If you take a moment to "Party" (PATA-PON-DON-CHICKA!) before a boss fight or any time you need full fever, you will fill your fever bar faster than walking, attacking or defending. Seems to fill about 3x faster!
Achieve a team goal.
Complete the Cave of Valour.
To get the pause song you need to go the farthest distance in the first tutorial level. Use the spear guy.
Once you beat the game, you can choose between 3 endings, with different consequences for each choice.
Die and go to heaven
You unlock the multiplayer dungeon level, The Depths of Jealousy.
Live and fight one forever
Allows you then to start a new game being a dark hero anyone you want rageworf, ravenous etc.
Sacrifice your body for the patapons
You save the Patapons. They are back alive.
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