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Password - Effect UCK868 - Beach Trooper BEN917 - Ben Kenobi's ghost VHY832 - Bespin Guard WTY721 - Bib Fortuna HLP221 - Boba Fett BNC332 - Death Star Trooper TTT289 - Ewok YZF999 - Gamorean Guard NFX582 - Gonk Droid SMG219 - Grand Moff Tarkin YWM840 - Han Solo with hood NXL973 - IG-88 MMM111 - Imperial Guard BBV889 - Imperial Officer VAP664 - Imperial Shuttle Pilot CVT125 - Imperial Spy UUB319 - Lobot SGE549 - Palace Guard CYG336 - Rebel Pilot EKU849 - Rebel Trooper from Hoth GBU888 - Skiff Guard NYU989 - Snow Trooper PTR345 - Stromtrooper HHY382 - The Emperor HDY739 - TIE Fighter NNZ316 - TIE Fighter Pilot QYA828 - TIE Interceptor UGN694 - Ugnaught
Unlockable - How to Unlock R4-P17, PK Droid - Episode 4, Chapter 2 Battle Droid, B. D. (Security), B. D. (Geonosis), B. D. (Commander) - Episode 4, Chapter 4 Chancellor Palpatine, General Grievous, Grievous' Bodyguard - Episode 6, Chapter 5 Clone (Episode III, Pilot) - Episode 4, Chapter 6 Clone (Episode III, Swamp) - Episode 5, Chapter 4 Clone, Clone (Ep.III), Commander Cody, Clone (Ep.III Walker) - Episode 6, Chapter 3 Disguised Clone, Boba Fett (Boy) - Episode 6, Chapter 1 Droideka - Episode 4, Chapter 5 Geonosian - Episode 5, Chapter 3 Jango Fett - Episode 6, Chapter 2 Luminara, Ki-Adi Mundi, Kit Fisto, Shaak Ti - Episode 5, Chapter 1 Mace Windu, Mace Windu (Ep.III) - Episode 6, Chapter 6 Padme (Battle), Padme (Clawed), Padme (Geonosis) - Episode 5, Chapter 2 Padme, Anakin Skywalker (boy) - Episode 4, Chapter 3 Queen Amidala, Royal Guard, Captain Panaka - Episode 5, Chapter 6 Super Battle Droid - Episode 5, Chapter 5 TC-14 - Episode 4, Chapter 1 Wookie, Jar Jar Binks - Episode 6, Chapter 4
Play as a Bounty Hunter (Boba Fett, 4-LOM, Greedo, etc.) at the Mos Eisley Cantina. Enter any mission. Character bonuses are recommended. Immediately when the mission loads, pause game play and return to the cantina. Once there, go to the outskirts of the cantina and destroy every trash can, ship piece, and platinum object you see with your bounty hunter's blaster and/or thermal detonators. Collect every stud possible. After you have destroyed everything, you can repeat the process as many times as desired. This is a quick and easy way to get at least 20,000 to 30,000 studs each time. Go to the Mos Eisley Spaceport in Episode IV: A New Hope. Walk up the stairs on the right. keep killing yourself. When you collect the studs you will get twice as much back. Go to a chapter that you have already completed. Do it again in Free Play mode The Secret Plans (Episode IV, Chapter I) with Darth Maul as your main character is recommended, because he can open doors that Ben Kenobi cannot. This allows you to access areas full of wealth, minikits, etc. If you scour this stage from top to bottom you can get over 130,000 studs. Repeat this as desired. Destroying containers of any sort and opening drawers using the Force will dramatically add to your stud count.
-A Red Brick -Some Studs -A cool Minivan You require -Obi Wan or someone that has force or "JEDI" -C3P0 -A Storm Trooper -Episode four a new hope part one free play Steps 1. Free play part one of episode four. Keep on going and walking. 2. You might have a chance to see darth vader along with four levers on your left and right. Defeat that mission. 3. You have gone to the door in your front. Go to it. Then another door will be there in the left. Go in 4. Go to your right and you will see an access panel near a door. Use a storm trooper to it.Get in the door. 5. Optionally you can see blue marked lego vents. Use a Jedi to open it and get studs. 6. Use C3PO after going forward to open a panel lock of the force field. After that the force field will be gone. 7. Enter the hall. Another door will open when you go near to it. 8. A room will be there. About 8 (3 in the left,3 in front and 2 in the right) small ground soils will be there. Up to each of them are watering machines. Use a Jedi to pull the water down and water the soil. Plants will grow each of the soil. 9. Destroy the three front plants to get parts of a minivan and studs. Assemble the lego parts. Use the force again to grip the steering wheel and the head to the body. You can ride it by pressing the triangle button. 10. Destroying one of the right plants has one red brick. Obtain it for your collection. 11. Destroy the rest of the plants. | Submitted by angellinus
Episode 4 Character Bonus: 8 Gold Bricks Episode 4 Minikit Bonus: 8 Gold Bricks Episode 4 Super Story: 8 Gold Bricks Episode 5 Character Bonus: 16 Gold Bricks Episode 5 Minikit Bonus: 16 Gold Bricks Episode 5 Super Story: 16 Gold Bricks Episode 6 Character Bonus: 32 Gold Bricks Episode 6 Minikit Bonus: 32 Gold Bricks Episode 6 Super Story: 32 Gold Bricks
R4-P17, PK Droid: Episode 4, Chapter 2 Battle Droid, B. D. (Security), B. D. (Geonosis), B. D. (Commander): Episode 4, Chapter 4 Chancellor Palpatine, General Grievous, Grievous' Bodyguard: Episode 6, Chapter 5 Clone (Episode III, Pilot): Episode 4, Chapter 6 Clone (Episode III, Swamp): Episode 5, Chapter 4 Clone, Clone (Ep.III), Commander Cody, Clone (Ep.III Walker) : Episode 6, Chapter 3 Disguised Clone, Boba Fett (Boy) : Episode 6, Chapter 1 Droideka : Episode 4, Chapter 5 Geonosian : Episode 5, Chapter 3 Jango Fett : Episode 6, Chapter 2 Luminara, Ki-Adi Mundi, Kit Fisto, Shaak Ti : Episode 5, Chapter 1 Mace Windu, Mace Windu (Ep.III) : Episode 6, Chapter 6 Padme (Battle), Padme (Clawed), Padme (Geonosis) : Episode 5, Chapter 2 Padme, Anakin Skywalker (boy) : Episode 4, Chapter 3 Queen Amidala, Royal Guard, Captain Panaka : Episode 5, Chapter 6 Super Battle Droid : Episode 5, Chapter 5 TC-14 : Episode 4, Chapter 1 Wookie, Jar Jar Binks : Episode 6, Chapter 4
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