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Star Wars: Battlefront 2

Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements for Star Wars: Battlefront 2 on Sony PSP

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Star Wars: Battlefront 2 Cheats

Select Instant Action mode, then choose Mos Eisley as your level and Assault as the game type. When you begin the game you can pick between heroes and villains and fight as any of the "Hero" type character classes with no time limit.

Press pause in the game and press up down left (3) right (2) up down and if u pressed it right a list of heros should come up and choose one. | Submitted by kyle

Jump and press Fire. You should go down and break the ground, sending anyone around you flying.

Go to Galatic Conquest and play on the republic campain then go to were yoda is. Go into that hole were the CP is. Stay in there and you can hear Darth Vader Breath. | Submitted by Lenic15

Pause game play in single player or multi-player mode then press Up(4), Left, Up(2), Down, Left, Down, Up(2), Left, Right. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Repeat the code to disable its effect.

In the mission on Tantive IV (blockade runner), the first and last objective are very difficult. At the start, once the door explodes and opens, use your thermal detonators. Get to the CP and keep dodging bullets and firing while standing near the CP until it is turned to your faction. This may take a few attempts, but it will work. Use Darth Vader after you have captured it. Use a regular Stormtrooper to take care of Leia. She should be around where you started the level. Use your grenades to soften her up, then your rifle to finish her off.

Sneak aboard the Rebel capital ship and wait by the Y-Wing until someone gets in it. Then, use your torch to slice into it. You can cause it to explode if in the air, getting points in the process. Repeat this as many times as desired.

First, make sure the enemies' shields are down, then select a soldier with a blaster rifle. Take a fast ship and fly directly into the docks (it has a blue film over it), land, and get out. All of the enemies will be lightly armed because they are pilots. Open fire. Most will not return fire. Also, most enemy ship have an objective to destroy inside them. Additionally, lock on to a structure such as the life support system or bridge. Make a preliminary strafing run straight along the ship. After passing the target, pull up with full thrusters. When the targeting arrow goes from the front of the screen to the back of the screen, decrease all engine power. Continue pulling back until you see the target. Line up with the target and do a half roll. This maneuver will allow you to make several runs, unloading on the target and avoiding as much enemy fighters as possible.

Instead of holding back on the Analog-stick to flip your ship around after strafing a structure, press Circle(2) then press the Analog-stick to either side. This is the secondary evasive maneuver, which will flip your ship around automatically. This method is much faster. Also, do not use your missile until you are close to the structures. The missiles on the Y-Wings and Tie Bombers do not have the range to get to your target and they drop off before they get there. If they are fired too early, you will not do any damage to your target.

During Galactic Conquest, buy the bonus Sabotage. When you have a space battle, the enemies ships will be easy to destroy.

Get a troop transport and land it in the enemy hanger. It will then act as a command post so you can start in the enemy ship. Note: Sometimes you may have to use two ships. If you go into their rooms (for example, the engine rooms) and set your bomb there, it will explode the same with the shield generator and in the other rooms (even the tube that in the center of all the turret command places). After that is done, get a bomber and take out the remaining places on the outside.

While in a space battle, take a transport to the enemy's space cruiser for sabotage. Land and make sure no one is in it or they will destroy it. When no one is in it, it will stay there for the rest of the battle. When you die, the transport acts as a command post for your team so you can go into the enemy ship much faster than taking another fighter from your hanger.

This following is a list of the battle ship's weak points:

Auto turrets: Enter the ship's interior and you will see a cylinder shaped console with different monitors. Use two pilot bombs to destroy it.

Engines: Enter the interior, then turn to the right. Go through the door and destroy the four giant glowing tubes with three bombs.

Life support system: Enter the ship's interior and to the left should be a door. Enter it and you will see a giant blue screen ahead. Destroy it with three bombs.

Shields: Run into the interior and move past the auto turret controls. Enter the door, then run down the passage. There should be a giant lightning-filled tube. Place six bombs on the glass. To do this, aim up and touch the glass.

Use the following trick to destroy turrets easily. When you start a space battle, go to the turret stations and get in one. Switch to a turret where you can get a good view of an enemy turret. Once you have an enemy turret in your sight, shoot as much of it as you can before it starts shooting at you (if someone is in it). Once their turret starts shooting at you, immediately get out of your turret (Triangle) and wait about five seconds. Get back in. By this time the turret may have turned back around. Repeat this process as many times as desired, or until all other turrets are out of your view.

Place proximity mines on the tanks (Vanguard, Heavy Trooper, Shock Trooper) and any other kind of vehicle, except for the assault vehicles such as the AT-TE. A more difficult way is to use a sniper technique. Fire from a safe location. Target the vehicle, wait until the reticule turns red, then fire. Another useful bombardment unit is any that carry a recon droid. Their self-destruct mechanism makes them a formidable bombardment unit.

While playing on the CIS's side and you need health or ammo, switch to the Droideka and switch back to any other Droid to get full health and ammo.

The hero characters can be found at the following locations:

Aayla Secura: Felucia: Fungi Forest, Jabba's Palace
Anakin Skywalker: Mustafar: Refinery
Boba Fett: Kashyyyk: Beachhead, Utapau: Sinkhole, Mygeeto: War-Torn City, Felucia: Fungi Forest, Yavin 4: Temple, Jabba's Palace
Chewbacca: Kashyyyk: Beachhead, Felucia: Fungi Forest, Yavin 4: Temple
Count Dooku: Geonosis: Dust Plains
Darth Maul: Coruscant: Jedi Temple, Mustafar: Refinery, Jabba's Palace
Darth Vader: Tantive IV: Interior, Coruscant: Jedi Temple, Dagobah, Naboo: Theed, Hoth: Echo Base, Endor
Emperor: Polis Massa: Medical Facility, Naboo: Theed, Death Star: Interior
General Grievous: Tantive IV: Interior, Utapau: Sinkhole, Polis Massa: Medical Facility, Dagobah, Mygeeto: War-Torn City
Han Solo: Utapau: Sinkhole, Polis Massa: Medical Facility, Endor
Jango Fett: Kashyyyk: Beachhead, Felucia: Fungi Forest, Yavin 4: Temple
Ki-Adi-Mundi: Mygeeto: War-Torn City
Luke Skywalker: Coruscant: Jedi Temple, Mygeeto: War-Torn City, Jabba's Palace, Death Star: Interior, Hoth: Echo Base
Mace Windu: Geonosis: Dust Plains, Coruscant: Jedi Temple, Yavin 4: Temple, Death Star Interior
Obi-Wan: Utapau: Sinkhole, Mustafar: Refinery, Naboo: Naboo: Naboo: Theed
Princess Leia: Tantive IV: Interior, Naboo: Naboo: Theed
Yoda: Kashyyyk: Beachhead, Tantive IV: Interior, Polis Massa: Medical Facility, Dagobah

Select Instant Action mode, choose your levels, then go to the options menu before you start. Select "Hero", then change the options to Best Player, Time Limit 1 second, and the time for hero to become available to "Always". You can start the game selecting the hero, and when you die you can pick them again immediately. Additionally, select Instant Action mode, choose your levels, but do not launch. Go to the options and choose the "Hero" selection. Change the options to the following: Best Player, 4 Points, and the time for the hero to become available to 4 seconds. Your hero or villain can still die and the meter runs out, but you only need to kill four people for four points to unlock the hero or villain again. Also, if you get the points when you are playing as the hero or villain, when you die while playing as the hero or villain they still count as the points; you can pick to play as them immediately.

Pause game play in single player mode then press Up(3), Left, Down(3), Left, Up(3), Left, Right. A sound will confirm correct code entry. This code cannot be disabled until the PSP is powered off.

Select the Kamino map and set the hero counter to whatever desired, then wait until you can play as Jango Fett. A Clone will exclaim "Its Jango Fett! And he's brought his head!", referring to the scene in Star Wars: Episode 2 - Attack Of The Clones, when he was decapitated during the assault on Geonosis.

Reach the Legendary rank in the indicated class to unlock the corresponding weapon:

Frenzy: Elite Assault Rifle
Regulator: Flechette Shotgun
Demolition: Guidable Rockets
Marksman: Particle Beam Rifle
Gunslinger: Precision Blaster
Technician: Vehicle Regen

Pause game play in single player mode then press Down(3), Up(2), Left, Down(5), Left, Up(3), Left. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Repeat the code to disable its effect.

Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding medal and bonus:

Demolition: Guidable Rockets: Get four critical hits vs. vehicles in one life
Endurance: Energy Recuperation: Get 8 points
Frenzy: Elite Assault Rifle: Get twelve kills with a blaster rifle in one life
Guardian: Shielding: Get 16 points
Gunslinger: Precision Pistol: Get 6 kills with a pistol in one life
Marksman: Particle Beam Rifle: Get 6 headshots with the sniper rifle in one life
Regulator: Flechette Shotgun: Get eight kills with a shotgun in one life
Technician: Vehicle Regen: Slice into a vehicle
War Hero: Damage Increase: Get 24 points

Pause game play in single player mode then press Up, Down, Left, Down, Left, Right. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Repeat the code to disable its effect.

It may be very easy to kill people as a hero, but there are some special moves and techniques other than the standard saber combos. You can do extremely deadly and long combinations of lightsaber strikes against enemies by Force Running/Sprinting into a group of them and pressing Attack while still sprinting. This releases a group of moves that are much deadlier against groups of opponents. This is useful when clearing hallways or passages. You can also do lightsaber combos while Force Jumping by pressing Attack in mid-air. This is useful for killing Jet Troopers as a Jedi or taking a out lightly armored vehicles or any vehicle low on heath that is higher up. You can use the "lightsaber lock" to block enemy fire coming directly at you. Make sure to face your enemies as best as possible to block their fire, and use the crosshair that appears temporarily in this mode to better aim your ranged attacks (Force, lightsaber throw). Instead of running around the map randomly trying to kill anyone you see, find a group of opponents, then activate lightsaber lock to block all their shots as you Force Run at them and then unleash a deadly combo while you are in their midst. Also, some heroes are better than others. Even though you have a limited choice for each map, try to choose a team that has a better hero or villain. Some Jedis are much faster and lethal in terms of close combat and lightsaber skill. Obi-Wan Kenobi, Darth Maul, Luke, Pilot Luke, Ki-Adi Mundi, Ayala, Yoda, and Mace Windu are recommended if you like using a lightsaber and running around. Other heroes and villains are much slower with a lightsaber and are not as good at fast or close combat, but are slightly more powerful than the others and have a better understanding of the Force. These characters include Darth Vader (Force Choke), "The Emperor" Palpatine (Sith Lightning), and Count Dooku. Use a character that best fits your playing style.

Earn the indicated number of medals in combat to advance to the next rank:

Veteran: 6 medals
Elite: 30 medals
Legendary: 60 medals

Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding bonus for that rank:

Captain: Control 3 units: Have a total of 100 to 299 medals
General: Control 4 units: Get over 300 total medals
Private: Control 1 unit: Have less than 20 total medals
Sergeant: Control 2 units: Have between 20 and 99 total medals

If there is an ammunition or medical droid on the other side of a thin wall (i.e. in space if you go into another hangar and the main room has thin separator walls between the doors and the droids), it can heal you through the wall. No one on the other side can shoot you unless they use a bomb, grenade, rocket, etc., which rarely happens.

You can always repair your shields. Just use the torch, but do not get too close to the glass or it will not work. This takes awhile, but is helpful. Also on ground battles you can use the torch to slice (hijack) enemy vehicles.

Republic: V Wing
Empire: TIE Bomber
CIS: Confederacy Strick Bomber
Rebel: Y-Wing

Republic: Jedi Interceptor
Empire: TIE Interceptor
CIS: Droid Tri- Fighter
Rebel: A-Wing

Republic: ARC 170
Empire: TIE Fighter
CIS: Vulture Droid Star FIGHTER
Rebel: X-Wing

Republic: LAAT Gunship
Empire: Imperial Shuttle
CIS: Droid Gunship
Rebel: Alliance Assault Craft

Get into a heavy transport (for example, a LAAT Gunship or Droid Gunship). Make sure no one else is in it except you, then fly over to the enemy hangar. Land and get into one of the scout fighters in that hangar (for example, a Jedi Starfighter or Tri-Fighter). Quickly fly back to your capital ship. To do this even more quickly, do the boost, and if the enemy frigates are not destroyed yet, fly out of the hangar, go down a good ways, then level your ship out again. When you have reached your hangar, land and see if your other transport is there. If it is, get in. Make sure no one is in it but you. Repeat the process described again. If it is not there, either just waste time and wait, or get into a X-Wing or ARC-170. There will now be two of your transports in the enemy ship, and they will spawn many of your men. By doing this, you have bought yourself lots of time to disable the enemy ship. It is important to make sure no one but you is in the ship because if someone else is in there they will not get out when you land; and if you get out, they will take off and crash.

Pause game play in single player mode then press Up(3), Left, Up, Down, Up(2), Left, Down(3), Left, Up, Down(2), Left, Right. A sound will confirm correct code entry. This code cannot be disabled until the PSP is powered off.

Get the indicated number of points in battle to unlock the corresponding special unit:

Bothan Spy: 8 points
Clone Commander: 8 points
Dark Trooper: 12 points
Droidika: 12 points
Imperial Officer: 8 points
Jet Trooper: 12 points
Magnagaurd: 8 points
Wookie Warrior: 12 points

Special units are used for special tasks. The Bothan Spy's regeneration ability can be useful for your troops to go in and storm the enemy's defense because they have better stamina. Their stealth ability is useful because it allows you to get into an enemy CP, capture it, and destroy the enemy's vehicles with the time bomb. The Wookies have strength and endurance with their bowcaster, as it will be a one-hit kill for almost any opponent. Their grenade launcher is useful for groups of enemies. The Recon Droid is useful for scouting, backup, and groups of enemies with their self-destruct mechanism. The Dark Trooper is useful for transport and assault. Their Jumppack can carry them great distances across the battlefield and their Arc Caster causes serious damage. Their charge shot should be used on multiple enemies. The Imp Officer is ally support and group assault. Their rage is used for extra damage so that they can storm the enemy's defense. Their mortar launcher is similar to the Wookie's grenade launcher. The Jet Trooper is used for transport and Droideka disabling as well as scrap metal destroying. The Jet Trooper can carry them across them great distances. Their EMP launcher is used for disabling the Droideka's sheilds. Clone Commanders are a brick wall; they have heavy firepower and are useful for ally support. Their chain gun is like a machine gun, with faster firing. Their rally ability should be used to bulk up your and your ally's defense. The Magna-Guard is for heavy fire power and bombardment. The RLR Bulldog is for vehicles and groups of enemies. The mortar launcher is same as the grenade launcher and the recon droid for the above. Droidekas are a brick wall and have heavy firepower. With their personal shield emitter, they are a brick wall. Use the four built in repeating blaster rifles for lots of damage.

The center command post is always a good offensive position.

Use your units' advantages. If you are facing a lot of enemies, use the trooper unit. If you are up against vehicles, use heavy weapons.

Use the right unit for the right level. For example, use an engineer for lots of turrets/vehicles. Use snipes for high places with little cover below.

Always keep moving, because if you stop, you are a prime target for snipers.

Use vehicles a lot, as they keep you safe, you get lots of points with them, and some are much faster than walking.

When in vehicles, fill them up. The more weapons you can have going at once, the better.

Kill the most threatening units first. For example, if in a vehicle, take out the heavy weapons units.

Check out an area before you go into battle, so you see the turrets and other dangerous areas.

Use tactics, as charging into battle usually does not work.

Use cover a lot, such as rocks, logs, walls, water, and even grass.

If you are taking a CP, try to stand next to a health droid.

If you are having trouble defeating enemies, try to take out the enemy in ones and twos. This will get you a lot further, and you will come out with a lot more health.

If you are finding something difficult, play on the Hard difficulty setting for a few battles. When change back the difficulty setting, things should seem a bit easier.

Take allies with you wherever you go. Allies = firepower = enemies die = easy CP's = you win.

Pause game play in single player mode then press Up, Down, Left, Down(2), Left, Down(2), Left, Down(3), Left, Right. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Repeat the code to disable its effect. Your ammunition will decrease, but will refill instantly after reloading.

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