All performance and visual upgrades and $200,000
Enter "!tuner-well" as a profile name to unlock all performance and visual upgrades and $200,000.
When being chased by the cops, watch out for reckless driving and try to take all shortcuts.
Defeat one of the following opponents to unlock the corresponding car:
Carrera 4S: Ming
Carrera GT: Toru Sato
Corvette: Kamikaze
Eclipse: Big Lou
Ford GT: JV
Gallardo: Webster
Lancer and WRX STi: Earl
M3 GTR 1: Ronnie
M3 GTR 2: Razor
Mustang GT: Baron
RX-8: Izzy
TT: Jewels
Enter "!mr. blonde" as a profile name to unlock all bonuses and get $500,000. Note: There is a space in this code. You must still purchase the unlocked items.
Replay the Boss levels to get big cash bonuses.
When you drive over 200 mph, the nitrous will fill up twice as fast.
Getting Heat level 10 quickly
Try to get high speed. Then drive near other cars and you will get near misses. When a cop car is waiting for you, drive quickly in front of it. When the cops try to slow you down, crash them to get pileups. You should reach Heat level 10 in a minute.
Get the Gallardo as soon as possible and upgrade all of its performance upgrades. Everything will be almost full. Try to get the handling better than the speed or it will have no effect. You should now be able to win all events and defeat the Bosses easily.
Get the Audi TT as soon as possible and tune it up as far as possible. Everything will be almost full. Then, buy the Gallardo as soon as possible and tune it up as much as possible. It will be one of the fastest cars available.
When performance tuning your car, try to raise "Top Speed", "Acceleration", and "Handling" at the same time, and keep them even as much as possible.
Super Composite hoods and spoilers
Win the indicated Bonus Part Challenges to unlock the corresponding Super Composite hood and spoiler for the listed car:
Carrera 4S: Bonus Part Challenge 1 and 2 on Rank 5
Carrera GT: Bonus Part Challenge 1 and 2 on Rank 2
Cobalt SS: Bonus Part Challenge 1 and 2 on Rank 13
Corvette: Bonus Part Challenge 1 and 2 on Rank 6
Eclipse: Bonus Part Challenge 1 and 2 on Rank 11
Ford GT: Bonus Part Challenge 1 and 2 on Rank 3
Gallardo: Bonus Part Challenge 1 and 2 on Rank 4
Golf: Bonus Part Challenge 1 and 2 on Rank 15
Lancer: Bonus Part Challenge 1 and 2 on Rank 9
Mazda3: Bonus Part Challenge 1 and 2 on Rank 14
Mustang GT: Bonus Part Challenge 1 and 2 on Rank 10
RX-8: Bonus Part Challenge 1 and 2 on Rank 12
TT: Bonus Part Challenge 1 and 2 on Rank 7
WRX STi: Bonus Part Challenge 1 and 2 on Rank 8
Defeat one of the following opponents and own their car to unlock their unique vinyl:
Enter profile name "m3 gtr 2".
Unlock all cop cars in Tuner Takedown and $100,000
Enter !bacon as your profile name.
Unlock all tracks and $100,000
Enter !get-set as your profile name.
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