts, get into their car and do not touch the turret. Drive into the parking lot garage. Drive around for awhile, then drive out. Take the gun and leave. When you return to the park, you will see the trio riding around the park again. Kill them again and repeat as many times as desired.

In the Chris' Fine Foods restaurant in the Food Court, there are large dishes sitting on stands all over the east wall. For each one of these dishes you break you will receive 1,000 PP, and you will receive a 10,000 PP bonus after destroying them all. You can break them by using a gun or by throwing stuff at them.

Throughout the game there are certain restaurants in which you will find stoves. Find a nearby Frying Pan, then walk up to the stove and press "B" to "Examine." You will place the frying pan onto the stove and receive 2,000 PP. You can do this in Columbian Roastmasters (Al Fresca Plaza, A108), Columbian Roastmasters (Paradise Plaza, P202), That's a Spicy Meatball! (Food Court, F102), Chris' Fine Goods (Food Court, F103), and Jill's Sandwhiches (Paradise Plaza, P104). After completing all Frying Pan Bonuses you will receive a bonus 10,000 PP.

To obtain the full megaman suit you must unlock a few achievments.

MEGA MAN BOOTS: Obtain the unbreakable achievment they let you keep the items in your inventory forever.
MEGA MAN BLASTER: obtain the zombie genocide achievment it shoots out real destructive blasts instead of the usual tennis balls.
MEGA MAN HELMET: no achievment needed it's just there to complete your outfit
MEGA MAN TIGHTS: obtain the punisher achievment im not sure what the affect is.

Note: after you unlock any of these items they can be found behind the airshaft where Otis stands in the security room. | Submitted by Kal

If at anytime you change into an outfit you do not like, you can get back your default outfit in the janitor's room, underneath the stairs leading to the heliport.

Obtain a sword (not a katana) from the Cutlery Store (it's next to grocery store). You need to break the glass to access the action point. When the grocery psychopath comes at you with the cart, jump up on top of a shelf. Jump and press BLUE as you fly through the air. Because Frank is using the sword and not the katana, he will do a downward thrust with the sword instead of a kick. Swing a couple more times and jump back up. Repeat as needed and the boss will be dead in no time.

If you are having trouble with survivors getting low on health and dying while you escort them back to the security room, carry enough health items for yourself and a survivor or two. Orange juice and coffee creamer work good because they heal fairly well, and nothing is needed to make them.

Just wait and fight as you would and then if you come across a stack of boxes when aiming at carlito don't move instead press Y in front of the stack of boxes and when you are on top keep walking on the top to the balcony you can follow him here without having to fight him on the ground and if you fall do this cheat again.

WARNING: He can kick when you are on top if you are close to him, it takes more health off you than his gun if you have the right weapons with you you can beat him on top like a
base-ball bat, claever from jills sandwiches, guitar, sledgehammer from on top of shelf in the warehouse and any garden tools from ouside in the park or a gun if you want if you can get a katana in time then get it. | Submitted by jeffrey

When you are in the park in the middle of the mall, there should be three convicts in a military style jeep. If not, they will show up later in the game. Try to kill them. The Uzi you find on the balcony inside the mall works best. Kill the gunner first. If you kill the driver, the passenger will start to drive instead. When the gunner shoots, just move to the left or right until he stops. He cannot hit you if done correctly. You only have a second or two before he shoots again. You must hit him with a couple bullets, then start running again. Some time may be required to kill him, but it is worth it. After the gunner is dead, you can take the gun off the vehicle. After you have it, kill the other two convicts in the vehicle. You will get the jeep, an achievement, and a .50 cal. Shoot as many zombies as you can with the bullets you have. After your raid, get in the jeep. You will drop the gun. Look at where the gun was before you took it off. There is an empty slot there. When in the park, follow the perimeter. There is a road that you can turn into to go to a small parking lot. Go to the parking lot. There should be a motorcycle and a red car here. Inside the lot, there is a road that goes down into the basement parking lot. Go down with the jeep. There are a lot of zombies down there. This is a good location to get the Group Photo achievement. When you are done loading the level, look at your gunner slot. A gun should now be there. Drive around a little until you get to a location where you can get out take off the gun. Do not drive far, as you may get lost. Shoot everything until your ammunition is gone. Get back into the jeep. Once again there will be no gun in the slot. Leave by the same way you came in. You can stay down there, but do not just run over victims because there are some zombies with oxygen tanks that will explode when run over. Enough of these will render your car useless and prevent the gun from appearing again. When you get out of the underground lot and load the level again, look at the gun slot. Another gun will be there. Keep going down and up, loading another part of the level to spawn another gun. You can keep doing this for easy kills and an easy shooting 1,000 rounds of ammo achievement.

