The code is the same as the one in Arkham City Batman and all enemies will have big heads Take out the cryptographic sequencer and hold L1 and R2. Rotate the right analog clockwise, do this until Batman's head becomes big.
Costume | Task
| - Available with Walmart (North America), JB Hi-Fi (Australia) pre-order.
| - Earn Prestige in Multiplayer mode.
| - Complete all Dark Knight Challenges.
| - Available with Gamestop, Best Buy, Target, Walmart, or Amazon pre-order; or can be purchased.
| |
| - Earn all Medals in Challenge mode.
| - PlayStation3 exclusive pre-order bonus.
| - Capture every Most Wanted target.
| |
| - Find all Enigma Datapacks.
| - Download the free DLC, then register with WBID.
Easy "Anyone See That?" and "Silent Knight" achievements
In the mission where you need to track down the Penguin on his ship (it is one of the first main missions in the game), after your encounter with Tracey (Penguin's assistant) and her goons, you will reach the first predator room in the game. Stay crouched, sneak up to an isolated enemy, and press Y to perform a silent takedown. Do this to all six enemies in the room, without being noticed, to get the "Anyone See That?" and "Silent Knight" achievements. Note: If you have already passed this point in the game, there are still plenty of other opportunities to get these achievements, but you should definitely do this before completing the story. After completing a predator room, the enemies will not respawn.
Easy "Flawless Display" achievement
Shiva is one of the Assassin's on the Most Wanted list. After playing through the story, go to the Gotham Merchants bank in "The Bowery" district. The starting point of Shiva's quest is not marked on the map. Listen for a crying baby, and inspect the abandoned baby stroller in front of the Gotham bank to begin this quest. You will then have to complete a series of tasks for Shiva. It does not matter if her ninjas or other enemies hit you while doing the tasks. After completing all the tasks, meet up with her in Sheldon Park (marked on your map). Successfully complete the fight with her without taking any damage to get the "Flawless Display" achievement. A good tactic to use to not get hit is to jump, hit an enemy once, and jump again. When jumping, the enemies will not have an opportunity to hit you. During the final phase of the fight, activate your Shock Gloves to defeat the enemies more quickly. If you get hit during the fight, pause the game, and choose the "Restart" option. The entire fight will start from the beginning, and you can try again. Note: It is possible to miss the Shiva fight in the story. If you miss the fight, you must start a new game and do Shiva's side quest to fight her.
Easy "Free Flow Fifty" achievement
You can easily reach a x50 combo in the first combat challenge, "Intensive Training". Enemies will not have armor or shields in this challenge. Reach Round 4 so there are enough enemies to build up a x50 combo. To ensure you do not get hit while fighting, perform a standard strike, then jump over an enemy, and repeat. None of the enemies will be able to hit you. It takes a little longer than countering and fighting the normal way, but it is much safer and easier to do. Do not perform any combo attacks or finishers -- so the enemies stay alive longer. If you have already unlocked the Shock Gloves, activate them to get a x2 multiplier with each hit.
Easy "One Of Each" achievement
There are five different gadgets needed to get the "One Of Each" achievement. They are all unlocked automatically while playing through the story. The following gadgets have to be used in one combo, without ever losing the combo multiplier:
1. Batclaw Slam: Press LT + Y, X.
2. Explosive Gel: Press LT + X.
3. Concussion Detonator: Press LT + B.
4. Glue Grenade: Press RT(2).
5. Batarang: Press LT.
Easy "Point Counter-Point" achievement
You will fight Deathstroke during a story mission, early in the game. Every time he attacks, you must press Y to counter him. Attack Deathstroke with Batman's normal strike. Doing so may initiate a QTE where you need to press the counter-button when it is displayed on the screen. If you press the button too early, or too late, your counter attack will fail, and you will get hit. If you get hit during the fight, pause the game, and choose the "Restart" option. The entire fight will start from the beginning, and you can try again. Note: It is possible to miss the Deathstroke fight in the story. If you miss the fight, you must start a new game and play until you reach the Deathstroke Boss fight to get the "Point Counter-Point" achievement.
Easy "Point To Point" achievement
To get the "Point To Point" achievement, you must use the Grapnel Gun and glide across the Gotham Pioneers Bridge (the large bridge connecting the south and north of Gotham City). You can do this at any point in the game while in Free Roam mode (even after completing the story). No upgrades are required. Start at one end of the bridge, and keep shooting the Grapnel Gun at the wires to stay above ground. After shooting the Grapnel Gun, you must also activate the Accelerator by pressing A(2) to avoid touching the wires. You may not land at any point while crossing the bridge. If you do, you must start over.
