"Here Be Dragons!" message
Take a boat to any corner of the map to see the message "Here Be Dragons!" message on the ocean floor.
Ammu-nation store discount
Earn gold medals on all weapons at the gun club.
Use the following trick to avoid hotwiring a car with your tools or PDA. Enter the car, then immediately exit and get back in. You can now start the car without any problems. Note: The car alarm may briefly turn on.
As you approach a toll booth on a bridge, press exit your car while it is still rolling. If done correctly, car will glide through the booth. You can then get back in the car without paying the toll and not getting a wanted level.
Complete all five Vigilante mission levels with a 100% kill rate.
Drop off fifteen consecutive passengers without the timer running out. All taxis that you enter will be bulletproof.
Get in a very fast car or a motorcycle. Hold Square + X then hold Left or Right to do a spinning burnout. Release Square + X for a speed boosted start with a wheelie. Your burning tire tracks can burn the people behind you.
Find an empty taxi and get in. Instead of hotwiring, press SELECT to start the Taxi bonus missions. Press SELECT again to quit and the taxi will be hotwired.
Enter one of the following codes during game play while outside of a safehouse. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Enabling codes may prevent trophies from becoming unlocked.
Press L(2), R, X(2), Circle(2), R during game play.
Cloudy weather
Press Up, Down, Left, Right, Triangle, Square, L, R during game play.
Explosive pistol rounds
Press L, R, Triangle, Square, Circle, X, Up, Down during game play. Repeat the code to disable its effect.
Foggy weather
Press Up, Down, Left, Right, Square, X, R, L during game play.
Health and armor
Press L(2), R, Circle(2), X(2), R during game play. Note: When enabled inside a vehicle this code will also repair it, if damaged.
Hurricane weather
Press Up, Down, Left, Right, X, Square, R, L during game play.
Increase wanted level
Press L(2), R, Square(2), Triangle(2), R during game play.
Lower wanted level
Press R, Triangle(2), Square(2), R, L(2) during game play.
Rainy weather
Press Up, Down, Left, Right, Square, Circle, L, R during game play.
Stormy weather
Press Up, Down, Left, Right, Circle, Triangle, R, L during game play.
Sunny weather
Press Up, Down, Left, Right, Circle, X, L, R during game play.
Weapon tier 1
Press R, Up, X, Down, Left, R, X, Right during game play. This code unlocks the grenade, nightstick, pistol, minigun, assault, micro SMG, and stubby shotgun.
Weapon tier 2
Press R, Up, Circle, Down, Left, R, Circle, Right during game play. This code unlocks the Molotov cocktail, taser, dual pistols, flamethrower, carbine, SMG, and dual-barrel shotgun.
Weapon tier 3
Press R, Up, Square, Down, Left, R, Square, Right during game play. This code unlocks the mine, chainsaw, revolver, flamethrower, carbine, SMG, and dual-barrel shotgun.
Weapon tier 4
Press R, Up, Triangle, Down, Left, R, Triangle, Right during game play. This code unlocks the flashbang grenade, bat, pistol, RPG, carbine, micro SMG, and stubby shotgun.
Very sunny weather
Press Up, Down, Left, Right, X, Triangle, L, R during game play.
When you are on fire (for example, after touching a flaming car), press Square to roll a few times to put out the flames.
Go to the Beach Gate district in the bottom right corner of the first island (where Mikhail Faustin's house is in Grand Theft Auto 4). After entering that area, go behind the third house to the right to find the Go-Kart in the garden.
Complete the Firefighter missions with a "Gold" rank.
Drive a boat to Bohan Island, near the Northern Gardens district. From the island's head of land, drive straight out to find a "Kilroy" picture on the ocean.
Successfully complete both noodle delivery missions with a "Gold" rank.
When you get arrested, all of your hard earned uhhh... drugs and guns are taken away. To prevent this, as you are getting arrested / yanked out of your ride, press pause. Got to Multiplayer, then Wi-Fi Connection. It will then ask you if you want to save. Save and you and your equipment will save safely at a nearby safehouse. Safety first.
If you are set ablaze, just remember what you learned in elementary school, "Stop, Drop, and Roll!" Just press Y and you'll put out the flames instantly.
Complete all five Paramedic mission levels with 100% lives saved.
Successfully complete both mail courier missions with a "Gold" rank.
Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding trophy at your apartment.
Trophy | How to unlock
| |
| - Get a score of at least 10,000 for a weapon.
| - Discover 40 drug dealers.
| |
| |
| |
| - Gain a $2,000 drug profit.
| - Discover all 80 drug dealers.
| |
Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding vehicle at the Boabo auto dealer.
Vehicle | How to unlock
| - Get a Bronze or better medal in all Algonquin races.
| - Complete the "Weapons of Mass Destruction" mission.
| - Complete the "Counterfeit Gangster" mission.
| - Get a Bronze or better medal in all time trials.
| - Complete the mission "Grave Situation".
| - Complete the "Jackin Chan" mission.
| - Complete the "Raw Deal" mission.
| - Get a Bronze or better medal in all street races.
| - Get a Bronze or better medal in all Go-Kart time trials.
| - Complete the "Wheelman" mission.
| - Complete the "Bomb Disposal" mission.
| - Complete the "Cash & Burn" mission.
| - Complete all of Guy's missions.
| - Get a Bronze or better medal in all Broker and Dukes races.
| - Complete the "Wheelman" mission.
| - Complete the "Wheelman" mission.
| - Complete the "Pimp His Ride" mission.
| - Complete all story missions.
| - Complete the "Operation Northwood" mission.
| - Get a Bronze or better medal in all Bohan races.
Go to Algonquin Island, then to the docks between the Lancet district and Colony Island. The exact location is about 300 feet to the south of Algonquin Bridge. Go downstairs to find the Wet Ski and start the mini-game. Note: Press R while riding it to make sharper turns.
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