Successfully complete Overtime mode to get the "True Ending" and unlock Infinity mode. In Infinity mode, you lose 1 life bar per 100 real seconds. It requires 20 real minutes to lose all 12 life bars if you have them. This equals four game hours.

Obtain The "True Ending". | Submitted by Kal

Go to the Paradise Plaza. Go to the second floor and find the Colombian Roastmasters in the food court. Look over the rail and you should see an orange platform. Jump on it and there should be a katana there. The katana is a one hit kill weapon and chops the limbs off the zombies. It is one of the most powerful weapons in the game.

Go up to the second floor, then go to Columbian Roastmasters. Go to the where the cash machine is located, then jump out onto the roof/ledge below. Land on the orange overhang, then look for the katana.

If you die and choose to save and start a new game, you will be wearing whatever items of clothing you had when you saved. This means you could be naked except for your boxers, wearing children's clothing, etc.

Unlike other useless achievements, The Zombie Genocider achievement (kill 53'594 zombies) unlocks Rockman's Mega Buster in the security office. Once this achievement is accomplised, let your current mode run down (72 Hour Mode is best). Once the credits roll, the unlockable will appear and you can save it to your gamertag profile. Frank can stock the weapon, but can only carry one at a time.

After killing Adam the clown by the rollercoaster in Wonderland Plaza, he will drop a chainsaw. Pick it up before you activate the control to stop the ride. After the intermission sequence, another chainsaw will spawn at the location. Pick it up. Get the Criminal book from the back of the bookstore where you find the Japanese tourists, and the Engineering and Entertainment books from the Book Store accros from the toy store and CD store in Paradise Plaza. These will give you three duration enhancers for the mini-chainsaws that you get from the clown, which will make these powerful weapons last for a long time. These chainsaws can kill Bosses in two or three hits and are great crowd killers.

After killing Adam and getting the mini-chainsaws he uses, grab the Criminal Biology, Engineering, and Entertainment books to make them last nearly forever. They are the best weapon in the game.

After the Boss fight where you fight Paul, he will be engulfed in flames. Do not kill him. Instead, pick up the fire extinguisher in the store to put out the fire. Then, bring Paul back to the security room. If done correctly, there may be two women as well. After a while, you will receive a call saying that Paul has a present for you. Go back to the security room to meet Paul. Continue to talk to him and he will give you an unlimited supply of Molotov Cocktails.

If you check the clock tower earlier in the game (where you see the intermission sequence showing the opening of the cave crammed with zombies), you will not have to get a spare generator for Isabela in Overtime mode, just ten Queens to stop Frank's zombification. If you wait until Overtime mode, at the point where you gather all the supplies for her, she will tell you that you must get the backup generator behind the clock tower before you can go after the Queens.

I just recently found that the trash in the mall can contain some strange things, there is most likely more than one but so far ive only found one thing " strange". I have found a Hunting Knife in a trash can, to get the item to fall out, you trow it into a zombie. (The hunting knife is in the trash can near where the old geezer complains that he needs safe passage before he leaves.) | Submitted by Zombie

Finish the first 72 hours of Frank's stay in the mall and return to the helipad by noon on the 22nd. | Submitted by Kal

Successfully complete 72 hours in the mall and return to the heliport by 12:00 a.m. on the 22nd to unlock Overtime mode.

After you defeat Adam the clown and stop the roller coaster, a Willamette employee will be on the ride. His name is Greg Simpson, and he will tell you he knows a shortcut back to Paradise Plaza. You will follow him into the women's restroom, where he will stand near the sink and say "Go right through here and you'll be in Paradise Plaza". It is difficult to understand what he is talking about. Jump up on the sink and an icon will appear that reads "Paradise Plaza". You now can simply leap back and forth from the women's restrooms in Paradise Plaza and Wonderland Plaza. Not only is this a useful shortcut, but it is also quite helpful in getting survivors back to the security room safely.

