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Legend suit Camouflage suit Cat suit Classic suit Croft Manor Sport suit Golden suit Tomb Raider 2 Maria Doria level suit Doppelganger suit Scorched Natla suit
Atlantean Creatures: Complete the game. Box Art: Collect 67% of the Artifacts in Peru. Doppelganger: Collect 67% of the Artifacts in Lost City. Egypt: Collect 100% of the Artifacts in Egypt. Game Gallery: Collect 33% of the Artifacts in Greece. Greece: Collect 100% of the Artifacts in Greece. Items And Artifacts: Complete the game with 25% of the Relics. Kid: Collect 33% of the Artifacts in Egypt. Kold: Collect 67% of the Artifacts in Egypt. Lost City: Collect 33% of the Artifacts in Lost City. Natla: Collect 100% of the Artifacts in Lost City. Origins of Lara: Collect 33% of the Artifacts in Peru. Other Characters: Complete the game with 50% of the Artifacts. Peru: Collect 100% of the Artifacts in Peru. Pierre: Collect 67% of the Artifacts in Greece. Promotional Images: Collect 50% of the Artifacts in Mansion. TR:1 vs. TR:A Egypt: Collect 100% of the Relics in Egypt. TR:1 vs. TR:A Greece: Collect 100% of the Relics in Greece. TR:1 vs. TR:A Lost City: Collect 100% of the Relics in Lost City. TR:1 vs. TR:A Peru: Collect 100% of the Relics in Peru.
Doppelganger: 36 artifacts Kid: 14 artifacts Kold: 18 artifacts Lara Croft: 5 artifacts Larson: 9 artifacts Natla: 41 artifacts Pierre: 23 artifacts Richard Croft: 32 artifacts Winston: 27 artifacts
Infinite Breath: Complete the game. Sunglasses: Complete the game. Textureless Mode: Complete the game. Infinite 50 Caliber pistol ammo: Complete all four Peru Time Trial levels. Show Enemy Health: Complete all four Peru Time Trial levels. Golden Shotgun: Complete all three Lost Island Time Trial levels. Silver Mini SMGs: Complete all three Lost Island Time Trial levels. Infinite Mini SMG Ammo: Complete all three Egyptian Time Trial levels. Infinite Health: Complete all three Egyptian Time Trial levels. Infinite Shotgun Ammo: Complete all four Greece Time Trial levels. All Weapons: Complete all four Greece Time Trial levels.
Croft Manor commentaries: Complete Croft Manor Egypt commentaries (Temple of Khamoon, Obelisk of Khamoon, and Sanctuary of the Scion): Complete Egypt Greece commentaries (St. Francis' Folly, The Coliseum, Midas' Palace, and the Tomb of Tihocan): Complete Greece Lost City commentaries (Natla's Mines, The Great Pyramid, and the Final Conflict): Complete Lost City Peru commentaries (Mountain Caves, City of Vilcabamba, The Lost Valley, and the Tomb of Qualopec): Complete Peru
A Heated Interrogation: Peru A Tough Choice: Lost City Ambushed!: Egypt Arrival at Khamoon: Egypt Arrival at St. Francis' Folly: Greece Business Banter: Greece Croft Manor: Croft Manor Doppelganger Demise: Lost City Down But Not Out: Lost City Final Confrontation: Lost City Introducing Natla: Peru Island Arrival: Lost City Island Escape: Lost City Kold and Kid: Lost City Larson Dies: Lost City Late Night Reccoinsance: Peru Motorcycle Pursuit: Egypt Pierre's Demise: Greece Retrieving the Scion: Egypt Shadow Figures 1: Greece Shadow Figures 2: Greece The Awakening: Peru The Banishment of Natla: Egypt The End of the Line: Lost City The Power of the Scion: Lost City The Tomb of Qualopec: Peru The Tomb of Tihocan: Greece Time to Leave: Lost City Unexpected Company: Peru Vilcabamba: Peru Wolf Attack: Peru
All Egypt music: Complete Temple of Khamoon, Obelisk of Khamoon and the Sanctuary of the Scion. All Greece music: Complete St. Francis' Folly, Coliseum, Palace Midas and the Tomb of Tihocan. All Lost Island music: Complete Natla's Mines, The Great Pyramid and The Final Conflict. All Peru music: Complete Mountain Caves, City of Vilcabamba, The Lost Valley and the Tomb of Qualopec. Croft Manor music: Complete Croft Manor.
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