10 songs cleared (50 points)
Get a grade of D or higher in 10 songs.
20 songs cleared (50 points)
Get a grade of D or higher in 20 songs.
30 songs cleared (50 points)
Get a grade of D or higher in 30 songs.
40 songs cleared (50 points)
Get a grade of D or higher in 40 songs.
50 songs cleared (50 points)
Get a grade of D or higher in 50 songs.
60 songs cleared (50 points)
Get a grade of D or higher in 60 songs.
All songs cleared (50 points)
Get a grade of D or higher in all songs.
Apocalyptic cleared (20 points)
Clear all 6 Apocalyptic challenges in challenge mode.
Purchased the song 'Bongo!' in Quest mode.
Purchase the song 'cachaca' in Quest mode.
Catastrophic cleared (20 points)
Clear all 6 Catastrophic challenges in challenge mode.
Purchase the song 'Drivin'' in Quest mode.
Exorbitant cleared (20 points)
Clear all 6 Exorbitant challenges in challenge mode.
Genuine cleared (20 points)
Clear all 6 Genuine challenges in challenge mode.
Healing Vision (Gridlok Mix) (30 points)
Purchase the song 'Healing Vision (Gridlok Mix)' in Quest mode.
Purchase the song 'Koibito' in Quest mode.
Love Me Do (The Acolyte's mix) (30 points)
Purchased the song 'Love Me Do (The Acolyte's Mix)' in Quest mode.
Marvelous cleared (20 points)
Clear all 6 Marvelous challenges in challenge mode.
Purchased the song 'MAXIMIZER' in Quest mode.
MODERATE cleared (20 points)
Clear all 6 MODERATE challenges in challenge mode.
My Only Shining Star (30 points)
Purchase the song 'My Only Shining Star' in Quest mode.
Ordinary cleared (20 points)
Clear all 6 Ordinary challenges in challenge mode.
Paramount cleared (20 points)
Clear all 6 Paramount challenges in challenge mode.
Paranoia Evolution (30 points)
Clear all 6 Paramount challenges in challenge mode.
Return of the Toe Jam (30 points)
Purchase the song 'Return of the Toe Jam' in Quest mode.
SIMPLE cleared (20 points)
Clear all 6 SIMPLE challenges in challenge mode.
Stop Violence! (30 points)
Purchase the song 'Stop Violence! - B.L.T. Re Production' in Quest mode.
Superior cleared (20 points)
Clear all 6 Superior challenges in challenge mode.
Think ya better D (30 points)
Purchased the song 'think ya better D' in Quest mode.
Purchased the song 'Tir na n'Og' in Quest mode.
Treble, Bass and Attitude (30 points)
Win first place of the chamionship in Quest mode.
You can unlock the lady that you face in the final battle of the dance tournaments simply by beating her once in a dance tournament. After you have done so, you can select her as your dancer. Please note that she has not alternate costumes.
Purchase the song 'Xenon' in Quest mode.
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