Enter "TheWorldIsMine" as a case-sensitive code to unlock all maps.
After you finish the tutorial and you are placed into the game, go up and kill everyone on the beach. Do not go down the path and kill more people. Try to get the boat patrollers to appear and shoot you. Attack and kill them from the shore or however desired. Then, man the boat and go towards your left so that you are going away from the right side of the map where the path to go on is found. As you pass a mass of rocks you should see a model of a man with a blue body, blue limbs, but a regular face. You can shoot him and he will spout blood, but he is incapable of death.
When you begin the final battle with General Crowe, make sure you have a lot of grenades and the assault rifle with the grenade launcher equipped. General Crowe will not fight person to person yet. For now, focus on the monsters jumping around. Do not fire the helicopter's rocket launcher. You will need it for when you fight Crowe. Also, use the helicopter to shield yourself from Crowe's machine gun fire. Using the grenades with perfect accuracy, kill the monsters. Get two of them at the same time if possible to save grenade rounds. At some point they will stop dropping down. When this happens, focus on Crowe. After some time of shooting at him, he will jump down and fight you person to person. Avoid his machine gun, as it takes a lot of your health away. It is recommended that you use the speed ability to dodge bullets and hide behind objects to regenerate health. When Crowe gets in front of the door, use the helicopter's rockets. Once Crowe is dead, it is just a walk to the end.
Enter "GiveMeHealth" as a case-sensitive code.
Turn on subtitles and watch the beginning intermission sequence. When Val talks about a check clearing, look at the subtitles. 'Check' will be wrongly spelled: 'Cheque', which is the French way to spell it, due to the fact that the game is made in Montreal.
Getting the ATV past the rocks
When you are on the ATV just after Doyle tells you about the false biohazard evacuation drill and you have passed the bunker with the 40mm or 30mm grenade launcher, you may have noticed that you can fit your ATV through the observation center. Drive through and there are two large rocks blocking the ATVs path. Press A to jump at the rocks. This may require a few attempts, but eventually, you will make it through. You can even drive into the Secondary Observation Center (with the unarmed scientist and elevator) by jumping at the doorways you just cannot seem to get through. Sometimes the ATV will get stuck and force you through the roof onto the top of the bridges connecting the structures. Occasionally you might crash into one of the wires on the bridges. If this happens, simply back out and try to maintain a perfectly straight path to the next structure. If your ATV flips or gets stuck sideways, tap B to move it. If you try to flip it from the side it will simply roll onto its other side; do it from the front or back. Unfortunately, you cannot get it into the elevator that takes you down.
While in the map maker, hold L + R + Y + B + X + click and hold Left Analog-stick + Right Analog-stick and press A.
The message 'MtP! Maki! Naru! Mayu! Aki!' in Japanese will appear.
Enter "VitruviAnRush" as a case-sensitive code.
Enter "BulletsofHell" as a case-sensitive code.
Enter "CarvErVitrUvian" as a case-sensitive code. Note: This code does not work in the retail version of the game.
Enter "AmAFastMachine" as a case-sensitive code.
You may be forced to watch a game play movie every time you start the game. In order to skip this sequence, make sure that your Xbox system clock is set to the correct date and time.
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