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Art Gallery 1 - Kill Warghoul once Art Gallery 2 - Kill Demon once Art Gallery 3 - Kill Santa three times Art Gallery 4 - Kill Abomination three times Art Gallery 5 - Kill Warghoul three times Art Gallery 6 - Kill Black Spiral Dancer three times | Submitted by Legato
99 COnviction - Y, Y, Y, Y, UP, DOWN, UP, DOWN Infinite Ammo - X, X, X, X, UP, UP, DOWN, DOWN God Mode - R, R, A, A, UP, DOWN, UP, DOWN All Weapons - A, A, A, A, UP, DOWN, UP, DOWN Weapons Do Insane Damage - B, B, B, B, UP, DOWN, UP, DOWN All Special Weapons - B, A, B, A, B, A, BLACK, WHITE Restock Ammo For Selected Weapon - A, B, WHITE, BLACK, B Melee Attacks Do More Damage - X, X, Y, Y, UP, DOWN, UP, DOWN Earn All Edges - Y, Y, UP, DOWN, UP, DOWN Edges Use Zero Conviction - L, L, A, A, UP, DOWN, UP, DOWN Skip Level - BLACK, L, BLACK, L, UP, DOWN, UP, DOWN Restore Health - B, B, WHITE, WHITE, WHITE Play Nightmare Difficulty - BLACK, BLACK, UP, UP, DOWN, DOWN
Vincent - reach ranged level 99 with any hunter Werewolf - reach conviction level 99 with any hunter Joshua - let 250 innocents die
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