In the interior of the Final Offer, in the same area as the "fight arena", there is a cargo container with "Queen Industries" on its side. "Queen Industries" belongs to Oliver Queen, a.k.a. the Green Arrow.
While in the G.C.P.D., up in the evidence locker you can see a newspaper clipping of Harvey Dent's win in the election for Gotham City D.A.
In the G.C.P.D., look carefully at the bulletin boards in the squadron rooms. On the walls are newspaper clippings and mugshots with police reports. One of these reports references Rupert Thorne; another one of Gotham's infamous crime lords.
Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock
- City of Assassins (10 points)
| - Identify Black Mask's assassins.
- Everyone wears masks (15 points)
| |
- Nobody that matters (15 points)
| |
| |
| |
- Perhaps sooner, Perhaps later (30 points)
| |
Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock
| |
- Anyone see that? (10 points)
| - Complete a predator encounter without ever being spotted.
- Around the World (10 points)
| - Use the Batwing to travel to all Fast Travel points.
- Arsenal, Awesome (20 points)
| - Fully upgrade a weapon in multiplayer.
- Clean Streets (40 points)
| - Complete all Most Wanted missions.
| - Kill a Hero to bring back your entire gang when at 0 reinforcements on a full multiplayer server.
- Counter-intelligence (10 points)
| - Decipher one Extortion File.
- Crime Fighter (10 points)
| - Stop 20 Crime in Progress.
- Crime Scene Investigator (10 points)
| |
- Enigma Unravelled (15 points)
| - Collect all Enigma items.
- Fallen Knight (15 points)
| - Reach max level with the Bane faction in multiplayer.
- First Riddler Trophy (30 points)
| - Collect every collectible.
- Flawless Display (10 points)
| - Successfully battle Shiva without taking any damage.
- Free Flow Fifty (15 points)
| |
- Give Them Something to Believe (50 points)
| |
- Gotham All-Star (20 points)
| - Reach max overall level in multiplayer.
- Gotham Protector (15 points)
| - Master the Gotham Protector Dark Knight track.
- I Am The Night (70 points)
| - Finish I Am The Night Mode.
- I Like Those Odds (25 points)
| - As a Hero, defeat 4 Elites within 40 seconds without using melee in multiplayer.
- I've Got This (10 points)
| |
| - Reach max level with the Joker faction in multiplayer.
- Know Thy Enemy (25 points)
| - Defeat each of the enemy players at least once in a multiplayer match.
| - Earn a level of prestige in multiplayer.
- Legend of the Dark Knight (25 points)
| - Complete all Dark Knight challenges.
| - Obtain all medals on the original Ranked Maps in Challenge mode (as Batman).
- Not An Ordinary Criminal (15 points)
| - As an Elite, earn 4000 XP in a single multiplayer match.
| - Obtain all medals on the original Campaign maps in Challenge mode (as Batman).
- One down, several to go (10 points)
| - Complete a Most Wanted entry.
| - Use every Freeflow Focus gadget in one combo.
- Perfectionist (20 points)
| - Obtain all the medals on Custom maps in Challenge mode.
- Personal Trainer (10 points)
| - Obtain all the medals on Combat Training maps.
- Point Counter-Point (10 points)
| - Complete Deathstroke without failing a single counter.
- Point to Point (10 points)
| - Glide across Bridge without touching ground.
- Predator Paragon (25 points)
| - Take down 6 different Elites in a match, using 6 different methods as Batman or Robin in multiplayer.
- Shadow Vigilante (15 points)
| - Master the Shadow Vigilante Dark Knight track.
| - Shut down an entire Tower Network.
- Silent Knight (10 points)
| - Complete a predator encounter using only silent takedowns.
- Tales of Gotham (25 points)
| - Win a round of each map with each faction in multiplayer.
- Thanks, old friend (10 points)
| - Hear everything Alfred has to say.
- The Innocent and the Predatory (25 points)
| - Capture all of Black Mask's Assassins.
- Voice of the People (15 points)
| |
| - Take down 100 enemies who didn't know you were there.
- World's Greatest Detective (15 points)
| - Master the World's Greatest Detective Dark Knight track.
- Worst Nightmare (15 points)
| - Master the Worst Nightmare Dark Knight track.
More Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements