Leave the Animus and go to present day Monteriggioni to obtain the following artifacts. Note: They will appear on the shelves in your Sanctuary.
Mario's Sword
Medici Cape
Claudia's Record Book
Maria's Feather Chest
Ezio's Belt
Assassin's Creed 2 reference
There is an achievement or trophy for solving all of Subject 16's puzzles in game. The official name of the achievement or trophy is ".. .- -- .- .-.. .. ...- .", which is Morse code that translates to "IAMALIV." When spaced out, this is "I am alive." In-game, Lucy always maintains that Subject 16 died after writing on the walls inside Abstergo in the original Assassin's Creed.
Also, this could be a subtle reference to Ubisoft's upcoming game titled I Am Alive.
Assassin's Creed Project Legacy reference
After you have completed Sequence 6 , leave the Animus and walk over to Lucy’s desk. You will see two computer monitors. The monitor on the right shows the "Memories" section that you use to select your missions in the Facebook game Assassin's Creed Project Legacy.
Assassin's Creed Project Legacy reference
After you have completed Sequence 6 , leave the Animus and walk over to Lucy’s desk. You will see two computer monitors. The monitor on the right shows the "Memories" section that you use to select your missions in the Facebook game Assassin's Creed Project Legacy.
Borgia Tower Captain locations
You must liberate each area of Rome by killing the indicated Borgia Captain and igniting the Borgia Tower of each area that is marked on your map. After liberating an area you can recruit Assassins for the Brotherhood and renovate shops and other things in that area. The captains are located in the indicated district.
Antonio da Fiorentio: Campagna District
Battista Borgia: Campagna District
Belardino da Verona: Centro District
Domencio da Padova: Centro District
Ferdinando di Napoli: Campagna District
Franceso da Velletri: Campagna District
Iacopo de Grassi: Centro District
Ippolito di Foligno: Antico District
Pietro da Siena: Centro District
Prospero da Siena: Antico District
Tommaso di Viterbo: Antico District
Valentino da Siena: Centro District
Finding and unlocking the last Lair Of Romulus: In order to find and unlock the last lair you must renovate and fix all of the Broken Aqueducts all around Rome. The last lair will be located at the far end of the Vatican Area. Note: This mission is extremely difficult and may require a few attempts to find a away to get pass the first minute or two due to the large number of guards in both sides of the Vatican Church.
Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding cape.
Auditore: Complete the Rebuilding Rome metagame.
Borgia: Collect 100 Borgia Flags.
Medici: Reach level 30 on the Assassin's Creed: Project Legacy Facebook game.
Venetian: Reach level 30 on the Assassin's Creed: Project Legacy Facebook game.
Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding cheat option. Note: Cheats can only be enabled while replaying memories.
Buns of Steel: 100% Total Synch on Sequence 2.
Desmond Skin: 100% Total Synch on Sequence 8.
Killing Spree: 100% Total Synch on Sequence 3.
Ride the Unicorn: 100% Total Synch on Sequence 1.
Sisterhood: 100% Total Synch on Sequence 4.
Ultimate Guild: 100% Total Synch on Sequence 5.
Unlimited Assassin Signals: 100% Total Synch on Sequence 6.
Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding costume.
Raiden Skin: Earn a Bronze or better medal in all Virtual Training challenges.
Florentine Noble Attire: Purchased for 2 tokens on the Ubisoft Uplay service.
Altair's Robes: Purchased for 2 tokens on the Ubisoft Uplay service.
Armor for Altair: Purchased for 2 tokens on the Ubisoft Uplay service.
Cristina memory locations
Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding memory.
A Second Chance: Reach 15% Total Synch.
Last Rites: Reach 30% Total Synch.
Best Man: Reach 45% Total Synch.
Persona Non Grata: Reach 60% Total Synch.
Love's Labour's Lost: Reach 75% Total Synch.
Dagger and Armor of Brutus
Collect all six Keys of Romulus from Followers Lairs beneath Prospero da Siena'a Borgia Tower in a vault.
Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding bonus at Ezio's Hideout.
Assassin's Guild Crest: Complete all Assassins Guild Challenges.
Bartolomeo's Axe: Get the Mercenaries Guild to level 3.
