Complete the indicated character's Story mode to unlock the corresponding character:
Goemon Ishikawa: Successfully complete Magoichi's story
Hanzo Hattori: Successfully complete Tadakatsu's story
Hideyoshi Hashiba: Successfully complete Nobunaga's story
Inahime: Successfully complete Tadakatsu's story
Keiji Maeda: Successfully complete Magoichi's story
Kunoichi: Successfully complete Yukimura's story
Masumune Date: Successfully complete Kenshin's story
Mitsuhide Akechi: Successfully complete Nobunaga's Second story
Noh: Successfully complete Nobunaga's story
Ranmaru Mori: Successfully complete Nobunaga's Second story
Shingen Takeda: Successfully complete Yukimura's story
Tadakatsu Honda: Successfully complete Yukimura's story
Yoshimoto Imagawa: Successfully complete Tadakatsu's story
Finish Magoichi's first campaign.
You must finish Yukimura's second campaign.
how to unlock 3rd and 4th weapon
First turn the difficulty settings to hard if you wanna unlock 3rd weapons and chaos if you wanna unlock 4th weapons then you must battle in in stages 3 or more stars (I preffered ultimate warriors level) then choose your subofficer yoshimoto imagawa or any subofficer that have skills ''appraisal'' on your subofficer then you must finish the stages. |
Submitted by loaderSuccessfully complete all story mode levels for all characters to gain the ability to increase any stat to the maximum.
Successfully complete the Ieyasu's Volition, East United, West United and Nobunaga's Ambition stories to unlock the Ultimate Warrior story. This story features Samurai Warriors and Dynasty Warriors characters. It will appear as the fourth campaign for all characters.
Entry Location: After beating the story Western Warriors. To unlock Keiji, beat Wester Warriors with Magoichi or Okuni (I did it with Magoichi.) After beating it a screen will come up and ask if you want to save the game after that screen it'll say what you unlocked and thats how you unlock Keiji.
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