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Spider-Man 2

Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements for Spider-Man 2 on Xbox

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Spider-Man 2 Cheats

Input the password HCRAYERT and you will have 20100 hero points, Swing Speed 6/8, Web Zip Acquired and the following awards: Big game Hunter, Alien Buster, Shock Asorber, Tentacle Wrangler. You will also have 44.38% of the game completed. | Submitted by harryandgeorge

There are four mini-games at the Arcade: Dodge Hall, Directional Attack, Web Attack, Air Combo. Enter the Arcade, then go to the back of the room. Press X to activate the marker to start the Dodge Hall mini-game. Complete round 3 to
unlock the Directional Attack mini-game (which is more of a tutorial). In the Directional Attack mini-game, follow it as instructed to unlock the Web Attack mini-game. This is also basically just a tutorial. In the Web Attack mini-game, follow it as instructed to unlock the Air Combo mini-game.

When the cops need your help and are being fired at, they will fire at you instead of the bad guys. Do more Spider Sense mode to dodge.

Ok, first of all when jameson tells you to go to the arena to take pictures of whatever he tells you to do, get there and do his challenges. First he wants you to beat him capturing bad guys but you must throw them in the hole when it's green. Once your complete that, he has another challenge for you. Skip the talking and run forward until you reach the end. press X.

Then go on to the enext level. You must crawl on these next ones and you must not fall otherwise Quentin will get you. Once you're at the last one where the platforms spin around so you have to go to the back, instead, jump on them until you get to the end. Then he will admit he sucks xD. Just joking.I hope this tip worked. | Submitted by Jackie

First, you must climb the Empire State Building (like King Kong),Then when your at the top, charge your jump all the way and jump. Then, a few seconds before you hit the ground shoot a web and you will land safely. | Submitted by DaGamester

The code is Treyarch backwards which is HCRAYERT. It gets your 40% ahead, starts you off with 200,000 hero points and also a few upgrades.

After defeating a criminal after a crime, you can keep beating on him until you leave.

When facing the Rhino or other Bosses, press Up to make everything slow down except yourself. This move also allows you to punch and hit much more effectively.

When you fight Doc Oc for the last time, save up your Spidey Sense energy. When it gets too full or half-way, let him get close and active it. This will help you defeat him without losing health. Note: If you can get good hits on him when three of his four arms are down, you will take little damage if you are careful. When facing Doc Ock in the final battle, stand your ground in a corner and let him approach you. When he arrives, beware of his tentacles. Dodge them one by one pressing B when Spider- Man's head flashes, then respond to each dodge by pressing Y and shooting a web at the Doc's tentacles to bind them to the wall or the ground. When all four tentacles are bound to either the ground or the wall, run towards the Doc by holding L then pressing X, performing an uppercut which sends the Doc in the air. Then, hold and release A and continue to press X rapidly. When the Doc falls to the ground, continue to perform combos to him by pressing X, but beware of his tentacles. Doc Ock will use them to throw you repeatedly. Web out of there after one combo and move to another corner and repeat the process until the Doc is defeated.

To defeat enemies that block your attacks, have guns, or dodge your web, use the Web Splash maneuver. This will quickly cover them up with webbing and will make them easier to defeat.

When you are fighting Mysterio at the Speedy Mart, the battle is very short. Just punch him a few times to defeat him and prepare yourself to reveal Mysterio's true identity.

When Rhino tries to hit you, there will be a flash above Spider-Man's head. Press B when this happens. When Rhino stops spinning, he will be dizzy. Punch him until he recovers, then he will charge at you. Jump over him. Do not punch or web him. If you web him you will get hurt. If you punch him it will not have any affect because there is metal around his body.

To defeat Shocker the second time that you fight him, climb up the wall directly across from Black Cat and press the switch. The force field will deactivate. Then, charge towards Shocker. Stay away from the middle, as Shocker will stay on the sides. Uppercut him into the air. Jump up and do an air combo. He will fall down. Charge him again and do the same thing. This time he will start to charge for a blast. Run away and do charged jump as far from him as possible. The force field will turn on again. Repeat the strategy from beginning. When Shocker loses about half of his life, Black Cat will shut down the force field for good.

First, attach to one of Mysterio's "UFOs" and it will fly you high up. Jump off and Websling around until you are close enough to an Orb to Webzip toward it. Once there, you will remain floating. Just use a simple punch attack to destroy it.

