1853 Wild West level rewards
Successfully complete the level in story mode under the medium difficulty setting to unlock The Colonel as a playable character in arcade mode.
1853 Wild West: Defeating the Colonel
Save the black powder not needed to open the jail. When it is time to defeat the Colonel, pour a trail of black powder down the train tracks in the tunnel leading to his lair. Start at the lamp near the mining cart and go down the tracks to where the Colonel speaks to you. Once his health meter appears, retreat. By shooting the lamp, it will fall and explode, setting fire to the powder. The burning powder will race down the tunnel and set fire to the Colonel, along with all the men with him who are chasing you. If you keep running from the Colonel, the fire will eventually finish him. |
Submitted by TheBlackSnake1920 Aztec Ruins level rewards
Successfully complete the level in story mode under the medium difficulty setting to unlock Stone Golem as a playable character in arcade mode.
1920 Aztec Ruins: Fire arrows
When playing in multi-player mode and you have the crossbow which you start out with, put the tip of the arrow to the flame of the torch. You can now light people on fire by using the crossbow. Note: If you reload or run out of the round, you will have to light it again. |
Submitted by TheBlackSnake1972 Atom Smasher level rewards
Successfully complete the level in story mode under the medium difficulty setting to unlock Khallos as a playable character in arcade mode.
2019 NeoTokyo level rewards
Successfully complete the level in story mode under the medium difficulty setting to unlock Sadako as a playable character in arcade mode.
2280 Return to Planet X level rewards
Successfully complete the level in story mode under the medium difficulty setting to unlock Ozor Mox as a playable character in arcade mode.
Arcade Adios Amigos level rewards
Successfully complete the level with a "Gold" rank to unlock Hector Babasco and Lean Molly as playable characters in arcade mode.
Arcade League (Amateur) bonuses
Beginners Series
Adios Amigos!: Hector Babosal, Lean Molly (Gold)
Casualty: Dr. Peabody, Crypt Zombie (Gold)
Top Shot: Hangar Level, Sgt. Shock, Elimination mode (Gold)
Mode Madness
Chastity Chased: Regeneration mode (Gold)
Shrinking from the Cold: Private Sand, Sgt. Slate, Shrink mode (Gold)
Scrap Metal: Scrapyard, Chassisbot (Gold)
It's A Blast
Night Shift: Sentry bot, Leech mode (Gold)
Spoils of War: Meezor Mox, Thief mode (Gold)
Demolition Derby: Male Trooper, Female Trooper, Robot Factory Level, Vampire Mode (Gold)
Too Hot to Handle
Monkey Immolation: Crispin, Flame tag (Gold)
Disco Inferno: Louie Big Nose, Lt. Wild (Gold)
Burns Department: Undead Priest, Nightclub, Virus mode (Gold)
Team Series A
Club Soda: Slick Tommy, Jimmy Needles (Gold)
Station Stand: Lt. Shade, Zones mode (Gold)
Men in Gray: Accountant, Kawer, Assault mode (Gold) |
Submitted by TheBlackSnakeArcade League (Elite) bonuses
One Shot Thrills
Babes in the Woods: Jo-Beth Casey (Gold)
Double Bill: Beetleman, The Impersonator (Gold)
Nikki Jinki Bricky: Nikki, Jinki (Gold)
Duel Meaning
If I'm Ugly-You Smell!: Mikey Twoguns, Jared Slim (Platinum)
Golem Guru: Fat Characters (Gold), Kypriss (Platinum)
Golden Thighs: High Priest, Aztec Warrior (Platinum)
Frantic Series
Hangar's Hat's Off!: Henchman, Dark Henchman (Gold)
Can't Please Everyone...: Maiden, Changeling (Gold)
Big Top Blowout: Mr. Giggles (Silver), Stumpy (Gold)
Team Series C
Bags Of Fun: Ringmistress, Big Hands, Slow Motion Deaths (Gold)
They're Not Pets!: Baby Drone, Bear (Gold)
Nice Threads: Small Heads, Compound level (Bronze), R-One-Oh-Seven (Gold)
Sincerest Form Of Flattery
Aztec The Dino Hunter: Dinosaur (Gold)
Half Death: Drone Splitter (Gold)
Dead Fraction: Jebediah Crump (Silver) |
Submitted by TheBlackSnakeArcade League (Honorary) bonuses
Cold Corpse Caper: Cyber Fairy, Gargoyle (Gold)
Killer Queen: Leo Krupps (Gold)
R109 Beta: Ufopia, Gladiator mode (Bronze), Roman Hat, Lt. Chill (Platinum)
Elimination Series
Baking For The Taking: Chinese Chef, Gingerbread Man (Platinum)
Brace Yourself: Braces, Trooper Brown (Gold)
Starship Whoopers: Chinese, Monkey Assistant, Trooper Black (Gold)
Burns 'n Bangs
Chinese Burns: Calamari, Chef Hat (Platinum)
Snow Business: Snowman, Trooper Grey (Gold)
Rocket Man: Venus Star, Capt. Sand, Duckman Drake (Gold)
Outnumbered, But Never Outpunned!
Someone Has Got To Play...: Capt. Night (Gold)
Time to Split: Barby Gimp, Scourge Splitter (Gold)
Can't Handle This: Chasm, Hatchet Sal, Handyman (Gold)
Team Series B
Hack A Hacker: Krayola, Milkbaby (Gold)
Rice Cracker Rush: Riot Officer, The Master (Gold)
Superfly Lady: Capt. Pain (Gold) |
Submitted by TheBlackSnakeGlass Smash
Pane In The Neck: Rotating Heads (Gold)
Bricking It: Brick Weapon (Silver)
Stain Removal: Hunchback (Silver), Nothing (Gold)
Behead The Undead
Fight Off The Living Dead: Sewer Zombie (Gold)
Sergio's Last Stand: Sergio (Gold)
Day Of The Dammed: Feeder Zombie (Silver/Gold)
Silent, But Deadly: Viking Hat (Gold)
Trouble At The Docks: Pirate Hat (Gold)
Escape From NeoTokyo: Big Ears Hat (Gold)
Banana Chomp
Gone Bananas: Private Coal (Gold)
Monkey Business: Private Poorly (Silver), None (Gold)
Playing With Fire: Wood Golem (Silver)
Cut-Out Shoot-out
Take 'em Down: Ample Sally (Gold)
Fall Out: Marco the Snitch (Gold)
Pick Yer Piece: Sgt. Rock- Gold
Timesplitters "Story" Classic
Badass Buspass Impasse: Badass Cyborg (Gold)
But Where Did The Batteries Go?: R One-Oh-Seven (Platinum)
Hit me Baby One Morgue Time: Cropolite (Gold)
Monkeying Around
Simian Shooter: Insect Mutant (Silver)
Monkey Mayhem: Lola Varuska, Mischief (Platinum)
Dam Bursters: Robofish, Circus level (Gold) |
Submitted by TheBlackSnakeChallenge Pane In The Neck level rewards
Successfully complete the challenge with a "Silver" rank to unlock the Rotating Heads cheat.
This is instantly unlocked when you unlock a new hat. You can unlock new hats on the "Infiltration" challenges. |
Submitted by TheBlackSnakeDestroying cameras quicker
Shoot the screen of the camera. This causes it to blow out, conserving your ammunition. For turret cameras, shoot the tip of the barrel since there is no screen. |
Submitted by TheBlackSnakeDestroying the Bio-Hazard case
When you restore the power in the building, go down to the "Digging Site". When you get there, you will see a case with something in it. Make sure you have plenty of Timed Mines. Walk towards it and throw four or five Timed Mines at it then run away. When it blows up, the woman on the speaker will start talking. People with very good guns (Flame Thrower, Shotgun, Machine Guns, etc.) will appear. You will also have a new objective to not let any mutants survive. |
Submitted by TheBlackSnakeSuccessfully complete the game in story mode under the easy difficulty setting to unlock the Cardboard Characters cheat and the Streets multi-player level in arcade mode. |
Submitted by TheBlackSnakeSuccessfully complete the game in story mode under the normal difficulty setting to unlock Big Heads and All Characters Cloaked cheats and the Compound multi-player level in arcade mode. |
Submitted by TheBlackSnakeSuccessfully complete the game in story mode under the hard difficulty setting to unlock the Unlimited Ammo cheat and the Site multi-player level in arcade mode. |
Submitted by TheBlackSnakeSuccessfully complete the game under the easy difficulty setting to unlock the Cardboard Characters cheat and Streets level in arcade mode.
When you are on fire and have a fire extinguisher, point it down and spray while running. You will have extinguished your own fire. |
Submitted by TheBlackSnakeSome guns have slower reload times than others. Instead of pressing Reload, press Next Weapon quickly followed by Previous Weapon (or vice versa). When you switch to a new weapon and go back to it, the weapon will automatically be reloaded. |
Submitted by TheBlackSnakeThe robot R-109 cannot catch on fire. |
Submitted by TheBlackSnakeThere are two ways to kill zombies quicker. Either shoot them in the head, or just try to punch their heads off if you are low on ammo. |
Submitted by TheBlackSnakeTo play the mini games after they have been unlocked, go to the temporal uplink and press Y. It will zoom in and ask which mini-game you would like to play. If you are playing in two player co-op mode, you can play two player mini-games. |
Submitted by TheBlackSnakeIn the Arcade levels, there are four power-ups. A description and what they do follows:
Blue Orb with wings: Super-speed boost
Yellow Orb with helmet: Cloak of invisibility
Aqua Orb with divided sphere: Makes you smaller
Red Orb with spike: Power boost for strength |
Submitted by TheBlackSnakeIn a level where you get timed mines (preferably Siberia, since it has zombies), you can throw a mine onto an enemy and it will make them explode. The effect is better with a zombie, because if you hit them with two (one on the head and one on the chest), it will blow them apart. |
Submitted by TheBlackSnakePress L to aim, then press Up to zoom in. The is very helpful on first infiltration level with the sniper. |
Submitted by TheBlackSnakeMore Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements