Enter IGIVEUP at the code screen to unlock all bonus materials. This gets rid of the need to complete bonus missions. |
Submitted by JonathanEnter GOTPOPCORN at the code screen to unlock all FMV sequences. |
Submitted by JonathanEnter GASMASK at the code entry screen to get all of the missions under campaign.
All three bonus objectives complete
Enter ALITTLEHELP at the code screen to complete all three bonus objectives for the last level you played. |
Submitted by JonathanAt the options screen, press Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left Right, B, A, Start using the D-Pad. The Ewok Celebration Music should start to play.
Fulfill the three bonus objects of the last mission you played
Enter the code YUB YUB to fulfill the three bonus objectives of the last mission you played.
CHOSEN1 is the code to get infinitie secondary weapons and lasers.
Enter in code screen 1WITHFORCE for invincibility.
Type in LORDOFSITH in the options-bonus-cheats. |
Submitted by EricPlay as a wookie in the Jedi Academy
FUZZBALL is the code to play as a wookie in the jedi Academy.
Enter in the code RogerRoger and you can pick a battle droid in the Geonosis Academy
Enter YOURMASTERS at the code screen to unlock photos of what I believe are the creators of the game. |
Submitted by JonathanInput "NOHONOR" on the codes screen and unlock unlimited ammo.
To unlock the ''Making Of'' video, earn thirty bonus points.
Unlock All Cinematic Cutscenes
Enter the code CINEMA to unlock all cinematic cutscenes.
Unlock All Multiplayer Maps
Enter the code FRAGFIESTA to unlock all multiplayer maps.
Unlock All Multiplayer Missions
Enter "LETSDANCE" at the code screen.
To unlock the CD player, earn thirty five bonus points.
Unlock Jedi Academy map for Multiplayer
To unlock the Jedi Academy map for multiplayer, earn twenty bonus ponits.
Unlock Raxus Duel map for Multiplayer
To unlock the Raxus Duel map for multiplayer, earn five bonus ponits.
Unlock Rhen Var Conquest map for Multiplayer
To unlock the Rhen Var Conquest map for multiplayer, earn fifteen bonus points.
To unlock the sketchbook, earn fourty bonus points.
Unlock Team Photos in the Sketchbook
Enter the code SAYCHEESE to unlock team photos in the sketchbook. You must have the sketchbook unlocked in order for this code to work properly.
Unlock Thule Moon Control Zone map for Multiplayer
To unlock the Thule Moon Control Zone map for multiplayer, earn ten bonus points.
To unlock the unit viewer, earn twenty five bonus points.
Unlock Yoda for Multiplayer
To unlock Yoda for multiplayer, earn fourty five bonus points.
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