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Fable: The Lost Chapters

Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements for Fable: The Lost Chapters on Xbox

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Fable: The Lost Chapters Cheats

To get avos tear you must complete every quest in the game that are on the quest table at th e guild. Note: If you do not have enough renown use your trophies to get more an example is outside the guild go on the boating stand and wait for everybody t gather and then get off and pull out a trophy. | Submitted by Drgon

To avos tear simply destroy the sword of aeons and the guildmaster will mention an ancient sword. He will tell you to check mazes old ouarters, he means check the book shelves and his journel will reveal its location | Submitted by salyer49

To get a really awesome sword, go to the temple of avo and donate 50000 coins. If you think its not worth it, just sell it, as it is worth 60000 coins. Big profit? | Submitted by LeeForrest

Hey if you want a funny and kinda gross way to get cash from the bordello in darkwood heres what you do; first. get your character a dress. the bright dress works fine. then go to the bordello and in a cuboard upstairs just after the bed is a redhead wig. put on the dress and the wig then talk to madam minzche. the redheaded lady who greets you. then when she asks if you want to become a "working girl" select yes. now talk to grope. the owner of the bordello. it will ask you if you want to "participate in the intimate act of love with grope" now, very grossly select yes. you will get 1000 gold coins and afterwards he will fall asleep and while he is asleep you will find out where he has hidden the bordello deeds. this is gross but funny and it saves you the trouble of buying precious alchohol and giving it away. (you can also do this more than once if you want to earn some cash. :( UGH!) | Submitted by bunanyaman

For opening the Abandoned road Demon door on the way to Twinblades Camp, you can get the complete Bright Plate Armour set for it the Snowspire village. BUT! To get this far, when you defeat Jack of Blades, DO NOT press Y in the credits and skip them as I have heard that you will not be able to continue the game if you do. Hope this helps! | Submitted by bikers_blu

When you complete the arena you are allowed in bowerstone north now theres 4 choices:

1) Buy lady grey a black rose and give it to her find her necklace located between the 2 boats in oakvale fight thunder buy your own house then marry lady grey.

2) Talk to the prisoner at the bottom of bowerstone north then go to barrow fields talk to the man near the demon door go to the grey house flash your lamp 3 times near the stables go in the grey house celler pick up the letter and lady grey says give me the letter and marry me say no go back to bower stone north and talk to the guard he says do you want to be mayor say yes then there you have it your mayor of bowerstone north and lady grey runs away.

3) When she asks you for the letter in the celler and you give it to her you then marry her.

4) If you say no to be comin mayor well obviously you dont become mayer.

 | Submitted by billy

For easy experience go to the prison path were the undead keep spawning and put on the pysical shield spell but make sure you have at least 100 will potions. keep killing the undead until you have a 200 - 300 combat multiplayer and use these potions

Ages of might potion - which gives you strengh experiance

Ages of skill potion - which gives you skill experiance

Ages of will potion - which gives you mana experiance

The potions gives you 1000 times your combat multiplayer for example if you have a combat multiplayer of 300 and you use ages of might potion it gives you 300,000 strengh experiance.

Plus evry time you kill an undead i think you get about 12 renown points and 5 good points so after youve finished killing you have maxed your whole character

You will be fully maxed on:


But some will spells like berserk and heal life need to have a certain morality to max the spell so you have to be full evil to max some spells and full good to max some others. | Submitted by billy

To get some easy money, when you get a quest card, select take quest and boast. I suggest doing the no protection boast if it is at the start of the game, as this is the easiest. | Submitted by LeeForrest

First, go to Oakvale. Then, go to the guy the sells ITEMS, not weapons, and buy all his emeralds(Click on the "Buy all # emeralds). After you buy them all, he will have zero so he will pay more for than he sold them for, but don't sell them. Check until the next delivery and wait(sleep)until the guy delivers them. After the store owner gets his delivery, buy all his emeralds(click on the "Buy all # emeralds"). Then sell all your emeralds(click on "Sell al # emeralds"). You will be selling each one for more than you bought it. Repeat these steps as much as you want. | Submitted by MrIgor

To get the Paladin title you must donate gold to the Temple of Avo (located in witchwood.) Im not sure exactly sure how much but it is probably less than 50k knowing that donating that much gets you the ultimate hammer. | Submitted by Dexter

If you go to the greatwood caves, there is a demon door. He will ask for a high combat multiplier. Go into the cave on the right, (hobbe cave) and attack heaps of hobbes with physical shield on. Once it is on 28, quickly go back outside to the demon door. You need to be quick. If you have 14 multiplier, then he lets you in! | Submitted by LeeForrest

These two helms are called, Holy warrior helm and demon warrior helm. the holy warrior is for dark plate, and the holy warrior is for bright plate. The holy warrior is going to be found in the area right after you get off the ghost ship. you get off of the ship and fallow the trail up to the little trail branch in the map. it should be on the left side of the trail. there is gunna be a chest at the end of the trail. the helm is in that.

Now for the other one, you find the demon warrior
helm in the area where you are about to fight jack for the last time. im not sure of the name but it is the place wer you bring the three souls to open the bronze gates. as soon as you get to the area you go to the door that has the red light and dont go to far and there should be a trail to the left and there is a chest. the demon helm should be in there.
ty for reading this rather than any other sites.


Ok well make sure you reach the deamon door, you need pysical shield spell and alot of will potoins. So when you reach the demob door teleport to barrow fields. From there walk to the grey house and start killing the undead when you kill all of the undead teleport back to the deamon door and kill the hobbes and keep doing that until you get over 18 combat multiplier
then go to the deamon door and he will open and you will get the cutlass bluetane it does 165 damage with a lighting agument in it. Note you can do this really earlt in the game. Yes you can do it before you fight the queen bee. It is hard, but i did it. | Submitted by Sephiroth

This trick requires a spade. First, take the Hobbe Cave Quest and go to the Rose Cottage. Walk to the circle of flowers near the house. Use your spade and dig up a Silver Key. You can also get 500 gold each time you do this if desired, by cutting the thorns and opening the treasure chest; however, you will get Evil points. Do a hero save, then load the saved game again. You should appear out of the Rose Cottage area. You can repeat this process as much as desired. If you want to get unlimited keys throughout the game, do not finish the quest. You can keep going back and getting the Silver Key.

When your in borerstone south where the fighting contest is held when every one comes dont start the contest lock on to someone that is not the leader and hit him in the back and back him into a corner. note: he has to be hit in the back if he is not he will block ur attacks and you will not get any points. as u keep hitting him your strength will go up as well as your combat multiplier. and you wont get evil or good points while dooing this. | Submitted by ACooKiEMoNsTaR

If you have a few houses put them up for rent then go to the inn and sleep six times and go collect the money, repeat and you get rich. | Submitted by nathan

Before you go into the arena make sure you have plenty of armor points, health potions and the obsedion sord also make sure your life bar is quite big.

You will also need the sharp augmentation and
At least the flame ball and heal life spell

When you kill the stone trolls you go against a giant scorpion but don't panic if you followed my previus instructions this will be easy just keep going round the arena and wisper will start attaking the scorpion just keep throwing the fire balls at it and when it plunges it's stinger into the ground run as far away from the spot you were
standing and carry on. | Submitted by smartdan

In your travels you can find special produce items that offer interesting possibilities:

Carrot: 3 Skill experience points multiplied by combat modifier
Crunchy Chicks: +5 Evil points
Fish: 3 Will experience points multiplied by combat modifier
Golden Carrot: Turns night into day instantly
Moonfish: Turns day into night instantly
Red Meat: 3 Combat experience points multiplied by combat modifier
Tofu: +5 Good points

In the Guest where you have to protect the village frome the White Balvorine make sure that you know the will power "Summun" and when you go in to the Witchwood Lake to kill the White Balvorine when he's just about dead summun your creature from the Nether world and let it kill the White Balvorine so then you can summun a White Balvorine from now on. Dont worry the balvorine doesn't give you that much expirience points, so if u don't kill it your not missing much! | Submitted by Jake

This trick requires a spade. First, take the Hobbe Cave Quest and go to the Rose Cottage. Walk to the circle of flowers near the house. Use your spade and dig up a Silver Key. You can also get 500 gold each time you do this if desired, by cutting the thorns and opening the treasure chest; however, you will get Evil points. Do a hero save, then load the saved game again. You should appear out of the Rose Cottage area. You can repeat this process as much as desired. If you want to get unlimited keys throughout the game, do not finish the quest. You can keep going back and getting the Silver Key. but if you do it more then 13-15 time when it autosaves your game will freeze. | Submitted by Dracoss

To get unlimited experiece points or gold, when you get to the arena quest, DO NOT BEAT IT. Right after you beat the stone titans (not earth trolls), go back to the lobby to get your gold and do a hero save. All the experience you aquired and the gold you have will be saved, and you can redo the arena over and over again to keep getting more. | Submitted by ryngs

Go to the heroes guild then go to the shop. if you are good make the trader follow you. if you are evil scare him away or simply push him. make sure you have at least 4 beers. tell him to wait and quickly give him beers. then go back to the shop. ther should be a resurection phial there. then simply save, load and repeat process. | Submitted by lee

OK, when your able to do the white Balverine quest, go to near the door that leads to Knothole Glade and do a hero save. Then go in and start the quest then turn right around and go back out. Go down to the little lake where the ripples are and there should be that potion that raises your will power. Then further down near the door to go back the way you came from there is a statue where you can dig up a silver key. save game and load. Start the whole thing over till you feel you have enough. | Submitted by Tubby

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