Press Run, Left, Right, I, II, Left, Right, I, II at the title screen. |
Submitted by NetoPress Run, Left, Left, Right, Right, I, II, I, II at the title screen. Then, use the following sequence to view the next image with each press: I, Left, Right, II, Up, Up, Left, II, Down, Right, II, I, Down, Up, Down, Run, II, I, Up, Run, I, Left, Right, Right, Up, Up, Up, Down, I, Left, Down, II, Run, Right, Down, Left, Right, I, Run. |
Submitted by NetoPress Run, I, I, Left, Right, II, II, Right at the title screen. |
Submitted by NetoView story mode opponents
Press Run, I, II, I, II, Right, Left, Right, Left at the title screen. |
Submitted by NetoMore Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements