Benito Salazar Zayas multi-player skin
Complete the single player Poland missions in SOCOM 3: U.S. Navy SEALs, then use a USB cable to link to that game.
Colonel Al-Kamil Sarwat multi-player skin
Complete the single player South Africa missions in SOCOM 3: U.S. Navy SEALs, then use a USB cable to link to that game.
Dr. Basia Mironova multi-player skin
Complete the single player Poland missions in SOCOM 3: U.S. Navy SEALs, then use a USB cable to link to that game.
Easy Stealth Bonus Objective
On the last level, go through the river to get to the processing plant. Use a rocket to take out the two guards on the wall on the left. Do not worry if you killed only one guard. The other guard will not notice. Hug the wall where they were standing and the game should state that you have been awarded the stealth bonus objective.
Elite SEAL multi-player skin
Complete all Instant Action missions.
Gamal Imad multi-player skin
Complete the single player Asia missions in SOCOM 3: U.S. Navy SEALs, then use a USB cable to link to that game.
'Riverine': Leave Level Boundary
On the SEALs side of the the riverine, you will notice a path that leads to a sharp right curve. Walk up that far wall at an angle and you will be able to go to an area that is otherwise inaccessible. Do not go behind the plants or you will become stuck and not be able to get out or throw grenades. However the number of grenades you try to throw will be taken from your stash.
'Rolling Stock': Get Behind Garage
Go inside the garage with all of the oil tanks stored in it. Then, go through the back door. You will be at a wall. Then, lay down and very slowly hold L and move the Analog-stick Left. Make sure you are doing this while holding L. When you get inside, be careful to stay on the solid ground or you will get stuck. It may take about a minute to do this glitch.
When online, go to anything you can climb and hold R. Then, lay down while holding R and press Square to teleport to the climbing spot.
How to Unlock - Unlockable
Must Finish the Morocco Missions - Morocco Intro
Must Finish the Poland Missions - Poland Intro
Must Finish the Chile Missions - Chile Intro
Must Finish the Campaign Mode - Credits
Must Finish the South Asia Missions - South Asia Intro
Unlock weapons for one player mode
Finish the single-player campaign in SOCOM 3 on Ensign or higher and link your games via Crosstalk.
How to Unlock - Unlockable
Finish the South Asia area of operation in SOCOM 3 - ZX25 Burst
Finish the Poland area of operation in SOCOM 3 - STG 77
Finish the North Africa area of operation in SOCOM 3 - 9mm SMG
Whisper Mode In Online Play
In Whisper mode, you can chat with someone both privately and with someone in a different game room. This only works with text chat and not voice chat. To do this, connect to the Internet in the game, enter a briefing room, then enter a game. Press Square to open the keyboard. Then, type /w
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