Unlock Bizarro Unchampionship Trophy
Complete all five Bizarro mini-games.
Unlock Globe Bowling Trophy
Go bowling with the Daily Planet Globe.
Unlock Golden Age Superman
Save Metropolis from a tornado.
Unlock Kitten Finder Extraordinaire
Find all 100 kittens.
Protect Metropolis from a meteor storm.
Unlock Outstanding Valet Trophy
Pick up 500 vechicles.
Defeat 500 enemies.
Defeat Bizarro.
Pause the game, and go into the options menu. This is called the Fortress of Solitude, enter the cheats anywhere in here.
Effect - Code
Infinite Metro Health - Y, Right, Y, Right, Up, Left, Right, Y
Unlock All Power-ups - Left, Y, Right, X, Down, Y, Up, Down, X, Y, X
Unlock All Unlockables - Left, Up, Right, Down, Y, X, Y, Up, Right, X
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