County Carnival mini-game
Successfully complete the game as Kendal.
Many times, you may be tempted to delete skills from your officer or leader. If you want to delete a skill but cannot, simply switch the leader's troop job to any infantry job (all units require melee, so that is one skill you cannot delete) and delete the non-pertinent skills from that leader. Note: You will not be refunded the XP for deleted skills, so have a back-up save ready for times when your trigger finger slips.
When you reach the fourth or fifth mission with Gerald, you will be told you must trap Regneir's men by using Fire Arrows with your archers. You will immediately start fighting Regneir's men (Orcs). After awhile, Hugh tells you to move your archers back to the green area. After that, you must retreat (Hugh will tell you when) with the rest of your infantry. When your infantry reaches the green area with Hugh's troops close behind you, set your Fire Arrows at the wooded area that is highlighted red. No matter how well you do this, you will usually only kill a group of Regneir's infantry, and before the blaze Regneir's main line will emerge from the flames. You will be cast into another fight. You will find that Regineir is not a Orc to be messed with. He is level 50, and one hit from him takes one quarter of your health. Do not fight him. When Hugh tells you to retreat to the King to protect him, only move your infantry; you will have to tell all of your troops to retreat. Move your infantry only near the green area. Do not go into the green area. Instead, just go directly next to it. The King will be behind you and be safe. After you tell your men to retreat, cancel your archers from retreating. Set them a good distance away from the Hugh and Regneir fight, then tell them to attack Regneir. You will not see the health meter go down a large amount, but after awhile (about ten to fifteen minutes), Regneir will be defeated. Hugh will just stand there. Move your archers to the green area along with the rest of your infantry waiting next to the green area. At the end of this mission, you should get an exceptional amount of gold and experience.
There are several elemental attacks from weapons you can exploit against enemies. Each race has different vulnerabilities you can view when you play them in the campaign. Ice attacks fair well against unarmored enemies (orcs, humans) and will freeze them into immobility. Lightning attacks do well against metal clad enemies and spearmen or axemen. Poison attacks fair well against Elves (or Vells) and do stack damage. Curse attacks reduce the defence and offence of the enemy to near zero, but do no damage. Fire attacks are the best to use in general, since burning enemies cannot attack, and the fire damage can be stacked. When playing Gerald, Lucretia, or Kendal, try to buy an elemental weapon at the first opportunity. Regnier will not be able to buy any elemental weapons since he can imbue his weapon with fire by expending some SP (hold the B button in battle to toggle this power).
Higher level equipment usually yields better resistances, skills, and added effects. You can exploit the game's method of determining a officer's level by increasing the number of "pertinent" skills by changing the officer/leader's troop job into a
job that has multiple skills. The sum of those skills will determine your leader's level. Once you assign that leader as an officer to your leader's unit, the officer retains his or her level, despite being in an infantry unit (i.e., the units under Gerald, Lucretia, Kendal, or Regnier). Keep in mind that any high level equipment will be de-equipped if the leader's level suddenly drops because of a troop job change (hence the game message). This hint is more applicable for Kendal and Regnier, as their campaigns allow you to freely assign other troop leaders as personal officers.
To have Regneir turn into flames and deal almost up to three times the damage as normal, during battle press X, Y, then hold B. To lay down a trail of flame and fire, press Y while you are in flames.
Successfully complete the game as Regnier.
This hint is verified for single player only. During a campaign, you will have the opportunity to upgrade your equipment for your leaders and officers. Usually one or two of the items are of better than average quality, but you will have to look
through each person's list (including your force's list) of stuff available.
If you see nothing you like, reload your game (hopefully, you saved first before hitting the shop). Side note: be sure to make a second save as well, since adjusting your leader's skill points will prompt the Xbox to auto-save on the last
slot you saved your file, this way you have a back-up file to go back on.
When you reload the game, the items in the shop randomises its items available again, and you may find a damn good weapon to buy and equip if you happen to be lucky.
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