Successfully complete the Seraphic Gate dungeon by defeating Iseria Queen ten times to get the Angel Slayer.
You meet her in the S.Gate [only unlock S.gate by completing the game x1] |
Submitted by SeanYou must keep sleeping through all chapters and through the game untill When Fyrea talks to you and say to you how well you are doing when she says you must do better the lord Odins wrath is a terrible thing to hold after that go to a place and when you come out fyrea will be there. She then takes you to a foggy forest and then the fun begins she battles you. ITS IMPOSSIBLE TO BEAT HER just to let you known ive tried and tried and cant do. iF THIS HAPPENS YOU CANT WIN annd you will keep getting game over because you cant win. When you lose fyrea tells lord Odin your body has been replaced after this clip GAME OVER... |
Submitted by SeanSuccessfully complete the Seraphic Gate dungeon by defeating Iseria Queen two to nine times. One book (eight total) will be awarded each time.
Aquire all of a character's voices in the Voice collection, then press Square on that character to see a piece of character art.
You can do physical damage to Brahms with Lenneth while equipped with the sword Glance Reviver.
Dark Tower Of Xervah: Exiting
In the Dark Tower Of Xervah, after you defeat the Boss, use the crystal tricks to make your way back up the rooms to exit.
Final Battle [Bloodbane]
DME = 222000 Weakness = None |
Submitted by SeanChoose hard mode and throught the game you will find flame jewels these may seem usless in the game but after you beat the game and unlock the seraphic gate the jewels will come inhandy becuase there are sealed doors with bonus charecters and weapons behind them that can only be opened with a flame jewel. |
Submitted by rockywiremanGolden eggs boost your stats by any number. |
Submitted by SeanStart the mode with hard. |
Submitted by SeanStart the game with normal. |
Submitted by SeanWait after the credits finish and you will see a scene involving Bramms and Lezard. This can only be posible if you get the A ending.
Successfully complete the Seraphic Gate dungeon by defeating Iseria Queen to get the Tri-Emblem.
Start the mode with easy. |
Submitted by SeanUnlock items by beating the Seraphic Gate multiple times
Each time you defeat Iseria Queen in the Seraphic Gate, you receive a chest and 1,500,000 exp for your exp orb. Once you defeat her 10 times and receive the Angel Slayer, all successive playthroughs will result in anther Angel Slayer and the orb exp.
Angel Slayer: Beat the Seraphic Gate 10+ times.
Book of Riddles 1-8: Beat the Seraphic Gate 9 times (one book each time).
Tri-Emblem: Beat the Seraphic Gate once.
Beat the game and save after the Fin screen. You will now be able to access Seraphic Gate through the main menu.
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