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Disgaea: Afternoon of Darkness

Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements for Disgaea: Afternoon of Darkness on Sony PSP

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Disgaea: Afternoon of Darkness Cheats

Get your customer rank to about 6+ and pass the "Eyewear Inventory" bill. Go to the Battle Depot and check the glasses section. If you see "Foresight", go to it and check if there is a pre-subdued specialist already on it (orange circles). If so, buy it but do not equip it. The only thing it is good for is to move the specialist onto another piece of equipment and equip that. If you equip the glasses themselves, you will not be able to move. There is also another item with a similar glitch, called "Tainted Staff". It is usually a pre-subdued "Alchemist - 11026"

This can be done at any time: Get any character, purchase or get equips/weapons that add HP (Health) and make sure you have a good amound of money (A smart thing to do would be to use a Prinny; they only cost 1 HL per revival). Equip, then un-equip the chosen items, and re-equip them again. After doing so, the selected character will end up with it's original HP and have the MAX HP from the equipment boost. If you can see, there is missing HP. Go to the hospital, pay the person to heal your character, and it will add HP Points into the total. Redo these steps and get your points in the hospital higher and higher. Eventually, the hospital rewards you with an item for the amount of points recieved. (This cheat is able to work with HP, SP and Deaths. HP = HP Equips, SP = SP Equips, Deaths = All-around statted item). When you get your reward, add it or swap it with another HP equip that is lower statted. Eventually, you'll be able to recieve equips that add much needed Health, SP or stats.

Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding ending sequence.

EndingHow to unlock

Complete the indicated task or go to the listed location to find the corresponding character.

CharacterHow to unlock

ClassHow to unlock

The trick is having a Thief to steal the enemy's equipment, otherwise you'll be at a disadvantage. Nemesis Mk-II gives the Prinny approximately 13,000+ stats in everything except ATK, which will be about 31,000. Prinny Suit gives him about 45,000 hp and 22,000+ DEF and RES. It will be easier if you can steal it. If you fight Prinny Baal with no "Stronger Enemies" bill passed, your Thief should be about level 3000+. When fighting him at level 9999 (maxed out "Stronger Enemies"), your Thief must be about level 5200+. Also, you should have extra humanoids that can be used as sacrifices. You also need your "damage dealers" crew. It would usually consist of Divine Maijins (level 4000+ recommended) and Larharl having over 1 million ATK and 600,000+ HIT (any level as long as you have those stats.). You are going need some top items to boost your stats. Level 100 super robo suits equipped on Larharl and level 100 Yoshitsuna should suffice. The Divine Maijins should have the most damage dealing equipment you have in your disposal. Optionally, Flonne should also have Braveheart at a decent level with major INT stats. Start by summoning your Thief to the battlefield. Move him in front of Prinny Baal and use one of the stealing hands (Dream Hand, Bandit's Hand, Stealing Hand, etc.). Usually the cheaper hands work just as well as the expensive ones. Steal Nemesis Mk-II first. Once you have executed this command, summon one of your disposable humanoids to lift the Prinny. This requires 8+ Movement to go on the sides of the Prinny. Then, end the turn. If done correctly, the Prinny should have used his turn killing the humanoid that lifted him. Next, steal the Prinny Suit. Summon your damage dealers and Flonne. Have Flonne use Braveheart to increase the ATK stats of all your damage dealers, then have the damage dealers execute their strongest "single" special (one that only attacks one enemy for high damage, such as Nightsever, Avalanche, etc.). Before you end this turn, have another disposable humanoid to lift the Prinny, and then end the turn. Repeat this until Prinny Baal is defeated.

Once Cave of Ordeal has been opened, there are two stages that are "leveling stages"; Cave of Ordeal 3 and Demonhall Mirror. Attacks that do a 3x3 moveable grid (3x3 specials that can be moved, such as Tera Star's square formation) or a 3x3 attack in front of the user (Winged slayer, Astral Dance) should be learned. Make sure that your ATK stat is enough to where you can defeat them in one hit, or have enough DEF stat where the enemy does 0 to 10 DMG. Walk up to the enemies, align them with your 3x3 special, and execute it. Once you get to the point where they die in one hit, just repeat this over and over. For even more experience, pass the "Stronger Enemies" bill, but make sure they are not strong enough to kill you. When you do this frequently, you will also gain a large amount of mana.

Highlight the "New Game" option at the title screen, then press Triangle, Square, Circle, Triangle Square, Circle, X. Etna's voice will confirm correct code entry. Alternately, complete the game after reading Etna's diary in each chapter.

To enter Etna's room, press the two secret buttons in Laharl's Castle. The first button is behind the throne. The second button is inside the skull on the counter in RosenQueen's store. After both buttons are pressed, go to the room where Longinus, Ghoss, Stigma, and Gargo are usually found. Press X in the corner behind Stigma to reveal the door.

In the Japanese version, Highlight the "New Game" option at the title screen, then press Triangle, Square, X, Triangle Square, X, Circle.

When you lift up an enemy and throw it at another, their levels will combine, and stats will increase marginally. However their maximum HP and SP will not. This trick is also a way to get more experience points from an enemy.

Use the following trick to obtain Longinus, the former overlord's own spear (in the corner, who informs you about weapons). When persuading the Dark Assembly by force, if you happen to fight someone who works in the castle and defeat them (for example, the hospital woman), a grave will appear where they normally stand. Talk to Longinus and he will praise you for being the first person worthy of owning King Krichevskoy's famed spear and it will now become yours. It is quite powerful. To regain the services of whoever you killed, save the game, quit, and reload your game.

Often when you try to create character, the mana is high with a strange number placement such as "16873". This is often caused by not killing that certain creature thirty times. When you have killed a creature thirty times, the mana is normal (often ending with 0's at the last digit) and much smaller than before.

When you plan to transmigrate, do it at a higher level than the level you previously transmigrated from otherwise your stats will decrease. For example, if you have a Prinny God at level 3,000, transmigrate and level him to level 1,000; if you were to transmigrate him at level 1,000 his stats would decrease rather than increase. Also, it is highly recommended you always transmigrate under "Genius".

In order to open Etna's Room, you must find two secret button's in Laharl's Castle. The first is found behind the Throne and the second is found inside the Skull that is seated on the RosenQueen's Store Counter. Once you have pressed these two buttons, go to the room where Longinus, Ghoss, a prinny, and Gargo hang out. Press X in the corner behind the prinny to uncover the door.

Get a piece of equipment that increases HP. It is recommended that the Hp increase be a large amount or this will take longer. Equip it, then unequip the item. Equip it again and your HP should decrease from the max HP. Use this gap of HP to heal yourself, thus giving yourself points. Repeat this for hospital points. You should have a large amount of money to do this repeatedly.

To unlock Baal Castle you have to pass the Mysterious Seal and kill Marjoly (lvl 2500 with 700k++ hp). Youll have to kill 3 lvl 1500's and 1 lvl 2000 at Patriarchs seal to go to the Lord of Terror map. Baal is lvl 4000 and is very hard to kill. I used Laharl to get him down to like 1m hp then i used Priere and Marjoly to finish him off. After you kill him you will see a cutscene where laharl talks to King Krichevskoy. Then you will gain the title of Tyrant. But, but i say! after you kill him. He will be reincarnated the NEXT time you got to the map to a prinny. It is very hard to kill and has like 1m atk and like 8m hp. Good luck with killing him. | Submitted by DaZiqsta

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