Hold L + R and press Start, Start, Start, Start at the options menu. If done correctly you will hear a sound. |
Submitted by RobertWolfeTo get +2 seconds, hit the bus stops booths that have Mr. Burns' picture on them. |
Submitted by RobertWolfeHold L + R and press B, B, B, B at the options menu. All the people (except the character you selected) will be flat. If done correctly you will hear a sound. |
Submitted by RobertWolfeAt the options menu Hold L + R and press X, X, X, X. A sound will signal correct code entry.
At the options menu Hold L + R and press B, B, B, B. A sound will signal correct code entry.
At the options menu Hold L + R and press A, A, A, A. A sound will signal correct code entry.
At the options menu Hold L + R and press B, B, Y, X. A sound will signal correct code entry.
At the options menu Hold L + R and press X, X, X, Y. A sound will signal correct code entry.
At the options menu Hold L + R and press B, B, Y, X. A sound will signal correct code entry.
Get Smither's in Mr. Burns Car
At the options menu Hold L + R and press B, B, Y, Y. A sound will signal correct code entry.
Get Viewable Collision Lines
At the options menu Hold L + R and press B, B, A, A. A sound will signal correct code entry.
Finish all ten missions in mission mode to unlock The Homer car. The car is selectable in any mode by choosing Homer's picture at the car select screen.
Set the system date to December 25 to unlock Christmas Apu (dressed in a Santa costume) under the "?" at the character selection screen.
Set the system date to October 31 to unlock Halloween Bart (dressed in a Frankenstein costume) under the "?" at the character selection screen.
Hide New Year's character
Set the system date to January 1 to unlock New Year's Krusty under the "?" at the character selection screen.
Hide Thanksgiving character
Set the system date to November 22, 2001 to unlock Thanksgiving Marge (dressed in a Pilgrim costume) under the "?" at the character selection screen.
Intentionally fail a mission five times and it can be skipped. This cannot be done on the final mission. |
Submitted by ROBERTWOLFEAt the options menu Hold L + R and press Y, Y, Y, Y. A sound will signal correct code entry.
Turn on the system without a disc. Change the date to New Years Day and you will get a Happy New Years Car that is driven by Krusty the Klown.
Hold L + R and press X, Y, Y, B at the options menu. If done correctly you will hear a sound. |
Submitted by RobertWolfeHold L + R and press A, B, Y, X at the options menu. If done correctly you will hear a sound. |
Submitted by RobertWolfeHold L + R and press B, Y, X, A at the options menu. Press Y to start, stop, and reset the timer. If done correctly you will hear a sound. |
Submitted by RobertWolfeHold L + R and press A, Y, Y, A at the options menu. Hold and release X during game play for a turbo boost. If done correctly you will hear a sound. |
Submitted by RobertWolfeAt the main menu, go to the options screen, hold down both triggers and press A, B, B, A. You will hear a sound if you did the right code.
To execute the moves, hold down A, B, and X while airborne to make the your car flip. To execute the other move, stop, hold down A and X then release X only to activate the speed boost. |
Submitted by jamickMore Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements