Kill three worms with one shot.
Kill four worms with one shot.
Successfully complete all twenty five missions.
Get at least 200 total kills with animal weapons.
Blow up at least 500 green explosive barrels.
Get 500 damage in one shot.
Get at least 500 kills.
Successfully complete Wild West part of the story (missions 11 to 15).
Get at least 25,000 total damage.
Successfully complete the Prehistoric part of the story (missions 21 to 25).
Successfully complete all the non-Deathmatch challenges faster than Team17.
Get all fifteen trophies.
Get at least 100,000 total damage.
Collect at least 500 total crates.
Successfully complete the Construction part of the story (missions 1 to 5).
Successfully dodge at least 500 mines.
Kill three worms with one shot.
Mission and Tutorial maps
Successfully complete the mission/level that uses them.
Successfully complete all twenty five missions in time bonuses.
Successfully complete the Arabia part of the story (missions 16 to 20).
Use at least 2,000 total jet pack fuel.
Successfully complete the Camelot part of the story (missions 6 to 10).
Get at least 50 000 total damage.
Get three kills with one animal weapon.
Buy the "Darksider" scheme.
Buy the "Holy Grail" scheme.
Buy the "Mega Powers" scheme.
Buy the "It's a Mystery" scheme.
Get at least 8 000 total damage with the bazooka.
Successfully complete all ten Deathmatch challenges faster than Team17.
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