Act 2: Easy experience and gold
After defeating the Drow dark elf in Act 2, talk to the Dwarf in the cellar. Then, recall to town and immediately save the game. Talk to the another dwarf other than the one where you can buy and sell. He will thank you and give you 2000 experience and 3000 gold. Save this as a new game. Load the old game and import your character from the new game. Repeat this as many times as desired. |
Submitted by DayleJHold L hard + R light + Y + A and press Left Analog-stick Right during game play. Your character will speak to confirm correct code entry. Note: This will reduce your character's statistics. |
Submitted by DayleJThe game only checks how much you can carry when buying and picking up items. You can put on Rings Of Strength and an Amulet Of Strength, pick up man items, then take off the strength items and put on Rings Of Constitution for more HP or other rings and amulets to boost other stats. This works well when duplicating Extra Healing Potions so you can carry a large number of them through tough areas and to face end Bosses.
Hold L hard + R light + Y + A + Left Analog-stick Right then press Start during game play. Your character will speak to confirm correct code entry. A cheat menu with "Invincibility", "Level Warp" options will be unlocked. |
Submitted by DayleJMove the Right Analog-stick and the flames surrounding "Loading" will also move. |
Submitted by DayleJSave the game, then drop the items to be duplicated from the inventory of your current character. Press Start and choose to change your character. Import your character from the previously saved game. The game will bring in your character with all items in inventory at the time of your save, and allow you to collect the duplicates that are on the ground. Save the game and use a Recall Potion to return to the Elfsong Tavern. Drop all your expensive items, then import your saved player. Pick your items up and sell them. You can do this as many times as needed, have to save each time before you import again or you will lose the gold you have made. |
Submitted by DayleJEnable the "Cheat mode" code, then activate invincibility and level warp to the Hall of Remembrance. Go back into the Black Forge, kill the Onyx Golem and take the sword. Then, level warp anywhere.. Warp back to the hall and repeat as many times as needed. |
Submitted by DayleJNote: You must constantly save your game in order to do this trick. At any time when you encounter a Boss, immediately save the game to a new file after defeating them. Press Start and load the game file that was saved immediately before you fought the Boss. After the game has loaded, press Start and go to "Characters". Import the character from the file that was saved when you defeated the Boss. You will now have a character with more experience, but will be able to fight the Boss again which results in lots of experience. Keep doing this every time you defeat the Boss to gain levels faster. After you are in to the game a short amount of time, talk to everyone in the tavern for easy experience. Also check periodically; as you complete more of the first part, there is more experience to be gained in the tavern. |
Submitted by DayleJIf you have a high level character with many good items that you would like a new character to have, start a new game with the new character. Then, load the character with all the items as the second player. Then, drop the desired items on the floor to allow the new character to pick them up. Equip everything and sell off things that are not needed. Then, save the game and restart the Xbox. Play a new game with a new character and load the other new character (that has all the items) as the main character. |
Submitted by DayleJThis trick can be used at any point in the game. Save the game near a shop. Drop all your expensive items, then load your saved character to the same location. After the loading screen, pick up all your items and sell them. Do this again in the exact same order. You will get a lot of money. Use the "Duplicate Items" trick with your most expensive item or weapon. Keep duplicating it until you cannot hold anymore. Sell the duplicates and buy the most expensive weapon you can afford. Duplicate these even more expensive weapons and sell them back. Keep doing this to build an unlimited amount of gold. It gets easier when you can afford the more expensive weapons. |
Submitted by DayleJSuccessfully complete The Gauntlet level to unlock the extreme difficulty setting. |
Submitted by DayleJHow to beat the Gauntlet without using Drizzt
Open one of your saved games with your best character, make sure you have best eq and lots of potions, and use the following sequence to enter level warp during play:
hold left trigger all the way (middle finger), hold right trigger all the
way (use middle finger), hold Y (right index finger), hold A (right thumb),
L on left analog stick (index finger), press START (thumb).
After chest menu comes up, warp to the Gauntlet. Beat the Gauntlet and save the game with your character. You will then open up Extreme difficulty as an option. If you want to play Drizzt, start up the gauntlet with him, and level warp him to the
tavern or town. |
Submitted by SuZillaInvincibility and Level Warp
Hold L all of the way down, press R half-way down with Y, A, Left stick Right, and then press Start. This will unlock invincibility and level warp.
Successfully complete the game under the extreme difficulty setting. Alternately, choose to play The Gauntlet. You will start as Drizzt. Enable the "Invincibility" cheat and complete The Gauntlet within 15 minutes. .At the end where you face the Onyx Golem, use the "Level warp" cheat to go to the Tavern. You can now play the game as Drizzt. Note: You cannot equip any other sword than the ones he has during The Gauntlet. Import a new character into the game and give him the Onyx Sword, since Drizzt cannot use it. If you have not completed the game yet, enable the "Cheat mode" code, then level warp to the to the bottom (Tower). Defeat Eldrith, go to the Gauntlet level, then level warp anywhere desired. |
Submitted by DayleJResurrection in multi-player mode
If a player dies during multi-player mode, have the surviving player go the previous save point. Walk in the light surrounding the save point and they will be brought back. The character will be resurrected with all items, but at half hit points.
Choose the Elven Sorcerer, then talk to the bar owner and finish. When you are done, go to the menu and remove her clothes to see her in her underwear. |
Submitted by DayleJAfter you have completed the game once and have saved the game with the Onyx Sword in your possession (for example, with the human), start a new game with a new character (for example, the dwarf) and save. Import the human, drop the Onyx Sword and any other good items, then import the dwarf and pick them up. Note you can do this with any character and any weapon. |
Submitted by DayleJSuccessfully complete the game under any difficulty setting. |
Submitted by DayleJMore Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements