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Star Wars: Battlefront 2

Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements for Star Wars: Battlefront 2 on Xbox

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Star Wars: Battlefront 2 Cheats

Select Instant Action mode, then choose Mos Eisley as your level and Assault as the game type. When you begin the game you can pick between Heroes and Villains and fight as any of the "Hero" type character classes with no time limit.

Precision pistol: Same as Jango Fett's pistol.
Elite rifle: same as Boba Fett's rifle.
Guided rocket launcher: Same as Chewbaca's rocket launcher. | Submitted by Sine

Go to Dagobah on any mode and go to Yoda's house, (which is next to the northmost commandpost) and throw a grenade into the water next to it. you should see dead fish in the water drifting by. | Submitted by Sine

Pause the game in Story, Instant Action, or Galactic Conquest mode and press Up(4), Left, Up(2), Down, Left, Down, Up(2), Left, Right. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. Repeat the code to disable its effect.

To complete rise of the empire without using cheats just play training a couple of times. Get the awards again and again until you get legendary. Save it to your profile and then do ROTE. The awards are still there giving you the better weapons. | Submitted by Mar

First, make sure the enemies' shields are down, then select a soldier with a blaster rifle. Take a fast ship and fly directly into the docks (it has a blue film over it), land, and get out. All of the enemies will be lightly armed because they are pilots. Open fire. Most will not return fire. Also, most enemy ship have an objective to destroy inside them. Additionally, lock on to a structure such as the life support system or bridge. Make a preliminary strafing run straight along the ship. After passing the target, pull up with full thrusters. When the targeting arrow goes from the front of the screen to the back of the screen, decrease all engine power. Continue pulling back until you see the target. Line up with the target and do a half roll. This maneuver will allow you to make several runs, unloading on the target and avoiding as much enemy fighters as possible.

Just do the same thing as you do in the "Puking Items" cheat except be the AssaultDroid and your dead droid body will explode. | Submitted by Sine

When on Mustafar, activate the invincibility cheat then go to where the 2 bridges raise and lower. Jump in the lava and you will be able to walk around without dying! | Submitted by BlueMonkey

I think this cheat only works for republic main ships. Blow up the republic ships back engines. You should be able to fly into it from behing. the ship will dissapear when your in adn you should see the shield genarator room. Once in you will have to fly very good not to die. (use a small ship) | Submitted by DeroDude

In Space Assault, the shield generator can be restored if the shields are down or if the generator is destroyed. Keeping the shields up prevents any Genesis-like events from taking out your ship's vital systems and letting the other team earn victory points.

In space battles, the auto-turret computer room is heavily defended. You can move to the corner of the blast wall in the corner and sometimes get healed by the medical droid on the other side. This only works for some ships and if the droid is still working. You can do the same for the ammo droid as well.

The Hero characters can be found at the following locations. Note: You can only unlock these characters by completing side tasks on the level you can find them in Campaign mode:

Aayla Secura: Felucia: Fungi Forest, Jabba's Palace
Anakin Skywalker: Mustafar: Refinery
Boba Fett: Kashyyyk: Beachhead, Utapau: Sinkhole, Mygeeto: War-Torn City, Felucia: Fungi Forest, Yavin 4: Temple, Jabba's Palace
Chewbacca: Kashyyyk: Beachhead, Felucia: Fungi Forest, Yavin 4: Temple
Count Dooku: Geonosis: Dust Plains
Darth Maul: Coruscant: Jedi Temple, Mustafar: Refinery, Jabba's Palace
Darth Vader: Tantive IV: Interior, Coruscant: Jedi Temple, Dagobah, Naboo: Theed, Hoth: Echo Base
Emperor: Polis Massa: Medical Facility, Naboo: Theed, Death Star: Interior
General Grievous: Tantive IV: Interior, Utapau: Sinkhole, Polis Massa: Medical Facility, Dagobah, Mygeeto: War-Torn City
Han Solo: Utapau: Sinkhole, Polis Massa: Medical Facility
Jango Fett: Kashyyyk: Beachhead, Felucia: Fungi Forest, Yavin 4: Temple
Ki-Adi-Mundi: Mygeeto: War-Torn City
Luke Skywalker: Coruscant: Jedi Temple, Mygeeto: War-Torn City, Jabba's Palace, Death Star: Interior, Hoth: Echo Base
Mace Windu: Geonosis: Dust Plains, Coruscant: Jedi Temple, Yavin 4: Temple, Death Star Interior
Obi-Wan: Utapau: Sinkhole, Mustafar: Refinery, Naboo: Naboo: Naboo: Theed
Princess Leia: Tantive IV: Interior, Naboo: Naboo: Theed
Yoda: Kashyyyk: Beachhead, Tantive IV: Interior, Polis Massa: Medical Facility, Dagobah

Pause the game in Story, Instant Action, or Galactic Conquest mode and press Up, Down, Left, Down(2), Left, Down(2), Left, Down(3), Left, Right. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. Repeat the code to disable its effect. Note: Your ammunition will decrease, but will refill instantly after reloading.

Select Instant Action mode, choose your levels, then go to the options menu before you start. Select "Hero", then change the options to Best Player, Time Limit 1 second, and the time for hero to become available to "Always". You can start the game selecting the hero, and when you die you can pick them again immediately. Additionally, select Instant Action mode, choose your levels, but do not launch. Go to the options and choose the "Hero" selection. Change the options to the following: Best Player, 4 Points, and the time for the Hero to become available to 4 seconds. Your Hero or Villain can still die and the meter runs out, but you only need to kill four people for four points to unlock the Hero or Villain again. Also, if you get the points when you are playing as the Hero or Villain, when you die while playing as the Hero or Villain they still count as the points; you can pick to play as them immediately.

Pause the game in Story, Instant Action, or Galactic Conquest mode and press Up(3), Left, Down(3), Left, Up(3), Left, Right. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. Repeat the code to disable its effect.

Jedi and Sith enemies are tough to take down, but not impossible. Simply order several AI bots to follow and open fire en masse on one target. The stamina meter of the enemy is still present and enough blaster hits will penetrate the defenses to take them down. The best jobs for taking down Jedi and Sith are the special limited classes (Clone Commanders, Dark Troopers, Droidekas, Wookies, etc).

Pause the game in Story, Instant Action, or Galactic Conquest mode and press Down(3), Up(2), Left, Down(5), Left, Up(3), Left. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. Repeat the code to disable its effect.

Here are all the medals.

Medal Awards How to get it

Gunslinger-Precision Pistol-6 Kills with Pistol

Frenzy-Elite Assault Rifle-12 Kills with Blaster Rifle

Demolition- Guidable Rockets-4 Critical Hits vs. Vehicles

Technician-Vehicle Regen-Slice into a Vehicle

Marksman-Particle Beam Rifle-6 Headshots with Sniper Rifle

Regulator-Flechette Shotgun-8 Kills with Shotgun

Endurance-Energy Recuperation-8 Points

Guardian-Shielding-16 Points

War Hero-Damage Increase-24 Points | Submitted by xgreendayx

If you kill enemies nearby any commandpost, you'll get 2 points instead of 1. | Submitted by Sine

This can be done on or offline but is easier on....Choose the engineer class and go to one of the bridges with a control panel near them.....if it is broken use the fusion cutter to repair the control panel....then plant a detpack on the control panel and go hide....when someone is crossing the bridge(even your teammates)detonate the detpack and send them plummeting to the bottom...this will not count as your kill but is fun to do on unsuspecting teammates...enjoy!!! | Submitted by Mar

Pause the game in Story, Instant Action, or Galactic Conquest mode and press Up, Down, Left, Down, Left, Right. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. Repeat the code to disable its effect.

In Jabba's Palace, you can get your soldier to release a stream of item pick-ups by pruposely dying in the rancor's cltuches. Once your character is grabbed, hit pause and choose to respawn. Confirm and watch that stuff fly out.

