All weapons, health, keys, and armor in Doom 2 and Ultimate Doom
While playing a game, hold L and press B(4). If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound.
The code for the bridge is 281.
Chainsaw in Doom 2 and Ultimate Doom
While playing a game, hold L and press B(2), A(2). If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound.
Full map in Doom 2 and Ultimate Doom
While playing a game, hold L and press Y(4). If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound.
While playing a game, hold L and press X, Y, B, A. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. To confirm that it is enabled, fire any weapon with splash damage at a nearby wall. Note: When a new area is loaded, the code must be re-enabled to regain its effect.
Level skip in Doom 2 and Ultimate Doom
While playing a game, hold L and press A(2), B(2). If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound.
Light amplification goggles in Doom 2 and Ultimate Doom
While playing a game, hold L and press Y(3), X. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound.
Radiation suit in Doom 2 and Ultimate Doom
While playing a game, hold L and press X, Y(3). If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound.
On the Phobos Labs Sector 2 level, located in the Commons area, play all five levels of the Martian Buddy Blaster mini-game. Upon winning, you will receive a message in your personal PDA giving you this link: This is one of two ways to get the code (634) for lockers #116 and #117 in the Delta Labs. The second method is to get the Patrick Hook PDA.
Storage locker combinations
Locker - Code - Contents
009 - 492 - Security Armor, Machinegun Ammo, Chain Gun Ammo
029 - 516 - Security Armor, Machinegun Ammo
034 - 134 - Machinegun Ammo, Chain Gun Ammo
035 - 134 - Pistol Rounds, Shotgun Shells, Armor Shards
042 - 714 - Shotgun Shells, Chain Gun Ammo
105 - 769 - Pistol Rounds, Shotgun Shells, Hand Grenades
116 - 634 - Shotgun Shells, Plasma Cells
117 - 634 - Shotgun Shells, Chain Gun Ammo
407 - 937 - Pistol Rounds, Shotgun Shells, Small Med-kit
408 - 937 - Shotgun Shells
Temporary invincibility in Doom 2 and Ultimate Doom
While playing a game, hold L and press X(4). If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound.
Toggle Berserk mode in Doom 2 and Ultimate Doom
While playing a game, hold L and press X(3), Y. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound.
Toggle God and Degreelessness mode in Doom 2 and Ultimate Doom
While playing a game, hold L and press A(4). If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound.
Toggle invisibility in Doom 2 and Ultimate Doom
While playing a game, hold L and press X(2), Y(2). If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound.
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