General manager mode-backlash recomended matchs
Match 1:Trevor Murdoch + Lance Cade v Edge + Kane
Match 2:Ric Flair v Carlito
Match 3:Trish Stratus v Lita
Match 4:Shawn Micheals v Rob Van Dam
Match 5:Umaga vs Big Show.
Main event: John Cena v Triple H.
Note: Title matchs can be in which ever match you want. |
Submitted by AustenHow to get johnny balbuena as a wrestler
First you go to options then cheat the press o, o, up, up, triangle and then select and johnny balbuena will appear as a wrestler. he has weak stats though. |
Submitted by JohnnyThe move set of Jeff Hardy is the moveset 14 it has everything of Jeff Hardy. |
Submitted by sephirothWin the Backlash Trophy.
Unlock Diva Loading Screens
Win the No Mercy Trophy.
Unlock D-X Stable Entrance
Win the Vengeance Trophy.
Unlock ECW One Night Stand 2
Win the Money In The Back Trophy.
Unlock Hardcore Championship
Win the Superstar Challenge Trophy.
Unlock Legend Loading Screens
Win the Legend Challenge Trophy.
Unlock Million Dollar Championship
Win the Legend Challenge.
Unlock New GM Mode Options
Win the GM of the Year Trophy.
Win the No Mercy Trophy.
Win at SummerSlam and purchase at WWE shop.
Unlock Saturday Night's Main Event
Win the Superstar Challenge Trophy.
Unlock Smoking Skull Championship
Win the Royal Rumble and purchase in WWE shop.
Win the SummerSlam Trophy.
Win the Unforgiven Trophy.
Unlock Unlimited Experience Points
Win the GM of the Year Trophy.
Win the Vengeance Trophy.
Win the WrestleMania Trophy.
These will become unlockable by winning the Pay-Per-View events in season mode. Then you must purchase them at the WWE Shop.
Effect - Code
"Stone Cold" Steve Austin - Win the Royal Rumble Match
"The Anvil" Jim Neidhart - Win at Survivor Series
Bam Bam Bigelow - Win the at Unforgiven
Bret Hart - Win at Survivor Series
Cactus Jack - Win at SummerSlam
Dude Love - Win at SummerSlam
Hulk Hogan - Win at WrestleMania
Jerry "The King" Lawler - Win at No Way Out
Mankind - Win at SummerSlam
Mr. Perfect - Win at Backlash
Shane McMahon - Win at Armageddon
Tazz - Win at No Way Out
The Rock - Win at WrestleMania
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