Successfully complete all Arena missions, then use the following combinations with the "Customize Armor" option:
Fleet: Helm of Swiftness, Leather Jerkin, Bone Shaffron, Leather Drape, Leather Crupper
Guardian: Chain Coif, Cuirass of Heroes, Chain Shaffron, Faceted Peytral, Chain Crupper
Reaver: Leather Coif, Cuirass of Heroes, Doom Shaffron, Chain Peytral, Leather Crupper
Savage: Leather Coif, Leather Jerkin, Chain Shaffron, Chain Peytral, Chain Crupper
Stalker: Leather Coif, Leather Jerkin, Rock Shaffron, Rock Peytral, Whiptail Crupper
Totem: Wood Helm, Wood Breastplate, Doom Shaffron, Faceted Peytral, Bone Crupper
After you've unlocked all of the armor sets, go to customize armor when you choose your character for your customize arena choose the wood helm, chain shirt, chain shaffron, hide wrap, and bone crupper. All of the stats on protection, speed, maneuverability, magic, and weapons are all the same at six out of twelve stat points. It workss actually pretty well. |
Submitted by JohnRossBleacherEasy Way To Beat Road to Farthen Dur
In the level Road to Farthen Dur instead of having Murtagh follow you around the whole time you can leave him behind. Once you get Murtagh to one of the draw bridges stay there and kill all the urgals on both sides of the canyon. leave Murtagh behind. After that go ahead and destroy all the ballistae, ruins, and archer towers. Eat the mountain goats and urgals if you get low in health. I'd also suggest when destroyin the archer towers that instead of using all your fire arrows (since they don't always hit your targets) use rocks or exlosive barrels. Believe me I learned this works the hard way after ssoooo many other tries. |
Submitted by JohnRossBleacherAfter you beat the game, choose one of the arena challenges and choose "Customize Arena" and go through the armor selections and you will find Brom and Galbatorix armor. They both have the same stats. Here they are: Protection-9, Speed-9, Maneuverability-5, Magic-8, and Weapons-7. |
Submitted by JohnRossBleacherMore Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements