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You will need around 3000g for this, go to Nac of White Haven, behind the Balmora manors and buy an Apprentices Mortar and Pestle, Retort, Calcinator and Alembic. Then go to the Balmora mages guild (if you don't know where that is, just ask around). Then talk to downstairs and go to Travel then to Sadrith Mora. Once in Sadrith Mora, to your left will be Iniel and , Talk to and barter with her and buy 10 Crab Meat and 10 Hound Meat, then sell it back to her. Keep repeating this process until she has around 500 of Crab meat and Hound meat each. You would have noticed that however many she has it will always come back as that same number. Then just go to your inventory and press 'A' on your Mortar and Pestle and add the 2 ingredients. The just keep pressing 'X' to create your potions. You will notice that if you have Alchemy as a Major/Minor skill that you will level up quickly. Every time it says Meditate, drop your ingredients and the potions then go rest in a bed, then go back and repeat the process. Once all of your ingredients have been used up, you may want to drop potions until you can move, then speak to Iniel and go to Travel then Caldera, then go out the door and keep going forward and the building you are looking at is Ghorak Manor, go inside and upstairs is a Scamp called 'Creeper' he will give you a fair price for your potions. So once all his gold have been used up, rest for 24 hours right in front of him and he will regenerate his money, keep selling and resting until you have no potions, the go back for more then back to the 'Creeper' and keep repeating this aswell. It worked well for me, if you have trouble just keep reading through it. | Submitted by MattyC
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