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Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron

Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements for Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron on Sony PSP

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Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron Cheats

While in an Air Assault battle, take out the enemy Auto Turrets first because they always shoot at you.

Select Ad Hoc or Infrastructure mode. Play at Kashyyyk in the Galactic Civil War with the Galactic Empire. Play as Boba Fett. If the other player is Chewbacca and keeps hitting you with guided rockets, press the Jet Pack button and fly straight up to avoid getting hit.

It is recommended to stay behind the enemy Hero's space ship. It is very dangerous and will destroy you quickly if you stay in front of it. When in a fight with the Hero's ship, if you have not gotten behind them and they are ahead, fire your missiles at them. When it looks as though they are turning around to fire, about 50% of the time they will stop turning and try to avoid you. This only works when the Hero is controlled by the CPU.

You can board enemy capital ships and space stations with a Space Hero. You will not have the option to auto land your ship. When you land, you will have control over your character as if it is a regular ground fighting mission. Your space ship will not disappear, and no one except yourself can use it. The best person to use is Darth Vader. Land your Tie Advanced in front of the enemy land ship. It does not have enough room to get past the Tie Advanced when CPU-controlled and will slowly die from hitting the Tie Advanced. However, it will not do damage to the Tie Advanced. When you are in the enemy's hanger as Darth Vader, attack the enemy fighters by throwing your Sith Saber. It will do more damage than just swinging it. If you throw it at point blank range at a fighter (including the LAAT/I), you will destroy it most of the time. It works even better if you wait for the enemy to get inside the ship before you destroy it. The second best choice is Boba or Jango Fett. It is difficult to land the Slave 1 inside the enemy carrier because of its size. If you plan to board it before you become a Hero, take out the turrets guarding the hanger and another turret with a Tie Interceptor. This is done so that you can concentrate on keeping your ship level and going slow. Rushing in can cause your ship to be destroyed. Boba or Jango's wrist rockets work well against the enemies ships. Boba is better at taking out the ships because of his remote detonator. Jango has an easier time with the pilots and marines with his dual blaster pistols. The third best Hero is Han Solo. You will need to destroy the turrets around the hanger before switching to him. The Millennium Falcon is a difficult ship to land. You must be very careful. If you touch the side of walls with it you will die. If you make it inside, use your pistol to kill people and the wielding torch to get slicer points on the enemy ships. The worst Hero to use is Obi Wan. He cannot damage the enemy fighters by throwing his lightsaber, but his ship is the easiest to land.

Capture all bases in the field, and quickly pause the game when the 60-second timer begins. The timer will continue to countdown while the game is paused, allowing you to win without giving your enemy the chance to win back the bases.

Go to one of your Command Posts, and customize your character so that he has a blaster rifle. Hold R when you have the Hero on the screen. Then, move the Analog-pad Left or Right so he cannot hit you, and start shooting. Note: Make sure you are far enough away.

Get into a space battle with a wielding torch. Board the enemy ship and wait by the Y-Wing or Tie Bomber. They will not be able to fly over you while you are using the torch. Make sure to point it directly at the ship or you will just stand there and get shot. When you are done slicing into it, blow it up to get it out of the way. None of the pilots will get back in it once you have sliced it.

Get into a space battle as the Imperial, and wait to become Darth Vader. Board the enemy's ship. Attack the enemy fighters with your Sith Saber throw. You will also get easy Hero points.

Get into a space battle at Kashyyyk during the Civil War. Take control of the space station in between the capital ships. Use the space station's turrets to shoot at the fighters coming out of the enemy capital ship. It will be easy, as they will hardly move for a few seconds. This only works if the enemy is CPU-controlled.

In space battles, walk up to the force barrier in your hanger. Take two or three steps back, and you will be able to shoot your rockets into space.

At the medal screen, press Up, Right(2), Left, X.

When you are in space, become a Space Hero that has a lightsaber (for example, Obi Wan or Darth Vader). Land your hero's ship inside an enemy's ship. When you are in the ship, your timer decreases, but when you exit the hero's ship your timer is back where it started. While you are inside the enemy hangar, kill as many of their pilots and ships as possible. This will decrease the number of reinforcements. When your hero's timer is almost at the end, quickly go back into your ship. This will bring the timer back up to what it was when you landed your ship. Exit the ship again. Your timer should be almost full again. Keep doing this as many times as desired, and you will eventually will have totally depleted the enemy's reinforcement count. Note: It is best to land your ship on the enemy hangar as soon as you become the hero to maximize the amount of time you have remaining.

Press Up, Down, Up, Triangle, Circle, Left, Right, Down at the "Profile Load" Screen. The sound of clashing lightsabers will confirm correct code entry.

Medals are achieved doing certain objectives in single player and multiplayer mode.

EffectHow to unlock

The Empire has the best naval fighters; it is recommended to select that side when in a Space Assault game. The Tie Interceptor is recommended when choosing which of the Empire's fighters to use. The Tie Fighter is better suited for attacking bombers and boarding craft. The Tie Bomber is good for bombing the critical systems of the enemy capital ship as well as attacking the escort ships. The Tie Defender should be used as a support ship. Even though it has six laser cannons and more missiles than the other fighters, it appears most of the time to not have target lock capabilities with its lasers. Also, it is a big target for a fighter, and can be picked off by enemy Interceptors. Do not forget to equip yourself with the vehicle repair power-up. It will repair damage done to your space craft.

Out of all the Space Heroes that can be used, Darth Vader is the best. He has a powerful twin laser cannon that does a large amount of damage, has good recharge time, has great targeting capabilities, and when paired with a proton torpedo launcher that launches both tubes simultaneously makes for an excellent fighter. The second best space Hero is Han Solo. He has similar abilities to Darth Vader, but his ship is a very large target. It is very difficult to miss the Millennium Falcon even from medium range. The third best Space Hero is a tie between Boba Fett and Jango Fett. Their ships have great fire power, but poor targeting capabilities with their laser cannons. It is better to use Slave 1 for attacking the enemy carrier ship's vital areas than to battle the fighters. Try to ignore the turrets. They will easily destroy the Slave 1. Its own laser cannons also have a difficult time hitting small targets. The worst Space Hero is Obi Wan. You are better off using the regular Republic Interceptor over Obi Wan's Jedi interceptor. Obi Wans shoots faster and burns out faster. You will slowly die over time if you cannot find enemies to attack.

To use the Turbolaser sniper rifle in space, wait for the enemy fighters to take off. Wait until the last moment before it is completely outside the ship to shoot it. It works best on A-Wings (instant destruction), followed by the X-Wing (instant destruction rarely), B-Wing, Y-Wing, and troop carriers.

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