Successfully complete "Hold Until Relieved" with a "Gold" rank.
Successfully complete the "D-Day" campaign.
Successfully complete Deathmatch challenge 9.
Successfully complete Deathmatch challenge 1.
Successfully complete Deathmatch challenge 2.
Successfully complete Deathmatch challenge 3.
Successfully complete Deathmatch challenge 4.
Successfully complete Deathmatch challenge 5.
Successfully complete Deathmatch challenge 6.
Successfully complete Deathmatch challenge 7.
Successfully complete Deathmatch challenge 8.
To get Horror voice blow up the small grave behind the large building on the mission Grave Danger.
Successfully complete the "Rum Deal" campaign.
Successfully complete the In Space, "No-One Can Hear You Clean" campaign.
Successfully complete the "Hold Until Relieved" campaign.
Not only can you type in numbers to generate levels, but you can also type in words and it will convert it for you.
Successfully complete the "Falling For You" campaign.
Successfully complete the "Worm and the Beanstalk" campaign.
Successfully complete the "Costa Del Danger" campaign.
Successfully complete Test Tube Training.
Sinking Big Weapon scheme
Successfully complete "To Boldly Go" with a "Gold" rank.
Successfully complete "Hook, Line And Skimmer" with a "Gold" rank.
Sticky Wars Weapon scheme
Successfully complete "Beef Cake Breakfast Brawl" with a "Gold" rank.
Successfully complete the "High Stakes" campaign.
Successfully complete the "Plaice Holder" campaign.
Successfully complete the "A Good Nights Sheep" campaign.
In levels where there are objects floating in the air, if you teleport onto them sideways, there is a chance that you will actually teleport inside the object. This is especially true for the green air ships.
Complete Shotgun Challenge 3.
In the Beefcake Breakfast, get the crate on a rooftop.
Complete Jetpack Challenge 3.
Complete Shotgun Challenge 3 with all golds.
Complete Deathmatch Challenge 10 with all golds.
Complete Sheep Challenge 3.
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