The rankings are...

Private-Lead 1 man-0-19 medals total

Sergeant-Lead 2 men-20-99 medals total

Captain-Lead 3 men-100-299 medals total

General-Lead 4 men-300+ medals total | Submitted by xgreendayx

To make sure there are no enemies around when you arent expecting it keep tapping the lock on button....if there are no enemies around nothing happens and you are safe...check behind you as well!! | Submitted by Mar

Republic: V Wing
Empire: TIE Bomber
CIS: Confederacy Strick Bomber
Rebel: Y-Wing

Republic: Jedi Interceptor
Empire: TIE Interceptor
CIS: Droid Tri- Fighter
Rebel: A-Wing

Republic: ARC 170
Empire: TIE Fighter
CIS: Vulture Droid Star FIGHTER
Rebel: X-Wing

Republic: LAAT Gunship
Empire: Imperial Shuttle
CIS: Droid Gunship
Rebel: Alliance Assault Craft

Pause the game in Story, Instant Action, or Galactic Conquest mode and press Up(3), Left, Up, Down, Up(2), Left, Down(3), Left, Up, Down(2), Left, Right. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. Repeat the code to disable its effect.

During a space assault session, a fast method to get rid of enemy fighters is to place a time bomb on the ship just before it takes off. Duck and hide near any one of the ships and wait until an enemy goes for it. Time bombs stick to most surfaces and by the time the starship takes off and leaves the hangar, it's often too late for the player to exit.

The center command post is always a good offensive position.

Use your units' advantages. If you are facing a lot of enemies, use the trooper unit. If you are up against vehicles, use heavy weapons.

Use the right unit for the right level. For example, use an engineer for lots of turrets/vehicles. Use snipes for high places with little cover below.

Always keep moving, because if you stop, you are a prime target for snipers.

Use vehicles a lot, as they keep you safe, you get lots of points with them, and some are much faster than walking.

When in vehicles, fill them up. The more weapons you can have going at once, the better.

Kill the most threatening units first. For example, if in a vehicle, take out the heavy weapons units.

Check out an area before you go into battle, so you see the turrets and other dangerous areas.

Use tactics, as charging into battle usually does not work.

Use cover a lot, such as rocks, logs, walls, water, and even grass.

If you are taking a CP, try to stand next to a health droid.

If you are having trouble defeating enemies, try to take out the enemy in ones and twos. This will get you a lot further, and you will come out with a lot more health.

If you are finding something difficult, play on the Hard difficulty setting for a few battles. When change back the difficulty setting, things should seem a bit easier.

Take allies with you wherever you go. Allies = firepower = enemies die = easy CP's = you win.

In starfighter battles, grab a ship, any ship and press a, let the ship move a little bit then press a again. Repeat this untill your ship is relitivley outside the blue force feild. Then get out and you should be outside the ship, and you are free to relm the ship on the outside!

note 1 - the only ship's ive tested this on is the republic starship and the empire starship, but feel free to experiment! (by starships i mean the realy big ones witch you respawn in)

note 2 - you cant jump to the frigets, so dont try it,.... no realy, dont! (unless you like plumiting to your death!)

note 3 - exploring the ship can be fun, you can even shoot other ships and if you shoot your starship, like when you shoot the enamys ship when the sheilds are on, the sheild absorbs your shot but on the out side of the sheild even though your shooting on the inside of the sheild, try it! | Submitted by darkPigion

1. Go to instant action and coose the level corascant and dont select clone wars coose the other one.
2. Be the bad guys ancoose the guy with a jetpack.
3. go and capture the checkpoint where all the stars are in a room.
4. Get outside go to the ledge and if yo see a statue thats good go to the left all the way to the wall and jump or fly on the statue.
5. Next face the wall and run to it while doing so use jetpck and keep pressing the "A" button prss over so its like your running off the cliff and keep doing until you land let go of all buttons and then run forward if it worked then you can see into the building and shoot people through the wall if it dosnt work keep trying an eventually it will work. | Submitted by snake

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