Alternative Dancing Mini-game Ending
When the Governor's daughter gives you the hand signal, select the button for the hand movement immediately after she gives you the signal. You will do a special dancing move which will get her heart up very fast, if you do it many times in a row. If her heart is big enough when the mini game is over, instead of kissing her hand, you will spin her around and she will then kiss you. Afterwards she will likely give you a present or extremely valuable information.
Begin With The Ship Of The Line And Full Crew
Enter D.Gackey as a case-sensitive player name.
The following is a list of different types of cities and their characteristics. Note: Poor defenses and weak defenses are different. Poor defenses are worse than weak defenses.
Capital Cities: Large and wealthy with strong defenses.
Port Cities: Large and wealthy city with weak defenses.
Towns: Large and poor with strong defenses.
Colonies: Large and poor with weak defenses.
Trading Posts: Small and wealthy with strong defenses.
Strongholds: Small and poor with strong defenses.
Villages: Small and wealthy with poor defenses.
Outposts: Small and poor with poor defenses.
Crew Is Always At Highest Morale
Enter B.Caudizzle as a case-sensitive player name.
Land battles are difficult to win, even if you have more soldiers than the enemy. A good strategy to remember is to hide in the trees. The soldiers attacking your troops in the trees will have less than a 20% chance of inflicting critical damage, and all damage is divided in half. Also, watch your troop's morale; if their morale gets low enough, they may run away from battle. Always enter battle with more than one quarter additional troops than the city guards. You can also weaken enemy ports and cities by alerting Pirate Havens and Indian Villages. The indians or pirates will assault the town, making the town lose guards, whether or not they win the battle. This also makes the city lose wealth, however. If the city was once "Prosperous" it may go down to "Poor" or "Modest". If this happens too much, alert the missionaries in the Missionary Camps. Tell them to travel to the city you want to become wealthier, then attack the city. You must attack cities at the correct moment. Waiting too long after sending in missionaries may result in more guards accumulating than before. You should wait only two to five days.
Reach the rank of Count with any or all nations. Then, go into ship battles with any desired ship. Damage it a lot, but not to the point where it explodes. Keep the ship and go to a port where you are at the rank of Count or higher. Talk to the shipwright. You will get free repairs. You can repair a damaged ship for free and sell it for a lot more.
While battling other ships, get in front of them. Get them to chase you, and when your guns are fully loaded, turn, fire, and straighten again. Repeat this until you want to board or their sail falls and they surrender. This is best done when you use grape shot or chain shot.
Attack and board a smuggler's vessel to usually get a specialist (for example, Carpenter, Sailmaker, etc.).
Ok when you are in port and your crews morale is down, and therefore want to u now split the loot this is a good trick to get more money fast and a get a bigger pay cut first get all the ships you want and can have, and bring them with you, if you can upgrade them the better, but its not necessary, now when you are at the port got to the shiprite and sell of your ships except the best one you will get a lot of money, and get to keep your best ship as your flagship, and the crew wont take it. |
Submitted by robertrinconFirst become Duke of your nation and go to all of your cities and get the upgrades(free). After you get all of the upgrades sell te ship and get around 3000-7000 depending on the ship. |
Submitted by TimeKillerWhen fencing choose the rapier for a quick attack. Wait a second at the start of a bout until fencers cross swords. If your opponent draws his sword back at waist height blade pointing towards you (thrust), then parry, and counter attack with your own thrust. Opponents sword held high on his right hand side will be a chop, duck, then counter attack. Opponents sword held high on his left hand side (arm across the body) will be a slash, jump, then counter attack. Look out, its easy to confuse the slash and chop.
Enter Sweet Tooth as a case-sensitive player name.
Enter Dragon Ma as a case-sensitive player name.
Invincible During Ship Battles
Enter Bloody Bones Baz as a case-sensitive player name.
Enter Firaxis as a case-sensitive player name.
Enter Bonus Frag as a case-sensitive player name to wear a puffy shirt, dancing slippers, and feathered hat.
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