Alex Kidd - Continue Game (after gameover)
After getting a game over, go to options menu from title screen. Just hit continue to return to the stage you died in.
Continue Game on last level - Hold Square and push Start repeatively after Death
Level Select - Enable Options Menu. Select a level, hold square and push start
Secret Options Menu - Hold X and push Start on title screen
Select Beats for each level - Hold Square, X, Cirlce, Down/Left and Start on the Title Screen
Sound Test - Hold Square, Circle, Up/Right and Start on the Title Screen
Complete Comix Zone Episode 1.
Go to jukebox from the main menu and select these numbers in the following order:
Code - Effect
3, 12, 17, 2, 2, 10, 2, 7, 7, 11 - If entered correctly you should hear "Oh Yeah" and have unlimited health when you play the game (falling down pits/holes still kill you)
Complete level 2 in Altered Beast.
Gain Ground (Level Select)
First hit select and go to "Control Setup". Now make sure the game is in ABC Mode. Now enter the options screen and press A, C, B, C.
First hit select and go to "Control Setup". Now make sure the game is in ABC Mode. At the title screen highlight "Options". Now press & hold A+B+C. In the options screen continue holding B & C, release only A. Configure the game however you like. Now only press the Start button to confirm all choices until you reach the character select screen. (don't forget to continue holding B & C the entire time) If you look in the lower right hand corner of the character select screen the Credits should now say 8 instead of 3.
Golden Axe 2 Level Select
First hit select and go to "Control Setup". Now make sure the game is in ABC Mode. At the title screen highlight "Options". Now press & hold A+B+C. In the options screen continue holding A, release only B & C. Configure the game however you like. Now only press the B button to confirm all choices until you have selected your character. (don't forget to continue holding A the entire time) Once you have selected your character a number should appear on screen allowing you to select your level.
First hit select and go to "Control Setup". Now make sure the game is in ABC Mode. At the title screen highlight "Arcade". Now press and hold Down/Left + B. Continue holding the buttons at the character select screen, and press Start. A number should appear in the upper left hand corner of the screen. Press up or down to select your level.
Level Select for Sonic the Hedgehog
At the title screen:
Code - Effect
Up, down, left, right, hold X & press Start - Level Select
Password - Effect
MIEMIE - 'Hidden items' grab points are shown with a blue star.
STAR - A shooting star goes across the background. (JP)
MUSEUM - Boss Rush Mode.
XXXXXX - Clears/Deactivates the current password.
AGES - Copyright info is displayed.
FEEL - ILOVEU,MIEMIE,CANDY,active all at once (JP).
CANDY - Invincibility (JP).
MACCHA - Mentions Miyake colour (JP).
MASTER - Mentions next game (JP).
AAAAAA - No continue limit (JP).
MAGURO - Onchi Music mode and credit's music in sound test.
HETAP - Reverses the High Score in Demo Mode (JP).
VALDI - Shows the Solar System (JP).
ILOVEU - Stage Select
SUPERB - Super Difficulty Mode
DOFEEL - Time Attack Mode
On the Options Screen, highlight the "MUSIC" sound test and play these songs in order: "He Runs", "Japonesque", "Shinobi Walk", "Sakura", and "Getufu". Exit the Options Screen and start the game, you will be invincible.
Unlimited Shurikens
On the Options Screen, set "SHURIKENS" to 00, then set "S.E" sound test to "Shuriken". Highlight "SHURIKENS" again and the 00 will change into an infinity symbol.
Find the first bonus area in Ristar.
Try every game, including bonus arcade games.
Get a Chaos Emerald in Sonic the Hedgehog.
First hit select, go to "Control Setup" and make sure the game is in ABC Mode. Enter the options screen press A, B, B, A, Down, A, B, B, A. This will bring you to the Debug menu.
First hit select, go to "Control Setup" and make sure the game is in ABC Mode. Pause the game and press A, B, Right, A, C, A , Down, A, B, Right, A (ABRACADABRA). Unpause and your life will be restored.
Vectorman 2 (Extra Lives)
First hit select, go to "Control Setup" and make sure the game is in ABC Mode. Pause the game and press Right, Up, B, A, Down, Up, B, Down, Up, B. Unpause and you will have 1 extra life. You can keep doing the code for as many lives as you like.
Vectorman 2 (Level Select)
First hit select, go to "Control Setup" and make sure the game is in ABC Mode. Pause the game and press Up, Right, A, B, A, Down, Left, A, Down. Unpause and you will be brought to the level select screen.
Vectorman 2 (Refill Energy)
First hit select, go to "Control Setup" and make sure the game is in ABC Mode. Pause the game and press B, A, B, A, Left, Up, Up. Unpause and your energy will be fully restored.
Vectorman 2 (Weapon Select)
First hit select, go to "Control Setup" and make sure the game is in ABC Mode. Pause the game and press C, A, Left, Left, Down, A, Down. Unpause and you will have a new weapon. You can keep entering the code until you get the weapon you desire.
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