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Answer: 140 How many lures does the Rapala group manufacture per year? Answer: 20 million Rapala lures can have up to how many coats of paint and epoxy? Answer: 12 In what year did Lauri Rapala carve the very first Rapala crankbait? Answer: 1936 In what year was the first Shad Rap brought to market? Answer: 1982 In what year was the X-Rap first sold? Answer: 2005 What is the all-time number one seller in the Rapala lineup? Answer: Original Floater What is the only continent on which a Rapala lure has not landed a world record? Answer: Antarctica In how many colors is the Original Floater available? Answer: 15 In how many sizes is the original Shad Rap available? Answer: 4 How many World Record catches were recorded on Rapala lures in 2005? Answer: 15 In how many colors is the original X-Rap available? Answer: 13 If going for bass in rocks or heavy cover, which would be the best crankbait to choose? Answer: DT Flat When trolling for most freshwater species, which Rapala has proven to be the most effective? Answer: Shad Rap What type of wood is used to make the Original Floater and all other freshwater wooden Rapalas? Answer: Balsa In what year was the Glass Shad Rap introduced? Answer: 2003 In what year was the Glass Fat Rap introduced? Answer: 2004 What color box does the Skitter Walk come in? Answer: Yellow What color box does the Original Floater come in? Answer: Blue What color box does the DT series of lures come in? Answer: Green What color box does the Shad Rap come in? Answer: Silver What color box does the Original Jointed come in? Answer: Red What color box would you see the Countdown in? Answer: Green On what lake did Lauri Rapala test his first hand-carved Rapala lure? Answer: Lake Paijanne How deep will the DT6 dive, under most circumstances? Answer: 6ft On an average cast, how deep will a size 10 X-Rap dive? Answer: 4ft On an average cast, how deep will a size 7 Shad Rap dive? Answer: 7-9ft On an average cast, how deep will a size 13 Floater dive? Answer: 1-3ft On an average cast, how deep will a size 3 Mini Fat Rap dive? Answer: 3-6ft On an average cast, how deep will a size 5 Fat Rap dive? Answer: 7-10ft On an average cast, how deep will a size 9 Jointed Floater dive? Answer: 5-7ft On an average cast, how deep will a size 10 Husky Jerk dive? Answer: 4-8ft When you stop retrieving a Husky Jerk, what will it do? Answer: Suspend On an average cast, how deep will a size 9 Tail Dancer dive? Answer: 9-12ft On an average cast, how deep will a size 5 Jointed Shad Rap dive? Answer: 7-12ft On an average cast, how deep will a DT16 dive? Answer: 16ft On an average cast, how deep will a size 10 Long Cast Minnow dive? Answer: 1-3ft On an average cast, how deep will a size 11 Deep Tail Dancer dive? Answer: 25-30ft The Skitter Walk, Skitter Prop and what other Rapala lure are designed to be fished as topwater plugs? Answer: Skitter Pop On an average cast, how deep will a size 7 Glass Shad Rap dive? Answer: 8-14ft On an average cast, how deep will a size 7 Glass Fat Rap dive? Answer: 7-9ft The Countdown series lures sink at a rate of how fast per second? Answer: 1ft How long is the largest Countdown Magnum lure? Answer: 10.5 inches In what country was Rapala founded and in which country is the headquarters still located today? Answer: Finland The Original Floater was introduced in two sizes. How many sizes is it available in today? Answer: 7Q
5: Video 1 "The Greatest Fishing Story Ever Told" 10: Glass Shad Rap Lure 15: Video 2 "Big Bait = Big Fish" 20: DT Flat Sure Set Series 25: Video 3 "Rapala Craftsmanship" 30: X-Rap Jointed Shad Lure 35: Video 4 "Your Best Shot At A World Record" 40: Lauri Rapala 100th Anniversary Lure 45: Video 5 "It's A Big One!!!"
5: Video 1 "The Greatest Fishing Story Ever Told" 10: Glass Shad Rap Lure 15: Video 2 "Big Bait = Big Fish" 20: DT Flat Sure Set Series 25: Video 3 "Rapala Craftsmanship" 30: X-Rap Jointed Shad Lure 35: Video 4 "Your Best Shot At A World Record" 40: Lauri Rapala 100th Anniversary Lure 45: Video 5 "It's A Big One!!!"
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