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Legends of Wrestling 2

Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements for Legends of Wrestling 2 on Xbox

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Legends of Wrestling 2 Cheats

The easiest way to stay in the match is to beat up your opponents one by one. When they are groggy. throw them out. If your opponent keeps countering and attacking you, get on the apron and use the "Bing Out The Hard Way" move to eliminate them. Also, set your "Excitement" to "5" so that you always have a special. Make sure it is a finisher that is easy to do.

To eliminate someone easily, get on the apron and grapple the nearest opponent. Once he is grappled, do the "Bring Out The Hard Way" move so you do not get eliminated. Make sure you do not get hit off the apron. Also, make sure opponents such as the Dynamite Kid do not grapple you. Otherwise, they will use there Sunset Flip over ropes and eliminate both you and them.

Select career mode and choose any wrestler. During career mode, enter one of each of the match types. You can either finish the match or immediately exit. After all match types have been entered, a message stating that the cheats can now be purchased in the shop that will appear.

To go into a crouch after being knocked down, hold R. Note: You need to hold R Immediately after being knocked down or you will not come up into a crouch. From the crouch, press one of the following buttons to execute the corresponding move.

Attack: Press X.
Block: Press A.
Grapple: Press B.
Roll away: Press Y.

Buy one spot, for either red or blue. Gamble, and if you lose, load the game and you will get your coins back. If you win, save the game and repeat the process. This makes buying items a lot easier, but is still difficult to get.

Enter the Create A Legend screen and intentionally make a wrestler with poor attributes (stats are all at zero). Defeat him repeatedly in ladder and cage matches to get three Green Coins with each win.

Play in a 16 team tournament. Pick one wrestler and play him through the tournament. Save before you fight the last wrestler. After you defeat him, you will get 1 Green Coin for winning the match and 9 Green Coins for winning the tournament. After winning the last match and collecting your 10 Green Coins, leave tournament mode without saving. Do not save in tournament mode after the last match or you will have to start again. Save in the options menu to keep your Green Coins. Go back to tournament mode and load the tournament you just saved. You should only have to fight the last wrestler again. Win the last match again and get 10 Green Coins. Repeat this as many times as desired. This also works in the 4 and 8 team tournaments. Note: It helps if you stack the tournament in your favor by choosing weaker opponents.

Find or create a wrestler that has an easily accessible submission move, such as one that can be used straight from a grapple. Then, have a friend be the referee in an 8-man tag match while you are controlling the wrestler with the submission move. Immediately when the match starts, put the move on your opponent and have your friend press A to count it as if he gave up. You should win the match in about five seconds and add five Green Coins to your account.

Take any wrestler besides Big John Studd through career mode in the Pacific region. Chose any story line except number 4 "Sensationalized Violence". Once you reach the body slam with Big John Studd, save just before you start the match. Compete in it and both, fill up the Slam! Meter. Win the match and you will be awarded 35 Green Coins. You can then quit career mode. When it prompted to save career mode, select "No". Reenter career mode and win the body slam match to get another 35 Green Coins. Exit career mode without saving again. You can keep doing this as many times as desired. Before you turn off the game, go into the options at the title screen and save your options. Then, go into shop mode. You will notice that you have a lot of Green Coins.

Note: This trick requires two controllers and the tag titles unlocked. Go to a tag tournament, enter all the people needed, but make sure the tag champions are also included. Make each match an elimination. Every time the tag champions wrestle, make them defend their titles. For every match, have player one on one team and player two on the other. Play for a fast win.

Use the following trick to get ten Green Coins in less than a minute. Start a tournament with two players and skip all the matches up to the final one. There will only be the center question-mark box remaining. Set the match rules to DQ=Yes, then enable Count Outs. Save the game. Start the match, then make player two climb out of the ring (L). They will be counted out, and you will gain a Green Coin. Then after he match starts, you will receive another nine coins for winning the tournament. Do not save the game. Instead, load the previous tournament and repeat the player two time-out. You will receive another 10 coins. Repeat this as many times as desired.

To get 50 Green Coins, complete career mode up to the final match. Win the match. After that, you will be asked if you want to save. Answer "No". Save the options menu. Then, play the last match of the career mode repeatedly for 50 Green Coins per win.

When in the Pacific Region and having Coalition of Wrestlers as your storyline, you will have to enter a Battle Royal to determine who will fight the champion of the Region. If you lose the Battle Royal, you will have to face Big John Studd in Body Slam, where if you defeat him you will get 35 Green Coins. If you defeat him, you will have to fight in the Battle Royal again. If you lose the Battle Royal, then you will face Big John Studd again in Body Slam. Repeat this process to get as many Green Coins as desired.

In career mode pick Jerry Lawler and defeat Andy Kaufman to unlock Andy in the shop.

In career mode pick Dynamite Kid and finish career mode to get British Bulldog in the shop.

In career mode pick Hulk Hogan and finish career mode to unlock Bruno in the shop.

In career mode pick any wrestler and Beat John Studd to unlock him in the shop.

In career mode pick Bret Hart and finish career mode to unlock Owen in the shop.

Finish career mode using all wrestlers.

Select versus mode, then select Andre the Giant costume 3 for yourself and Hulk Hogan costume 1 for your opponent. Let Hogan pin you after a leg drop. You will hear the announcement that Hulk Hogan has won the heavyweight championship. Also, select Cage, then Jimmy Snuka costume 3 for yourself and Don Muraco costume 2 for your opponent. Do a move off the top of the cage to Muraco and win the cage match. Snuka will say that he is the luckiest man alive and thank his wife. Note: These only work with the specified costumes and scenarios; otherwise, nothing happens.

Select career mode and complete a Southwestern region story line to unlock Mil Mascaras at the shop.

Beat the following regions in career mode to unlock the indicated promoters:

Midwest: Scotty MacDougal
Northeast: Tony "The Boss" Pavorati
Pacific: Randall Schmandall
Southeast: Belle Jackson
Southwest: Tex McGraw
World: Hiro Natsuume

The Death Valley Driver can be used as John Cena's F-U.

This trick will help get coins easily. To have the stun meter never go away on an opponent, enable the momentum cheat, then do any move just as the meter is about to empty. It will refill. Repeat the process. To get coins using this trick, give your wrestler the big leg drop. (D-Lo's Leg Drop). When your opponent is down, hit the leg, wait until the bar is about to go down, then hit it repeatedly. He will never get up and you will win easily.

When you complete a career and save the game, you will unlock your wrestler's career ending movie. However, when you enter the theater to watch it, you will need some Coins. A better way is to go into career mode and choose the wrestler you won the game with. At the "Continue", "Reset", or "Cancel" menu, choose "Continue". You will see the career ending movie and your stats from when you finished the game.

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