Go to the map of the city and look very closely at the buildings. You will see little gold dots on top of the buildings. They represent the token locations.

When you are swinging, hold L + A. Release when you are about to get make another web shot come out. This will make you go farther.

When you are swinging on a web in the game while holding the right trigger hold the left trigger and you will swing 2 times faster. | Submitted by mikey666

When running up a wall and are about to fall, quickly press A and hold B. You will go faster for a moment. Keep doing this until you get up the wall.

After Doc Ock is defeated and the credits finish rolling, Chapter 16 starts and the Fight Arena can now be bought at the Upgrade Store. The Fight Arena upgrade costs 5,000 Hero Points. After you purchase it, swing over to the Shocker
Warehouse near the Lower East Side. Enter the warehouse through the large bay doors. Go to the main room where the first battle with Shocker took place. Access the marker to start the fight. At first, only "Timed Rounds" is available, but playing it to Round 3 unlocks the Endurance Rounds option. Completing Round 3 unlocks the Boss Rounds option. The Boss Rounds includes the various villains from the game with thugs.

In the missions where you have to follow Black Cat, try not to swing from building to building because you will not be very accurate and fall too far behind. Instead, try flinging yourself from building to building. To do this, hold the Jump and when it is fully charged, also hold Turbo. Then, still holding Jump + Turbo, run to the edge of the building and release Jump, but continue to hold Turbo. This will fling Spider-Man farther than just jumping, and is much more accurate than swinging. Also, if you are just about to land on a building, but are slightly short of making it to the top, try using the zip line when you can still see the top of the building. Note: You must buy the zip line first. It should attach to the top and zip you over.

In order to free fall you must first be on top of a building. Just run or walk off and you should form a diving position. If you were high enough, the game should shake and you can see the speed. You can do this with the construction worker
that you were supposed to "save" from falling off of the building, but when you land you will just roll and the construction worker will not be affected. Note: Sometime when you free fall you will lose health if you hit the ground head on.

Always do a lot of crime fighting while not fighting Bosses in order to be able to buy all of the moves after each chapter. By doing this, you can do a variety of moves against Bosses and other enemies.

When you are in need of more moves, fly around the city and look for buildings with a web-like top on them. Sometimes the buildings will be very small and are white, which may make the web almost invisible. There are also different color
webs, which will make the web more visible on your map in the lower right side of the screen. Inside of one of those stores, you will see a gold spinning decal which you should "open up". This will bring you to the upgrade screen, where you can spend your Hero Points to get other attacks and much more.

If you are in a street fight and need to hang up thugs for a little while, press X(2), Y, B at a thug . This will hang him up onto a lamp post. You have to make sure that you are near a lamppost in the first place.

Once Black Cat has taken you to the auction at the dark alley, hide behind the wall by the ocean. Cat will beat up most of the bad guys after about 7 min. come out of hideing and beat up everyone who's still alive. | Submitted by stalefish

Go to Liberty Island by taking helicopters. Go to the flag pole and face away from the statue. Turn to the right slightly, then run and jump. Hold R and Spider-Man will grab on to nothing.

Tie a enemy to a lamp post using the Web Hanger move. You can then just beat them up until you get tired of doing so.

After Doc Ock is defeated and the credits finish rolling, Chapter 16 starts and the Movie Theatre can now be bought at the Upgrade Store. The Movie Theatre upgrade costs 1,000 Hero Points. After you purchase it, swing over to the movie theatre and activate the Change icon to choose from Activision Logo, Treyarch Logo, the Credits, and 3 demo videos.

Go up to a mirror and punch it three times as the clone is coming out. Then, beat the clone up. Using a Web Ball works well. Be very careful to only approach one mirror at a time, as the Spider-Man clones that appear are very difficult to defeat if there are too many. Repeat this until you find the door that you can use to exit.

Go near a pond with a pedestrian standing nearby. Push the pedestrian towards the lake, and watch. He will stand above the water, with a small shadow directly underneath him.

When starting a new game, enter HCRAYERT as a name ('Treyarch' spelled backwards), then go back and enter any name of your choice. The game will start in progress, with over 40% completion, 201,000 Hero points, with Swing Speed and Web Zip upgrades, and 'Big Game Hunter', 'Alien Buster', 'Shock Absorber', and 'Tentacle Wrangler' ranks.

