Hit a homerun in AT&T Park.
Hit ten homeruns in one game.
Hit a triple in Wrigley Field.
Hit a homerun in Fenway Park.
Hit a homerun in Atlantis.
Walk three times in one game.
Hit a homerun in Yankee Stadium.
Hit a homerun in PetCo Park.
Hit a homerun in Coliseum Park.
Steal ten times in one game.
Hit a homerun with the Lions in Comerica Park.
To Unlock the Martians during a game you need to successfully ( make the fielder drop the ball) perform a takeout slide at 2nd base and third base in a row. After doing so the screen should say Martians Unlocked. Now the martians can be played as in any game. |
Submitted by RunawayChikinzHit a homerun in Forbidden City.
Hit a homerun at Busch Field.
To Unlock the Pony team you must successfully (knock the ball out of the catchers hand) perform a take down slide at home plate. |
Submitted by RunawayChikinzHit a homerun in Minute Made Park.
To unlock the rodeo clowns as a team you need to get a double play. After getting a double play you should see a screen that says " Rodeo Clowns Unlocked". |
Submitted by RunawayChikinzHit a homerun with a Yankee in Empire Park.
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