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Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim, The

Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements for Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim, The on Switch

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Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim, The Cheats

At whiterun buy a horse and do the Soul Trap spell, now use the spell on your horse. This way your Conjuration skill will leveling up.

Place any apparel item (armor or jewelry for best results) on a mannequin. Then, put the item back into your inventory. Leave the location of the mannequin, and go to a different area (for example, exit a house), then return to the mannequin to find the item still on the mannequin, which you can then take. Repeat this as many times as desired.

This glitch requires that you own a new home plot in the "Hearthfire" DLC. Construct an armory in one of the wings. Once the armory has been constructed, you will be able to display armor on the mannequins inside. Place the desired armor set to be duplicated on the mannequin, then leave the room. Next, take the armor off the display, then leave the room again. Go back to the room, and the armor will have been duplicated on the mannequin. Note: Whichever armor set you first put on a mannequin will remain there; you will not be able to switch it out. Thus, if you want to duplicate a different armor set, you will need to use a different mannequin.

This trick requires that you own a house with an alchemy lab. Activate the bookshelf, then place the desired book to be duplicated on it. Leave the menu, then immediately activate the bookshelf again. If your book has not yet physically appeared on the shelf, wait at the menu screen where you can loot the bookshelf. Once you see the book in front of you (it will hover in front of the shelf while the menu is open), loot the book from the shelf in the menu. Immediately close the menu, and you can click on the book itself to read and then take it. You will now have looted the book twice, putting two of them in your inventory. Repeat this as many times as desired. It is especially useful with expensive books such as the Oghma Infinium.

Go to Riverwood, find an elf named Faendal, and then deliver a note to Camilla. Next, find Faendal, and ask him to follow you. Make sure you have at least 200 gold. Ask him to train you. When he does, ask him to trade with you. Go into his inventory, and take your money back. You can do this five times a level, and it really helps early in the game. Repeat this as much as desired.

Use the following trick to level up your Blocking skill or save a few spare perks. Find a weak enemy that does not enter water (for example, a wolf). Pin yourself between the enemy and the water, then use a rubber band to hold the trigger button that controls your shield for as long as desired to keep leveling up the Blocking skill. Note: Make sure the enemy will not move from where he is attacking you.

While you climbing a mountain and the mountain is too steep. Turn arround and jump backwards with your jump button.

When you reach the part in the tutorial at the beginning of the game where you choose to enter the keep with either Hadvar or Ralof, choose Hadvar, Have Hadvar cut the bindings off your hands. Grab the iron sword off the wall in the room. Then, simply keep hitting Hadvar with the sword as he stands by the door to keep leveling up the One-Handed skill. Once you knock him down, make sure to not hit him anymore until he gets back up. To level up the Sneak skill, keep sneaking up on Hadvar while he stands by the door, and then attack him with the sword. Do this for the first 32 levels. Once you reach level 33 for the Sneak skill, you can simply sit behind him and hit him with the sword every six seconds. To level up the Two-Handed skill, progress a little further in the game, and get the two-handed sword. Once you reach the area with the bear where Hadvar gives you the bow and arrow, keep hitting Hadvar with the two-handed sword to easily level up the Two-Handed skill. Note: Do not press [Sneak] while doing this or Hadvar will move on. To level up the Destruction skill, keep burning Hadvar. If you leveled the One-Handed, Sneak, Two-Handed, and Destruction skills to level 100 using this method, you should have 37 perk points and be at level 37 to start the game. Go to Riverwood village, and find Alvor & Sigrid's house. Inside is a man named Hadvar. Rest until it is after 8 a.m. so Alvor leaves the house. Sigrid and the young girl should remain downstairs, and Hadvar will be upstairs. If he is not, just wait until he comes upstairs. Then, save the game just in case there is a problem during the next part. Equip your strongest sword or weapon that you want to increase the skill level for, and sneak behind him until he cannot see you. Do a heavy strike, and he will stumble to the floor. When he gets up, he will have no knowledge that you hit him. He also never dies, so it can be done indefinitely. Repeat the process to level up as much as desired. This will also maximize your Sneak skill, and whatever weapon type you are using.

To get some money, and not all carry along from the dungeons to be (in order to sell it to the dealer, provided that, the more money), you can see, once you're in River Forest [Riverwood] behind the mill on the table Lumberjack find one. By now you go to a stack of wood (there is one right next to the table and a "front" of the mill, if you come from the direction of slipway), chopping wood, with each beat and you get 2 logs each action you make 3 beats. When her repeated about every 30 seconds you will get a lot of logs together so quickly. These can then sell for 5g a piece of Hod (the man of Gerdur). So you can quickly earn a few hundred gold pieces.

At the beginning of the game, you will encounter a sleeping bear in Helgen's Keep. Hadvar will say you can either sneak past it or kill it. Just off to the left of where Hadvar stops is a small rock pile. Go to the back side of it, and you can sneak in the crevice there and remain hidden from the bear. Keep sneaking at the rock to increase your Sneak skill level. Repeat this for a long as desired, as the bear will only move if it detects you. To make sure you are in a good location, sneak for a short time, then check your Sneak skill to see if it is rising. If not, move slightly closer to the bear and keep trying.

After the prologue part of the game, go to Embershard Mine. Kill the two bandits in the first chamber of the mine, then go into the short tunnel. Lower the bridge by pulling the nearby switch (explore along the tunnel on the far wall from the entrance). Continue through the next few rooms until you reach an area with a bandit in a sort of pit (the pit has a forge in it). Kill the bandit in the pit to attract the attention of the guard on the bridge. She will start shooting arrows at you. Hide about half way down the bridge in the shadows, and just keep walking into the wall while sneaking to easily level up your Sneak skill.

Reach White Run, and go east. Move toward the mountain until you find White River Watch. Kill the two bandits outside, and enter. The blind guy inside will ask if you are Ralph. Say yes, and then keep walking into the wall in the shadows while sneaking to easily keep leveling up your Sneak skill. You can also place a rubber band around the Analog-stick and controller and leave it for a few hours to keep leveling up while you are away.

Once you can go to Bleak Falls Barrow, go there, and talk to Sven about his love troubles with a girl. Accept to deliver a fake letter to the girl he mentions. Find the girl, and deliver the letter to her. Then, go to Faendal, and accept the "Golden Claw" quest. Go back to Sven, and talk to him about the quest. Tell him to follow you, then sneak behind Sven, and sneak attack him. Repeat this as many times as desired to easily level up the Sneak skill, the weapon skill for the weapon you have equipped, and general experience. Note: Make sure you do not kill Sven. Sven will get mad at you when you keep attacking him, but he will never try to attack you back. Additionally, make sure to not get the perk that increases one-handed weapons to do 6x damage or the sneak attack will kill Sven.

Once you can reach the Greybeards at High Hrothgar, keep sneaking behind one of the Greybeards, and wait until you become undetected. Then, attack them, and keep repeating this as many times as desired. The Greybeards will not attack you, and this is not considered a crime. Additionally, you can use a weapon while you attack them, but there is a chance you will kill them. It works best while unarmed.

This trick requires the necessary perks in the Alchemy, Enchanting, and Smithing skills. First, enchant armor/boots/gloves/etc. with alchemy boosting properties. Then, equip the enchanted gear, and create a potion that enhances your enchanting skill for a certain amount of time. Go back, drink the potion, and enchant new equipment with alchemy boosting properties again. Your new equipment will now boost your alchemy even more, which will allow you to create a potion that enhances your enchanting even more than the first potion you made. Repeat this as many times as desired. Then, create smith boosting equipment and a smith boosting potion. Go to the blacksmith, and create your gear while you have your smith boosting equipment/potion, and upgrade it to the desired stats.

This trick requires that you own a house with an alchemy lab. Obtain the Oghma Infinium book, but do not read it. Go to your house, and open the bookshelf. Read the Oghma Infinium book, then select the skill set to assign the skill gain. Close the book, but not the bookshelf. Store the book on the shelf, then take the book back off the shelf, and select it, but do not read it. Repeat this as many times as desired to get as much skill level gain as desired.

There are two ways to obtain the Hylian Shield and Champion Tunic from The Legend Of Zelda series. The Master Sword can only be obtained using amiibo. The way to obtain all three items is by chance using The Legend Of Zelda amiibo. Scan them to get random content. If you do not get any of the gear set, wait one day and try again. Repeat this process until you have the whole gear set. The other way to obtain the Hylian Shield and Campion Tunic are collecting them on the peak of the Throat Of The World, which is the highest mountain in the game. Find the small cave at the peak to get the two items from a chest inside. However, there is a Parrthurnax at the peak. Thus, it is recommended to be at a decent level to defeat the boss.

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