The only way to get to Liberty Island and/or Ellis Island is to hitch a ride on the patrolling helicopters that surround the islands. To do this, stand on the edge of the Manhattan island where you can see the Statue Of Liberty and the other island (Ellis Island). Then, look up and watch for helicopters. They are much easier to spot in the daylight hours, and may only appear during this time. Then, charge-jump and web-sling to attach to one. Wait for it to get close to the island and/or the other helicopter. You will know when to make the jump for the islands. When you must get to Liberty Island, keeping swinging to the island until you see eight little red dots. Then, drop into the water and you will float all the way over to the island.

Go to Han's Pizzeria (the pizza icon on the map). Stand facing the front door and the neon sign (so that you see Spider-Man's back). Turn to your left and go down the street past the blue star icon for Race 95 and continue pst the first intersection. Go to the second intersection at the end of the grassy area (across the street is the blue star icon for Race 96). Stay on the side with the grassy area, and turn left. Go down the sidewalk with the grassy area on your left until you reach the T-shaped intersection. Cross the street and continue going straight, past the white/gray awnings. On your left side is an alley. In that alley is a storefront with green-trimmed windows. Go into this alley and you will reach the entrance to the Arcade. Above the Arcade door is a sign depicting an old Atari-style controller. Note: The Arcade is a location used at the very beginning of the game during the tutorial narrated by Bruce Campbell.

First, fail the mission by losing Ock. Then when you restart the mission next to the helicopter, Web Swing and try to attach a Web Swing to the helicopter. It is much easier to web swing to the helicopter, or make your web attach to the
chopper. All you have to do is dodge the buildings. It is also possible to attach you web to other choppers that are just flying around in the city.

When you start the level, you are on the top of the Daily Bugle. Charge your jump and sprint towards the destination marker and begin swinging. When Spider-Man says "The conference is starting, I'm going to be late", you should be near a black building with green lights behind it. The green lights are the conference hall. Sprint through the center of this building and start swinging to the right. The entrance is on the right hand side. Sprint into the building and directly to the stairs. Sprint up the right-hand side to the top floor and in the second door on your left. Note: Jumping up floors saves a few seconds, but do not wait to charge your jump. When you enter the room, there will be an intermission sequence of Spiderman meeting Mysterio, and two reporters hanging from the balconies. Save the one on the right first, since he is closest to falling. When you pull him to you by pressing Y, charge your jump and sprint towards the balcony that you came in on. When you reach the edge of the balcony, release Jump. The jump alone will not get you there. When you start to fall, cast a web and swing onto the balcony. Press Y to put the reporter down. Repeat this for the reporter on the left. When you have safely rescued the two falling reporters, go back to the balcony on the right. There should be another reporter on that balcony. Repeat the steps for saving the falling reporters. Swing down to the stage and fight off some of Mysterio's alien flyers Note: Your web attacks will not have any effect on the flyers, however your normal attacks will. Grab one of the reporters and charge a jump. When your jump is fully charged, jump straight up. When at your full height, cast a web and wait for it to stop swinging. Repeat this until at maximum height. Start swinging towards one of the two balconies that the reporters were on. If you are not high enough, charge a jump and release. Repeat this for the other two reporters, then finish of the flyers. An intermission sequence will start, and you will have completed the level.

Once you save someone from being mugged, swing away from them, then swing back. Walk by them and they will say "stay away from me!".

Certain building can be referenced to the first Spider-Man. For example, the skyscraper where you have the final fight with the Vulture in the first game can also be found in the second game. The bridge where you fought the Green Goblin
can also be found in the game, but you cannot pass about halfway on it to the next city. Also, the bridge that the Green Goblin tries to blow-up and you must save is also in this game.

After completing Chapter 16, Chapter 17 starts and unlocks the Swing Speed Level 8 upgrade at the Upgrade Store. The Swing Speed Level 8 upgrade costs 50,000 Hero Points. Using it earns the Speed Freak award.

The very accurately New York City. It is actually possible to find the lights pointed to the sky that replaced the Twin Towers. It is located on the southwestern side of the city near the coast. It will be found in a big space on the map, and its a lot easier to see at night when the lights are on.

Complete the associated requirement to get the award.

AwardHow to unlock

When you reach a hole in the netting you will reach a open space. Advance Web it.

Get all 150 Skyscraper Tokens.

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