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Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic on Xbox

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Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Cheats

Attach a second controller into controller port 4 on your Xbox. Use the black and white buttons on the second controller to alter the pitch of all of the characters voices.

On Dantooine during your Jedi training you will be sent to investigate someDark power emanations in the wilderness. When you find Juhani, you can turn her to the Light Side and have her join your party, or you can threaten to kill her. Do so and you will set off an interesting chain of events that not only lose you Juhani as a party member (since she's dead) but sends another Jedi member towards the Dark Side.

To get through Davik's estate in less than ten minutes, first, go through the door to the throne room (To the right from where you start out.). Now go through the door immediately to your left. Follow the corridor until you find the guard room. Kill the guards and go up to the console. Slice it and go to the security cameras. Select Hangar from the list. It will go to the Camera, press A to go to interface. Select disable hangar security. Now log out. Now exit the guard room from the door the guards were in front of and turn left. Open the hangar door and kill Davik to finish Taris.

If you've discovered the secret bounty organization, then no doubt you will have been assigned a mission involving killing a slave trader named Zuulan as part of your initiation into the society.

When you find Zuulan's speeder, select the option which sets off his alarm. Zuulan and his thugs come running, and no matter what conversation option you choose, combat is the end result (remember that you MUST BE ALONE for these missions).

Instead of attacking your assailants, choose to "use" the speeder again, and this time select the option which affixes the frag mine to the hull of the craft. As a result of this, you will kill the Zuulan who comes running out to his speeder and gets blown away by your bomb, but at the same time, a second Zuulan and cronies is spawned very near by. Pick up the credits and equipment off of the dead Zuulan and then round the corner to engage in conversdation with the other Zuulan and kill him as well (an easy battle).

You'll get twice the stuff and twice the XP, plus if you're a light sided character who needs the credits, you don't gain the extra dark side points for killing him! It's a win-win situation.

On Korriban in the Valley Of The Dark Lords there are four tombs. One of these tombs is full of droids that attack you. Destroy all of the hostile droids and open the door at the end of the long straight corridor. There is a special droid that talks to you and tells you that he wants to leave the Sith world because he doesn't agree with killing people. He then asks you to help him by shutting him down.

This is the correct order for shut down:

1. Combat
2. Motor Functions
3. Sensory
4. Memory
5. Cognitive
6. Emotional Construct Matrix
7. Creative
8. Core

This will give you a lot of light points and a lot of experience.

Finish game on the Light Side (by doing good deeds and denying the Dark Side) to see the Light Side ending. Finish game on the Dark Side (by doing evil and accepting the Dark path) to see the Dark Side ending.

Attach a second controller into controller port 4 on your Xbox. While standing outside the door which leads to your final battle with Darth Malak, press and hold the L, R and Y buttons on both controllers. Now open the door and speak to Malak. Watch what happens after your conversation ends.

Talk to Mr. Matale, in the end, when he offers you a bribe, demand 2000 credits, and you'll get dark side points. Once he goes back into his estate talk to the droid to get him to come back out, simply repeat the process until you receive an infinite amount of those beloved Dark Points.

Once you have found Sasha in the Ebon Hawk, tell her to go away. Keep saying go away. Once she starts to run away, catch her before she can leave and repeat this process. If she gets too close to the door, say ''A little girl? How did you get in here?''
Then say ''Don't worry, I won't hurt you.''
Then, ''Err....okay, whatever you say.''
Repeat this whole process until you have the level you want. I did this and it took about 5-10 minutes to turn completely dark from about 3/4 down. You can only do this when you talk to her the first time, before you get off the ship on the next planet.

Anytime you are in a safe area (not in combat or inside a room) you can instantly heal yourself. Go to the Map screen in the pause menu and hit the X Button to instantly leap back to the Ebon Hawk. Your party members will be magically healed. You can then select the Map screen and hit X again to jump back to where you just were.

Have Zaalbar make you grenades, T3 make you programming spikes, and Canderous make you stimulants. You can then sell these things to different merchants you encounter.

On the Planet Dantooine, Once you recieve the mission to travel to the Sandral estate. Go to the Sandral Estate, Talk to the droid and you represent the council. Once inside, the head of the estate approaches you. Once hes done talking to you the daughter approaches you. First say to her, ''What i do is my own business''. You'll recieve dark points at first, but talk to her again. Apologize, then choose either of the next options, then she'll tell you her name then say, ''I dont have time to listen to this.'' Light side points gained and keep repeating from ''Apologize'' to gain LS points.

Talk to the other members of your party often. Most have an extra side quest that can only be activated by talking to them at least 8 times during the game. Sometimes it takes even more. Bastila's, for example, has you searching for her mother on Tatooine and Carth's has you hunting for his lost son.

Finding Party Members
Bastila - Jedi Human - Taris
Canderous - Mandalorian Soldier - Taris
Carth - Human Soldier - Endar Spire
HK-47 - Combat Droid - Tatooine (buy him in the droid shop)
Jolee Bindo - Jedi Human - Kashyyyk
Juhani - Jedi Guardian - Dantooine (don't kill her!)
Mission - Tw'lek Scoundrel - Taris
Zaalbar - Wookie Scout - Taris
T3-M4 - Expert Droid - Taris

Equip Bastila with dark robes and then remove them to see her in slightly different underwear.

Okay, this only happened to me once, and I'm not sure why, but after leaving Tatooine, with a job well done, Carth, Bastila, HK-47, T3-M4, Mission, Zalbaar, Canderous, Jolee and Juhani were stationed in the center of the Ebon Hawk, like in the Star Forge. The map displayed the Leviathan interior, and in the cockpit was a Galaxy Droid. All he said was "Where would you like to go?" Here are the options:

Endar Spire (It doesn't load, but is nice to know)
Taris (Show the Sith some new strength!)
Dantooine (Wasn't that blown up!?)
Mystery Planet (Lets hope this doesn't happen early in the game)
Star Forge (Sure! Just beat it now! Waste $30!)

It's really weird, and I don't know how to activate it. | Submitted by Poyzinblud

On the Ebon Hawk, talk to each member of your crew. You can ask each one to make you specific items:

Mission - Security Spike/Play Pazaak

Canderous - Arenal stimulants
HK-47 - Fighter simulation (shooting mini-game)
Jolee - Medpack
T3-M4 - Computer Spike
Zaalbar - Grenades
Juhani - Annoying accent and whining
Bastila - Crazy visions
Carth - Goatee styling tips | Submitted by mike

Want to get on stage with the musicians in the Upper Taris Cantina? Of course you do. To manage this trick, walk against the corner of the stage and press the Black Button several times. This cycles through party members and will end up popping one of them on stage. Now sing a song for all the word.

Go to deck two of the Star Forge. Find the door with the turret on the right and go in. Then there is a door to the left. SLICE the computer and you can get Revens robes. They are restricted to the dark side. They can only be used by humans but can be used by all jedi classes. It give you:

+4 strength
+5 defence
+1 force regeneration | Submitted by LukeRice

Make sure to sell the stuff that you know you will never use, because the credits that you sell it for add up. | Submitted by sine

On Dantooine in the ruins, instead of fighting the guardian droids, you can ignore them and get to the Star Map. First, have only Bastila in your party. Then when you go into the first door in the ruins, go into solo mode. Bastila will stay behind while you talk to the droid. Talk to it, and go into the proving grounds. Run past the droid and use the console. If you go into combat mode, simply press B to turn it off. Now run into the next room and repeat. The door to the Star Map will be open, and you can go in. Run to the Star Map, still ignoring the droids. After the cutscene, go back to where Bastila was left and turn off solo mode. Then run through the door and you're done on Dantooine.

When you fight against Malak for the second time, make sure to save between times that you drain the jedis' health. This is because when you drain them it turns combat mode off and may turn Malak to not being an enemy into the option being "dialog" instead. If you sellect the option nothing will happen and you can't win the game, since you cant attack Malak... | Submitted by sine

You go to then after you beat the krayt dragon and get the holocron.) after you finish your third planet head to dantooine before you get there you will get picked up by the leviathan after you finish the leviathan you will see the cinematic of you landing on dantooine(it was just destroyed!!!) and then everyone will be standin around in ur ship in a circle in the middle of the ship and you'll have 2 party memebers with you head for the cockpit and youll see a droid and hell take u to any planet and each one will start from the beginning if u go there it only works once tho so use it wisely i suggest taris but save before you choose good luck. | Submitted by Thatchman

In the dueling room on Korriban, there's a computer that lets you fight prisoners. Once you get your computer skill to the level that allows you to use 0 spikes to Hack Into Security Cameras or Hack Into Sith Database Files, just select that choice a few times and when you exit the computer interface, you'll get a load of experience.

