Enter the code at the main menu, Down, Up, Down, Down, Right, Up, Down, Right, Triangle, Down to cut down races to one lap.
Enter the code at the main menu, Up, Up, Down, Right, Right, Up to make all human players invisible. This means they cannot be targeted by rockets.
Enter the code at the main menu, Down, Left, Right, Down, Right, O, Triangle, Down to make all the surfaces in the game slippery like ice.
Enter at the main menu,the code Triangle, Right, Down, Right, Up, Triangle, Left to be able to throw around an endless supply of bombs.
Infinite Masks (Aku Aku and Uka Uka)
Enter the code at the main menu, Left, Triangle, Right, Left, O, Right, Down, Down to become permanently invincible.
Enter at the main menu,the code Triangle, X, Right, Left, Left, Triangle, X to have an endless amount of turbos at your disposal.
Enter at the main menu,the code Down, Right, Right, Down, Down to ensure all power-ups and weapons are 'juiced up'.
Enter at the Main Menu: Hold L+R, press Down, Right, X, Down, Left, X, Up.
Enter the code at the main menu, Up, Up, Left, Right, Triangle, Down, Right, Down to give your kart a permanent speed boost. This will be like having the Super Engine power-up from Battle mode.
Enter the code at the main menu, Triangle, Right, Right, O, Left to make all tubo pads more effective.
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