Courtesans Guild Crest: Get the Courtesans Guild to level 2.
Courtesans poison guards: Reach level 5 in Courtesans Guild Challenges.
Faction discount: Reach level 10 in the corresponding Guild Challenges.
La Volpe's Bite: Get the Thieves Guild to level 3.
Maria's Dagger: Get the Courtesans Guild to level 3.
Mercenaries Guild Crest: Get the Mercenaries Guild to level 2.
Sword of Altair and Assassins crest: Complete all Assassins Guild Challenges.
Sword of Altair: Complete all Assassins Guild Challenges.
Thieves Guild Crest: Get the Thieves guild to level 2.
Thieves pickpocket guards: Reach level 5 in Thieves Guild Challenges.
To level up your newest recruits faster, send them on difficult missions along with your most skilled assassins.
Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding map for purchase from an Art Merchant.
Centra Flags: Complete the game or collect 25 Borgia flags.
Antigo Flags: Complete the game or collect 25 Borgia flags.
Campagna Flags: Complete the game or collect 25 Borgia flags.
Vaticano Flags: Complete the game or collect 25 Borgia flags.
Feathers: Complete the game or collect 25 Borgia flags.
Metal Gear Solid series reference
Play the "An Unexpected Visitor" mission in Sequence 3. During the task of finding the mysterious voice, the target will lead you to an upside down cardboard box similar to those used by Snake to hide under in the Metal Gear Solid series.
Metal Gear Solid series reference
Play the "An Unexpected Visitor" mission in Sequence 3. During the task of finding the mysterious voice, the target will lead you to an upside down cardboard box similar to those used by Snake to hide under in the Metal Gear Solid series.
Obtaining Codex Inventions quickly
Meet Leonardo and he will offer up one of the Codex Inventions for purchase. Choose one of them to purchase. When the sequence ends, access the DNA and replay Sequence 4 Memory 8, "An Unexpected Visitor", again. Once the sequence begins, skip it and you will return to when you were offered the inventions. The first one selected is grayed out and you will have two options. When sequence is over, do it again to get the last item.
Complete all the War Machine missions to get the parachute invention from Leonardo.
Defeat the following targets to unlock the corresponding portrait: Cesare Borgia, Rodrigo Borgia, Lucrezia Borgia, Baron de Valois, Juan Borgia, and Micheletto.
Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding painting for purchase from the Centro, Antico, and Campagna Art Merchants.
Self Portrait: Complete Sequence 8 or collect 15 Borgia Flags.
Young Man with an Apple: Complete Sequence 8 or collect 15 Borgia Flags.
Christ Blessing: Complete Sequence 8 or collect 15 Borgia Flags.
Rebuilding Rome metagame bonuses
Complete the indicated task in the Rebuilding Rome metagame to unlock the corresponding bonus.
Cavalieri Mace and Butcher Knife: Open 5 Blacksmiths.
Spadone: Open 10 Blacksmiths.
Knife Belt Upgrade: Open 4 Tailor Shops (and will upgrade again at 8 Tailor Shops).
Large Medicine Pouch: Open 4 Tailor Shops.
Large Poison Vial: Open 8 Tailor Shops.
Complete the indicated shop quest to unlock the corresponding bonus.
Seusenhofer Pauldrons and Chest Guards: Complete the Exotica Shop Quest (Blacksmith).
Spada Lunga: Complete the Blood Money Shop Quest (Blacksmith).
Captain's Sword: Complete the Faith Shop Quest (Blacksmith).
Vaticano Treasures Map: Complete the Trendsetting Shop Quest (Art Merchant).
Large Quiver: Complete the Pulling Threads Shop Quest (Tailor).
Fast Poison: Complete the Venomous Shop Quest (Doctor).
Super Mario Bros. reference
After you save Sforza from the Castillo, the achievement is in Italian and reads "Your Princess is in Another Castle", which is a reference to Super Mario Bros. This is similar to the Mario reference in Assassin's Creed 2.
Find all 10 Rifts and solve all Cluster puzzles. You can then find The Truth in the secret area of the Animus.
Xbox 360 or Playstation 3 theme: Sign up for Ubisoft's Uplay service and spend 1 token.
The Hellequin multi-player character: Sign up for Ubisoft's Uplay service and spend 1 token.
Pistol upgrade: Sign up for Ubisoft's Uplay service and spend 3 tokens.
Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock
- .. .- -- .- .-.. .. ...- . ( 20 points )
| - Solve all of Subject 16’s Puzzles.
- A Knife to the Heart ( 50 points )
| - Secure the Apple of Eden.
- Abstergo Employee of the Month ( 20 points )
| - Get every bonus at least once ( Multiplayer Only).
- Ahead of the Curve ( 20 points )
| - Perform a double or a triple escape ( Multiplayer Only).
| - Discover the Shrine in the Basilica di San Pietro.
| |
- Battle Wounds ( 20 points )
| |
- Bloody Sunday ( 20 points )
| |
| |
- Brotherhood ( 20 points )
| |
- Capture the Flag ( 30 points )
| - Remove All Borgia Flags in Rome.
- Download Complete ( 40 points )
| - Reach Level 50 ( Multiplayer Only).
- Dust to Dust ( 20 points )
| - Find 1 Artifact in the Present.
| |
- Fast Learner ( 25 points )
| - Kill your target and escape your pursuer in less than 10 seconds ( Multiplayer Only).
- Fixer-Upper ( 20 points )
| |
- Fly Like an Eagle ( 10 points )
| - Jump with the parachute off the top of Castel Sant' Angelo.
- Forget Paris ( 20 points )
| |
| |
| - Discover the Shrine in Il Colosseo.
| - Discover the Shrine in the Terme di Traiano.
- Home Improvement ( 20 points )
| - Upgrade 5 buildings in the Antico district.
- In Memoriam ( 20 points )
| |
| - During Open Conflict, kill your target and escape ( Multiplayer Only).
| |
- Mailer Daemon ( 20 points )
| - Access your email in 2012
- Needle in a Haystack ( 5 points )
| - Kill your target while hidden in a hay bale ( Multiplayer Only).
- One-Man Wrecking Crew ( 20 points )
| - Discover the Shrine in Palazzo Laterano.
- Overachiever ( 20 points )
| - Score 750 points or more on a single kill ( Multiplayer Only).
- Perfect Recall ( 30 points )
| - Achieve 100% Synchronization with a Sequence.
- Perfectionist ( 20 points )
| - Earn 3 gold medals from the Animus Virtual Training Program
| - Discover the Shrine in the Cloaca Maxima.
- Principessa in Another Castello ( 20 points )
| |
- Requiescat In Pace ( 20 points )
| |
| - Get all the Co-op bonuses in 1 session ( Multiplayer Only).
- Rome in Ruins ( 20 points )
| |
- Sanctuary! Sanctuary! ( 20 points )
| - Find a secure place to hide and re-enter the Animus.
- Serial Killer ( 20 points )
| - Perform a Speed Kill Streak of 10.
| - Complete 10 Guild Challenges.
| - Destroy the Naval Cannon.
- Spring Cleaning ( 10 points )
| - Kill a guard with a broom.
- Strong Closer ( 20 points )
| - Take the lead 10 seconds before the end of the session and go on to win ( Multiplayer Only).
- Synchronization Established ( 10 points )
| - Complete an entire Session with at least one kill ( Multiplayer Only).
- Technical Difficulties ( 10 points )
| - Attempt to access DNA Sequence 9 for the first time.
- The Gloves Come Off ( 10 points )
| - Win the highest bet at the Fights.
- Tower Offense ( 20 points )
| |
- Undertaker 2.0 ( 20 points )
| - Discover the Shrine in the Catacombe di Roma.
- Vittoria Agli Assassini ( 20 points )
| |
- Welcome to the Brotherhood ( 20 points )
| - Train a recruit up to the Rank of Assassin.
- Your Wish is Granted ( 10 points )
| |
War horse spawned at stables
Renovate all stables in Rome.
Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding model.
Tank: Complete the "Hell on Wheels" War Machine mission.
Bomber: Complete the "Flying Machine 2.0" War Machine mission.
Machine Gun: Complete the "Outgunned" War Machine mission.
Naval Cannon: Complete the "Loose Cannon" War Machine mission.
More Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements