By scanning the Callie & Marie Amiibo, you can unlock the Hero Replica Outfit and Armor Replica Outfit, respectively. However, you must complete Single Player mode first to unlock their respective gear sets.
Item | Location
| - Complete the Single Player campaign, then scan the Marie amiibo.
| - Complete the Single Player campaign, then scan the Marie amiibo.
| - Complete the Single Player campaign, then scan the Marie amiibo.
| - Complete the Single Player campaign, then scan the Callie amiibo.
| - Complete the Single Player campaign, then scan the Callie amiibo.
| - Complete the Single Player campaign, then scan the Callie amiibo.
After defeating the final boss. Return to Octo Canyon and Marie will put up a TV to view the credits anytime.
Easy EXP/Coin Tickets in Singleplayer
In the Singleplayer, you might be aware that you can find some of these tickets around, although you can't collect them more than once. However, after you fully upgrade all the Hero Weapons, including the Ink Tank and the Bombs, you can purchase one ticket for 1500 Power Eggs.
Gear in Octo Expansion DLC
If you have the Octo Expansion DLC you will be able to unlock the following gear by completing the corresponding task.
Conductor Cap
Get ALL the Mem Cakes in the game.
Golden Toothpick
Beat the secret boss 'Inner Agent 3'.
Neo Octoling Armour
Get ALL the Mem Cakes in 2 Lines.
Neo Octoling Boots
Get ALL the Mem Cakes in 3 Lines.
Null Armour Replica
Get ALL the Mem Cakes in 5 Lines.
Null Boots Replica
Get ALL the Mem Cakes in 6 Lines.
Null Visor Replica
Get ALL the Mem Cakes in 4 Lines.
Octo Shot Replica
Beat the Octo Expansion.
Octoling Shades
Get ALL the Mem Cakes in 1 Line.
Old-Timey Clothes
Get ALL the Mem Cakes in 8 Lines.
Old-Timey Hat
Get ALL the Mem Cakes in 7 Lines.
Old-Timey Shoes
Get ALL the Mem Cakes in 9 Lines.
New Weapons in Octo Canyon
As you play through the Octo Canyon single player mode, you'll unlock new Hero Weapons to use as you progress.
When you're waiting to connect to a room when playing online you can press and hold Up or Down on the Left Analaog Stick to change the pitch and tempo of the music, pressing and holding Down on the Right Analog Stick will make the music sound muffled like you're underwater.
Many weapons become purchasable from Ammo Knights after reaching certain levels from playing multiplayer.
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