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Big Headed Clank: 4 Big Headed Ratchet: 8 Mirrored Levels: 12 Weapon Switching: 16 Big Headed Enemies: 20 Super Bloom: 24 Old Timey: 26 Expat Exchange: 28 Bolt Confusion: 32 Pumpkin Heads: 40 Snowman Heads: 45 Kapow: 50 Ratchet Pack: 65 Hardcore Mode: 65
52 Card Pickup: Rionosis: Quark vs Jack - Finish off Jack using only cards, not bombs. Punches can be used. A Gadgebot Stands Alone: Les Paradis Des Tricheurs Casino: Special Missions: Gadgebot part - Never use the revive command in either of the Gadgetbot arenas. A Pretty Good Likeness: Defeat Klunk without damaging Robo-Ratchet. All Slime Must Burn: Secret Laboratory Venantanio - Complete the level killing Amoboids using only melee attacks and the Suitcase Flamethrower. Antaeus: Prison Planet - Complete the Mega-Challenge without jumping. Black Diamond: Glaciara: Snowboard Clank - Hit no obstacles (enemy projectiles do not count). Black Tie Affair: Asyanica: Clank - Get through the level defeating all enemies with the Tie-A-Rang. Blaster Overload: Asyanica: Quark - Defeat the Boss without using the regular blaster. Cereal Decoder Ring: Complete the Knockin' On Klunk's Door challenge with a time less than 4:30. Deadly Hands: Rionosis, Clank - Dispatch all of the Kingpin's guards before he reaches the fourth tourist cart. Deep Six: Canals, Venantonio: Special Missions - Do not get hit by seeking mines. Dress for Success: Rionosis: Quark vs Jack - Get Jack to hit himself with three of his own hats. El Dia de los Muertos: Fort Sprocket: Gadgetbot mission - Get a Static Midge helmet on all three Gadgebots at once. Empty the Warrens: Prison Planet: Cafeteria - Kill over 89 Tyhrranoids in the Tyrranoid Recycling challenges. Furious Fists Of Fury: Boltaire Museum - Use only your melee attacks to complete the level. Hanging Judge: Prison Planet: Jail Break - Complete the main challenge without letting any prisoners escape. He Cleans Pools Too!: Hydrana: Cowboy Quark - Kill 20 enemies with a single lawnmower. I Kill The Rock: The Quasar Fields, Giant Clank - Kill all three Mega Rock class dreadnoughts. Indian Burn: Prison Planet: Exercise Yard - Kill ten enemies with dodgeballs. Inverse Ninja Law: Asyanica, Quark - Kill 99 ninjas during the fight. It's A Delicacy Somewhere: Spaceship Graveyard: Clank's Mission - Blow up every mature organic spore in the level "Ones That Aren't Rooted"). Like the Wind: Asyanica: Clank - Get through without getting hit by anything. Magnum Opus: Complete the entire opera without getting hit. Master Of Disguise: Kingpin stealth level - Use every disguise station when the Kingpin gets suspicious (do not kill the last guard until the end). Modestly: Do not lose the towel ever in the Mega challenge. Offensive Driver: Hydrana car mission - Complete the timed challenge with at least 60 seconds remaining. Perfect Chrome Finish: Complete the Rescue Clank! challenge without any Gadgebot taking any damage. Perfect Tango: Glaciara, Clank - Do not miss any button presses on the tango music segment. Punchy: Spaceship Graveyard: Quark - Destroy all pirates using only punches. Ring Around The Rosie: Hydrano, Clank - Collect all the rings in the Driving Test Ring challenge. Ringleader: Glaciara: Clank Snowboarding - Collect all the rings in the Go For The Gold ring challenge. Ringmaster: Canals, Venantonio: Special Missions - Collect all the rings in the Threading The Needle challenge. Robot Finds Ninja: Asyanica: Clank - Get all possible stealth kills in the level (one sleeping and several before the second row of police cars). Ruuba Dub Club: Use the wrench to kill the Amebiod King. Silent Night: Boltaire Museum, Clank - Take all guards in the museum using stealth takedowns. Slippery Slope: Hydrana: Clank - Hit at least five oil slicks on a single life. Smooth Moves: Snowboarding level - Get 15 guards to shoot each other (brake when they are about to shoot). Sold Out: Get 150,00 box office sales. Sour Victory: Spaceship Graveyard: Quark - Kill the Kudzu Monster using only lemons. Speed Demon: Complete the Rescue Clank! challenge with a time of 1:25 or less. Steel Rain: Rionosis: Clank - Send at least 10 Henchbots of the Dondolas into the open blue. The Law Can't Touch Me: Prison Planet: Exercise Yard - Complete the Mega Challenge and never get struck by the yard guns. Trash Talk: Kingpin stealth level - Use the trash cans to lure the guards and kill them (hit the cans when Kingpin is close, hide, then kill the investigating guard) Triple Platinum Record: Boltaire Museum, Clank - Get through the entire rhythm segment without missing any button presses. Turn The Tables: Underwater Base - Complete at least four successful takedowns on Klunk and never get taken down yourself. Twinkle Toes: Venantonio: Quark's Musical - Get a 5-chain butterfly bounces without touching the stage. Wake Of Destruction: Destroy everything. Whip It Good: Prison Planet: Jail Break - Get 40 kills with the plasma whip. Yeeee Haaaaaw!: HYDRANAracing - Perform a roll off of a cliff.
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