Press Triangle, X, Square, Circle, L + R during game play.
How to beat the stadium mini-game easier
Instead of hitting the taxies, just use the freeze ball, the taxies will be destroyed even faster than just hitting them. |
Submitted by ChrisWhile playing, press Triangle, Triangle, Down, Down.
While playing, press Right,Left, Down, Up and then press L and R together.
While playing, press X twice and Up twice and then L and R together.
While playing, press X, Triangle, X, Triangle.
Get onto the large ship and you'll find a path that leads to the bottom of the ship, go either dirextion but don't go on the lift, instead try going towards the other side of the ship and you'll see the teleporter that takes you to that levels secret mini game.
To play as tower tooth (the final boss) you must beat the game about five times. This is easy if you use the killer guns cheat(L and R X X up up).playing as tower tooth is just like the end of the game once you get hurt a lot your special attack will be coming from the top head not the bottom. Note: you can only play in the roman ruins level. |
Submitted by killaatgamesSecret mini game in Big Blue Stadium level
In one of the cornors is a glass window, shoot it and enter, inside is another set of windows, shoot them out and inside is the teleporter to the mini game.
Secret mini game in Egypt
Blow up one of the statues and a secret passageway is behind it. Follow it and it leads to the teleporter for the mini game.
Secret mini game in L.A. Level
On the West side of the level (oposite end of the teleporter pad to sign) there's a teleporter pad in one of the buildings. Just shoot the doors and then stand on the pad to unlock the Solom mini game.
Secret mini game in Monoco level
Have the lake behind you (bleachers area) and drive to the right. You'll com to a grassy area to your right and the teleporter is there for the mini game.
Secret mini game in Paris
Near the center of the level, go to what looks like a museum and shoot the doors off. The teleporter to the mini game is located in there.
Climb to the top of the building and turn right and go all the way to the end and you will find a teleporter that leads to the secret mini game.
Secret mini game in Russia level
Find the large bell and keep shooting it until it opens. Enter and you'll find the teleporter to the mini game in there.
Secret mini game in Tokyo Rooftops level
The teleporter to the mini game is located in the building behind the "TOKYO LTD" sign.
Secret mini game in Tokyo Streets level
From the starting point head straight and when you reach the hill, take your first left and the teleporter for the mini game should be in the middle of the street.
Press Right, Left, Down, Up during game play. If done correctly,
a blinking red mine will appear underneath your car.
Press Left(2), Down(2)
Press Right(2), Down(2) during game play. If done correctly,
your car will glow green for a few seconds.
Beat Russia Mini Level.
Beat L.A. Cousin Eddy stage in Story mode.
Complete the Monaco mini level.
Complete Story mode with any character.
Unlock Egypt Deathmatch Level
Complete the Egypt mini level.
Unlock Greece Death Match Level
Beat the Greece mini game.
Beat Tokyo Rooftop mini level.
Beat L.A. mini level.
Unlock Paris Deathmatch Level
Complete the Paris mini level.
Unlock Rose Deathmatch Level
Complete the Rome mini level.
Beat L.A. Cousin Eddy stage in Story mode.
Unlock Tokyo Streets Deathmatch Level
Complete the Tokyo Streets mini level.
Press Up, X, Up, X, L + R during game play. A message will
confirm correct code entry.
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