For Infinite Health press start, then scroll to the right using the "R" button until you reach the Level Up screen. But you have to be able to level up manully! Then press level up. After that press the white button on your controller. Then a text messager should come up with a word bank. Simply press "A" to type in a letter, and use the "R" and "L" buttons to go side to side to choose your letter. Type in "YODA'S ROBE", then press the white button again to enter the cheat. Then you should hear a lightsaber. Cheat Complete! | Submitted by rastapunk69

Go to the Ebon Hawk and put all your medpacs in a Ebon Hawk storage container. After that talk to Jolee and have him make you more medpacs. Repeat this as many times as you want. And it is also a good way to earn credits. | Submitted by dsmith

Keep all the jedis in your party in robes, because it's worth it for the force powers you can use. | Submitted by sine

Once you obtain the robes and complete the associated quest, equip it to another party member when you select the option of handing it over.

Once you obtain the armor and complete the associated quest, equip it to another party member when you select the option of handing it over.

After helping the men defend the Sand Crawler in the desert, put on Sand People outfits (taken from dead Sand Folk) and return to the Sand Crawler. The men will attack you, thinking you are enemies. You are free to defend yourself and kill them. Truly an evil act.

To do this code go to any planet and then for it to take effect enter the Ebon Hawk.When you exit the Ebon Hawk choose The party members that has Stealth skill.put on Stealth then return to the Ebon Hawk.Then visit where the you find the member.You'll see that the party member isn't there.To de-activate take the member out of the Ebon Hawk and then turn off Stealth then go in.The member is back in its place. | Submitted by Tino

These are the things you might consider doing to over-prepare youself for the second Malak battle: Aquire Qel Droma robes from Shyrak Cave on Korriban, get mastery in force drain, get mastery in flurry, aquire a lot of life support packs, make sure you have the best crystals in your lightsaber, and get mastery in two-handed weapons. The Qel Droma robes is the strongest armour that isn't restricted to some force powers. Force drain will allow you to heal yourself by draining the jedi after you have weakened Malak the first time. Master flurry does an extra attack and is very powerful. Life support packs are the strongest healing kits in the game. Once a turn you can go to the items in the pause manu and use a life support pack and not use up a turn. You will want the best crystals in you saber, because you'll fight Malak alone. Two-handed weapons mastery make a big difference in the damage that you do. | Submitted by sine

When you are geting the prototype accelerater for the hiden beks you have to get into the black vulkars base once inside go all the way through untill you get to the room with the prototype accelerator in it some vulkars will offer you money to kill gadon accept then go back into the vulkar base kill all the guards then take the prototype accelerator switch people and talk to zeadra tell her you have prototype accelerator win race then you can tell zeadra you have p.a. again and again gaining valuable items and xp all the while. | Submitted by ryan

Before selecting a player, press X, X, Y, X, R, X, START. This doesn't work for point races.

The easiest way I think to do it is to go to Tatooine first the only big battles are the 3 sith in anchorhead and Calo Nord who shows up on every planet.Korriban is one of the hardest to do 1st because Bastila doesnt go with you and you still have to fight Calo. Korriban is best done last after Bastila has been captured by Malak. | Submitted by Mar

On Kashyyk, in the Shadow Lands, if you run into a Tach, "speak" to it, and it will do a little flip. Not very helpful, but kind of cute.

With your primary controller plugged into the first port, plug a second controller into the fourth port. At any time, you can use the second controller to change the pitch of the voice acting.

Black Button: Lower pitch (Barry White)
White Button: High pitch (like Michael Jackson)

Plug two controllers into your Xbox. Outside the doors to the final battle with Malak (don't open them!), push down both triggers and press the Y Button on both controllers at the same time. You'll need a third hand or a friend to pull this off.

Once you get a lightsaber (or two) press Y at any time it is equipped but disengaged to make the light sword appear. Continuing to press Y will make it look like your character is attending a rave.

A legitimate manner to gain XP is to hunt the Dune Seas of Tattooine. The Desert Wraids are bountiful and come in packs of 4. You'll earn about 2000 xp after each pack. When you're done with them, simply use the map function to go back to the Ebon Hawk, heal, and return.

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