Successfully complete the Ranking Tournament in Void Dojo to get 3,000,000 G.
Advancing through the Rankings quicker
It can be pretty annoying having to wait for a Ranking Match in arcade. They can often be 10 battles apart. There is a trick however which often works to trigger a Ranking Match. At the end of each battle you are given a choice of 3 characters to fight in your next match. Pick the character with the same ranking as you. For example if you're at 8th Kyu pick the character which is also at 8th Kyu. This does not gaurentee a ranking match, however if you beat him your next battle will more likely be a ranking match. Often the 3 choices given to you does not include a character of equal ranking to you. In this case you should pick a character higher in rankings. |
Submitted by BenedictAlternate main menu background
Successfully complete one of the following tasks to change the main menu background to the corresponding image:
Jin's Hand: Have a character reach the "Tekken Lord" rank.
Devil Jin's Hand: Have three characters reach the "Tekken Lord" rank.
Alternating background: Have four characters reach the "Tekken Lord" rank. The background will change each day to Kazuya's Hand, Jin's Hand, Devil Jin's Hand, and Jinpachi.
Successfully complete Story mode two times to unlock the Command Attack mini-game.
Go to the "Customize" screen and select any of the characters with Square instead of X. You will now see new customizable items to choose from.
Successfully complete Story mode three times to unlock Gold Rush Time Attack.
Successfully complete Void Dojo after defeating Ranking Tournament and Jinpachi to unlock the Heaven Dojo.
Successfully complete the Void Dojo after defeating Ranking Tournament and Jinpachi to unlock Jinpachi's Ghost.
Intentionally lose to Jinpachi in Story mode to unlock his winning movie.
At the character selection screen, highlight Kuma and press Circle. Note: Panda has a different story than Kuma.
Stage 0 in Tekken Dojo mode
Successfully complete all six stages in Tekken Dojo mode to unlock Stage 0. In Stage 0, you can fight against all downloaded ghost characters whenever desired.
Tekken 5 opening movie from PlayStation 2 version
Successfully complete Time Attack mode to unlock the opening movie from Tekken 5 for the PlayStation 2.
Successfully complete Story mode three times to unlock the Tekken Bowling mini-game.
Tekken Dojo Gold Rush mode
Successfully complete the Wind Dojo to unlock Tekken Dojo Gold Rush mode.
Tekken Dojo Roulette Battle mode
Successfully complete the Void Dojo to unlock Tekken Dojo Roulette Battle mode.
Tekken Dojo Survival mode
Successfully complete the Fire Dojo to unlock Tekken Dojo Survival mode.
Tekken Dojo Time Attack mode
Successfully complete the Water Dojo to unlock Tekken Dojo Time Attack mode.
Tekken: Dark Resurrection opening movie from arcade version
Successfully complete Survival mode to unlock the opening movie from Tekken: Dark Resurrection for the arcade.
Successfully complete Story mode to unlock Theater mode.
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