In the first mission, when you man the machine gun to defend the base you will hear someone screaming "They're coming out of the walls! They're coming out of the goddamn walls!" This is a reference to the movie Aliens.
In mission 2, there will be an Organ somewhere in the mansion. Press the Activate button near it to make it play the Anaconda game music from Time Splitters 2.
Beat Dear haunter without taking damage
In the first 1994 level when Dear Haunter bursts out of the wall, run to where he came out of and go in there. Press yourself up against the wall and he can't hurt you.
Beating the boss in Mansion of Madness involves simply side-stepping in one direction while aiming up and turning. The closer Cortez is to the fountain, the greater the chance it is to avoid being swiped. When the boss is about to die, step back and fire the last shots to avoid the final death blow.
Beating the boss in What Lies Beneath involves simply using the Ghost Gun and knowing where to stand. Locate a rock that shields Cortez's legs while allowing him to fire back unimpeded. The fire attack from the boss has to drop to the floor before moving forward; this simple rock protects the player from most of the fire breath damage. A melee attack will destroy the bats and allow the Ghost Gun to damage the tank.
Head for any ramp and stay out of the tank's sight. Use the telekinetic glove to grab the respawning ammunition to pounce the tank with rockets. Cortez wins, the tank does not.
Behead The Undead challenge
In these challenges you are fighting zombies. Keep moving and you will not have a problem. Make sure to stay out of corners and get used to your surroundings so that you can move and not get trapped between the zombies. It is possible to get at least 75,000 points on every one of the three by using this technique.
Successfully complete story mode under the normal or hard difficulty setting.
Defeating Prometheus SD/7 and/or Prometheus SD/8
These are the huge robots on the Machine Wars and Something to Crow About levels. When you see these robots, charge them until you run into their chest. When you are this close they cannot shoot you because their arms are too long. Then, shoot them in the head or, if you want to save ammo, punch them to death.
Defeating the techno-organic tank creature
Before you enter the room with the beast (at the checkpoint), take out all of the enemies in the room, then on the ground floor. Pick up the health and armor at either ends of the room. Go upstairs and turn right. Follow the landing around to the end to pick up some very powerful plasma grenades. Then, go into the room at the top of the stairs to face the tank creature. This beast spawns exploding worms from its rear. Remain close to the pillars to avoid being incinerated by the spreading explosions. As for the beast, aim your explosives and guns at the weapons it is packing on his back. These include lasers, machine guns, rockets and others. At any opportunity you get, throw the five plasma grenades you have and try to get them to stick to the weapons that have not been destroyed yet. These do a lot of damage to the beast. Keep hugging the pillars for cover. After awhile, you will have most of his guns. Do not aim for the organic parts of the creature, as it takes no damage. When it is defeated, you will meet Jacob Crow again.
The optional task of freeing Captain Ash's ass-istant is easier than you think. Head into the prison cell on the other side and make a line of vertical holes on the metal drum from top to bottom. This creates the largest pool of petrol possible. Ignite the mess by shooting the lantern hanging from the ceiling and the ensuing explosion will give you a eyeful of T and A.
Complete the Cats Out Of The Bag challenge with bronze, silver, or gold.
When you are at Crow's computer, when you activate the countdown/self-destruct sequence, the monitor will display the message "You didn't say the magic word" and will have a little guy laughing and shaking his finger.
Mansion Of Madness: Defeating the Boss
To defeat The Princess, side-step in one direction while aiming up and turning. The closer that Cortez is to the fountain, the greater the chance to avoid being swiped. When the Boss is about to die, step back and fire the last shots to avoid the final death blow.
Story level "Breaking And Entering" is a mission that acts much similar to the Perfect Dark level "DataDyne Central: Defection". Both involve being on a rooftop, taking out security, and making your way to someone's private office,
and then into the labs below the building. Also, like Joanna Dark, Amy Chen is also investigating a company's research. In "Something to Crow About", R-110 unexpectedly gets its own personality, much like Dr. Caroll.
Starship Troopers reference
When you are trying to help Past Cortez from being killed by the TimeSplitters on the beach, you can hear one of the men yelling "Come on! Do you want to live forever!".
Taking out the energy sphere
In the factory where the TimeSplitters are being incubated, the giant energy sphere powering their growth can be taken out on the top level by flicking both the switches on either side of the ball. This will lower its defense. Then, take the lift
down to the floor below and throw a plasma grenade (found next to the lift) at it, causing it to explode.
Throw all grenades at max distance
It is rather simple. All you have to do is charge up the meter to throw your grenade to max then release slightly so you can throw it and pull the trigger quickly to throw another at the same distance. You can also throw all your grenades at the max distance, but its harder with the more grenades being thrown at that distance. |
Submitted by Shiki101Timesplitters 2 reference
Story levels "Machine Wars" and "Something to Crow About" play similar to "Robot Factory" in TimeSplitters 2, considering that you fight robots similar in ability to ChassisBots and SentryBots. Also, you get involved in taking out energy sources, much like the energy nodes in "Robot Factory".
When you get trapped in the room and the green gas floats in, use your glove to tip the statue back. When in that room, you will find the cat. You can drive it around.
When walking into the room where Cortez or Tipper says "Did I miss the party?", there is a slot machine. Walk over to it and press A to play slots. Press the buttons under "Hold" to hold that slot.
Unlock Anya and The General Characters
Beat 1st Story Mission on Hard.
Beat Super Smashing Great Challenge, "Avec Le Brique".
Beat Cut-Out Shoot-Out Challenge "Balls of Steel".
Beat Arcade Level "Zany Zeppeling".
Beat Behead the Undead Challenge, "Brain Drain".
Beat Super Smashing Great Challenge, "Queen of Hearts".
Complete 'Dont Loose Your Bottle' challenge.
Unlock Captain Ed Shivers
Beat Arcade Level "Pirate Gold".
Unlock Cardboard Characters
Beat Cut-Out Shoot-Out Challenge, "Hart Attack".
Beat Behead the Undead Challenge, "Rare or Well Done?".
Earn Bronze, Silver or Gold in Zone Control Arcade League.
Beat Arcade Level "I like the Dead People".
Beat Arcade Level "Lip Up Fatty".
Get all golds or higher in Amateur League.
Beat Arcade Level "Virtual Brutality".
Beat Cut-Out Shoot-Out Challenge, "Come Hell or High Water".
Beat Arcade Level "Freak Unique".
Beat level three on normal.
Unlock Henchman Harry Tipper
Beat level three on easy.
Unlock Human Gun Sounds Cheat
Earn Bronze, Silver or Gold in Cat's Out Of The Bag challenge.
Unlock Jacque de la Morte
Beat Arcade Level "Vamping in Venice".
Beat last story mission on hard mode.
Beat Arcade Level "Dead Weight".
Beat Arcade Level "Rumble in the Jungle".
Beat Arcade Level "Commanding Will Kill You".
Complete 'Electro Chimp Discomatic' challenge.
Unlock Neophyte Constance
Beat Arcade Level "Freak Unique".
Beat Arcade Level "Toy Soldiers".
Beat Arcade Level "Missile Bunker".
Beat Super Smashing Great Challenge, "Absolutely Potty".
Beat Arcade Level "Virtual Brutality".
Beat Behead the Undead Challenge, "Brain Drain".
Beat Arcade Level "Damn Cold Out Here".
Beat Arcade Level "Divine Immolation".
Beat level twelve on normal.
Beat level twelve on easy.
Beat Behead the Undead Challenge, "Boxing Clever".
Beat Arcade Level "Bag Slag".
Beat Cut-Out Shoot-Out Challenge, "Hart Attack".
Unlock Vlad the Installer
Beat Arcade Level "Big Game Hunt".
Earn Bronze, Silver, or Gold in Brain Drain Challenge.
What Lies Below: Lab computers
In the area just after the electric zombies, you will see a few rooms with a glass cage by them. On the nearby computer, you can have the subject inside the cage undergo electricity, incineration, shrinking, zombifying, stretching, cranium-
expanding, and thinning. If you power up the stretching or cranium-expanding too much, the subject will explode. There are two computers in single player and one computer in co-op mode.
What Lies Beneath: Defeating the Boss
Use the Ghost Gun and position yourself carefully. Find a rock that shields Cortez's legs while allowing him to fire back. The fire attack from the Boss must drop to the floor before moving forward. The rock will protect you from most of the fire damage. Use a melee attack to kill the bats and allow the Ghost Gun to damage the tank.
Complete the Behind The Undead challenge (the first one) with bronze, silver, or gold.
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