After you talk to Kent and do his mini-mission to take pictures of him, there will be an in intermission sequence where he shows you pictures he has taken and asks if you can do better. This will give you scoop information on the next challenge for him on the next day. For that event, you will need a perfect Erotica picture (saved from a previous game or during that same game; the game allows you to choose from your picture viewer). Save Selphie, the girl that is being chased by the convicts out in the park. When you have her safely back to the security room, she will be in the room beside the couch that you can save at. Go in the room to make her stand up. Stand away from her and zoom your camera in around her knees. She will start to sit down. Take a picture the moment you can see up her skirt for a "Perfect" erotica shot that can be used for Kent's challenge. This may require more than one attempt, as the timing must be precise.

Later in the game, after Brad is shot and becomes ill with a fever, you have a chance to take an erotica picture and not only score a perfect, but get a lot of points as well. As soon as Frank tells Jessica that he will find some medicine and you have control again, open the door that leads into the room with the vent. Step into the doorway, then turn around so that you are facing Brad and Jessica. At this point, you should see Brad laying down on the bed, and Jessica sitting on the edge of the bed looking at him. Take out your camera, zoom in, and try to focus the camera on her chest, or a little below it, then take the picture. If done correctly, you should get an erotica circle for both Jessie's chest, and the opening in her skirt below. Doing this can net a perfect score, as well as several thousand PP. You can save this picture to later show to Kent upon playing over again.

In the food court go to the far left once you walk in and take any gun (i'd use handgun) and shoot the plates. You get 1000pp each one you hit and 10000 after all of them are hit. | Submitted by Narutofanatic

In Flex's Gym, in Al Fresca Plaza, break each punching bag along the back wall for 2,000 PP a piece and then 10,000 for breaking all of them.

In the Wonderland Area of the mall, Jump on the roller Coaster while it is not out of control by Adam the clown. Soon the ride will start and you will ride around on the roller coaster. Stay inside the roller coaster untill the ride finishs and stops. After it stops, It will say "Roller Coaster Completion Bonus" and you will score 10000 extra PP.

In the toy shop, hit the giant servbot until the swirly eyes are lined up with the sad face for 10,000 pp.

Provided you have a high enough damage level (say 15 to 20), you can use stun guns to immobilize the grocery psycho. When he gets over to you, pop-out without getting close to the cart and just hold the Stun Gun on him for maybe no more than 5 or 6 seconds. The boss will be dead or darn close to it.

Get to the Entrance Plaza for the first time -- when the man tells you to look for barricades. Notice that one of the men talking near the entrance has a shotgun. When the zombies attack, run up to his body. It is in midst of a tightly packed zombie swarm. Pick up the shotgun and run upstairs. This weapon is very good for some of the first Bosses, like Convicts.

Jump from the stairs closest to you when you start to the blue ledge above Kid's Choice Clothing. Keep following the walkway past the stuffed bear all the way to the end to find the submachine gun.

In the gym "Flexin'" in Al Fresca Plaza, run on a treadmill for a few seconds and you will get 2,000 bonus PP for each one you run on. Run on all of them for an extra 10,000 PP bonus.

When you jump, press X when your feet are just off the ground. You should drop to the ground spinning your leg, tripping zombies. You will get 30 PP for each zombie you hit. This is very difficult to do while moving.

Successfully complete the game with the "true" ending to unlock Unlimited mode.

Go to the entrance plaza then go upstairs. Go to the end with the bee then go to the door marked "Exit". This hallway is the one from the very beginning that Otis sealed off. It is a dead end but has a lot of zombies that will continuously respawn. This allows you to get a lot of kills quickly. You can also stop by the antique store on the way and pick up a few katanas or battle axes for very fast kills.

In the Food Court, go to the sign with the Italian chef. Climb to its left side, then to the top to find an Uzi.

Ok here's where some of the best weapons in the game are:

Sub-machine guns-In the fountain in al fresca plaza, on the platforms near the stairs in paradise plaza, one on top of the italian chef in the food court, and one in the maintennace tunnel in the garage.

Chainsaw: on in the hardware stores one in alfresca plaza and one in north plaza.

Small-chainsaw: defeat adam the clown and they will respawn in the same place, also get the books in paradise plaza bookstores and in wondorland plaza bookstore.

Battle axe: in the antique shop in entrance plaza.

Shotgun: get at beginning of game from survivor near stairs to right or after you defeat cletus in the huntin shack grab as many as you need.

That's all! enjoy your killing! | Submitted by Narutofanatic

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